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🎣 Declarative data fetching for React.

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🎣 Declarative data fetching for React.




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Declarative data fetching for React 🎣

build: CircleCI

coverage: Coveralls

version: next

gzip size

code style

module formats: umd, cjs, esm


`react-data-fetching` provides a very intuitive way to perform any REST API call without hassle, through a single React component. It also helps you take care of timeouts, loading states, errors handling, data saving, uploading/downloading progress, etc. Fetching data while letting the user know what's going on has never been that easy!

The package is quite lightweight (~7 kB gzipped) and has been built from the ground up with universal apps in mind: you can use it wherever React is rendering - meaning it works seamlessly with React (web) & React Native!

## Installation

Using [Yarn](

$ yarn add react-data-fetching@next

Then, use it as you would with anything else:

// using ES6 modules
import { Fetch } from 'react-data-fetching'

// using CommonJS modules
var Fetch = require('react-data-fetching').Fetch

The UMD build is also available on [unpkg](



You can find the library on `window.ReactDataFetching`.

## Usage

The following illustrates the simplest way to use `react-data-fetching`:

import React, { Component } from 'react'
import { Fetch } from 'react-data-fetching'

import { Loader } from './components'

export default class App extends Component {
render() {
return (
} // Replace this with your lovely handcrafted loader
{({ data }) => (





The package gives access to ``, `` and `requestToApi()`. To have an in-depth explanation of how to use them, how they work and even more, head to this post: [Introducing React Data Fetching 🎣](

## Docs

The documentation is available here:

## Todo

Want to submit a PR but don't know where to start? Here is a list of features you could consider! This might change in the future as the API is far from being complete.

- [x] Add compatibility to React 16.3.0+ lifecycles βš›οΈ
- [x] Implement React 16.3.0+ new context API βš›οΈ
- [ ] Add an `/examples` folder for newcomers & contributors πŸ“‚
- [ ] Add the ability to run multiple fetches serially or in parallel β›“
- [ ] Implement a caching system (through React's Suspense?) πŸ“₯
- [ ] What else?

## About

`react-data-fetching` is currently developed and maintained by yours truly, [@Charles_Mangwa]( Feel free to get in touch if you want to contribute!