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Things you can do with a browser in 2020 ☕️

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Things you can do with a browser in 2020 ☕️




It's 2020, and browsers can do amazing stuff.

This repo contains a non-exhaustive list of less-known features implemented in browsers **today**.

This list isn't intended for a technical audience; instead it wants to be a "I didn't know we could do that in a browser!" list.

In many cases, listed features aren't yet part of the standard, and may only be available on certain browsers or configurations.


## [prefers-color-scheme](
Many OSes provide light or dark color theme (notably dark mode on macOS). Websites can detect the preferred color scheme.


## [prefers-reduced-motion](
Similarly to dark mode, users in their OS can remove/reduce animations, we can also detect that.


## [Payment Request API](
Process payments via native browser UI which will be autofilled with credit card, shipping info etc.


## [Web Share API](
Delegate the share of URLs or files to the OS, providing share options based on the installed apps and user preference.


## [WebAudio API](
A high level API to allow developers to create and process audio in the browser.


## [Push API](
Browsers can register push notifications. Sending later, at any moment push notifications, those notifications can contain images, buttons and inline replies.


## [Service Workers](
Among other features, service workers can enable offline browsing and background tasking.

- Provide a fallback when internet isn't available.
- Submitting a form when internet connectivity isn't available, will result in data lost. A service worker can be used to save the data and submit it later when the internet connection is up again.


## [Web/native app install banners](
Display a native banner to encourage users to add the app/website on the home or to install a native app.


## [Get Installed Related Apps API](
Check if the native app related to your site is already installed.


## [WebXR](
Allows to run VR/AR on the web.


## [Picture-in-Picture (PiP)](
Consent to play a video and detach it from the current page, staying sticky and always visible.


## [Media Session API](
Customize media notifications by providing metadata and actions.


## [Media Source Extensions (MSE)](
Create a rich streaming experience in the browser without any plugin by having full control of video and audio media stream.


## [Encrypted Media Extension (EME)](
A programming interface that allows playback of a video that is subject to a digital restrictions management scheme or more commonly know as digital right management.


## [WebRTC](
Enables Web applications and sites to capture and optionally stream audio and/or video media, as well as to exchange arbitrary data between browsers without requiring an intermediary.


## [Chrome Sender API](
If chromecast is available, you can stream a video/audio to your TV/Chromecast enabled device.


## [AirPlay](
Consent to stream a media over AirPlay (like AppleTV).


## [Force Touch API](
With some Apple-specific hardware (like iPhone6S+ and Magic Trackpad) you can detect force pressure.


## [AR Quick Look](
On iOS you can display an `.usdz` 3D asset using a native AR UI:


## [GamePad API](
Allows to use a physical gamepad.


## [WebUSB API](
Allows to access and use peripherals connected via USB.


## [Web Bluetooth API](
Allows to access and use bluetooth devices.


## [Web Locks API](
Prevents display sleep and enables wake lock.


## [Keyboard Lock](
While in fullscreen, allows to receive keys that are normally handled by the system or the browser like Cmd/Alt-Tab, or Esc.


## [Generic Sensor API](
Allows to use several sensors like Accelerometer, Gyroscope, AmbientLightSensor, and Magnetometer.


## [Credential Management API](
Enables to store and retrieve password credentials, it elso enables tap to sign in and automatic sign back, password sharing on multiple device and many more.


## [Clipboard API](
Allows to read and write text and images into the OS clipboard buffer.


## [Presentation API](
Gives ability to access external presentation-type displays and use them for presenting web content.


## [Screen Orientation API](
Reads and locks screen orientation.


## [getUserMedia camera selection](
Select the input source when using camera/microphone (e.g front or back camera). On the Pixel 4XL we can even access the infrared camera (e.g for face detection).


## [Pointer Lock (Mouse Lock)](
Gives access to raw mouse movement, locks the target of mouse events to a single element, eliminates limits of how far mouse movement can go in a single direction, and removes the cursor from view. Obvious use cases are for first person or real time strategy games.


## [Theme Color](
Customise tab color (Android only).


## [Vibration API](
Provides access to the vibration mechanism of the hosting device.


## [Web Coffee API](
Use covfefe protocol to start coffee machines.


## [Battery Status API](
Allows access to see the battery level of the device's battery.


## [Page Visibility API](
Provides an API to ask whether the current tab is visible or not.


## [Web Speech API](
Enables web developers to incorporate speech recognition and speech synthesis.


## [Contacts API](
Provides native UI to select contacts from your OS and retrieve informations.


# Stuff under Origin Trial

## [Native File System](
Allows access to the file system.


## [Web OTP API](
Allows the site to read received SMS, for example for OTP and phone number validation.


## [Badging API](
Allows to set badge in OS in places like shelf or homescreen.


## [Web NFC](
Provide sites the ability to read and write to NFC tags.
