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Fullstack Boilerplate GraphQL. Made with React & Prisma + authentication & roles

apollo apollo-client authentication expressjs full-stack fullstack fullstack-graphql fullstack-javascript graphql-database jwt jwt-authentication nodejs permissions prisma prisma-authentication prisma-cli prisma-client react reactjs server-graphql

Last synced: about 1 month ago
JSON representation

Fullstack Boilerplate GraphQL. Made with React & Prisma + authentication & roles




Node Apollo Prisma ExpressΒ React GraphQL


Boilerplate for a Fullstack GraphQL App with React & Prisma


πŸš€ Bootstrap your fullstack GraphQL app within seconds

Basic starter kit for a fullstack GraphQL app with React and Node.js - based on best practices from the GraphQL community.

## Project

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## Screenshots

| Login | Signup |
| --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| ![image]( | ![image]( |
| ![image]( | ![image]( |
| ![image]( | ![image]( |
| |

## Getting started

#### 1. Clone the repo to your computer

git clone

#### 2. Go the the repo

cd naperg

## Server

#### 1. Install the server - # Prisma & Graphql (port 4000)

cd server

#### 2. migrate the database with `Prisma migrate` run:

More info if needed: [`Prisma Migrate`](

npx prisma migrate dev

Pick a name for your first migration. Example "init"

> npx prisma migrate dev
Prisma schema loaded from prisma/schema.prisma
Datasource "db": SQLite database "dev.db" at "file:./dev.db"

SQLite database dev.db created at file:./dev.db

βœ” Name of migration … init
The following migration(s) have been created and applied from new schema changes:

└─ 20210227221806_init/
└─ migration.sql

βœ” Generated Prisma Client (2.17.0) to ./node_modules/@prisma/client in 71ms

Everything is now in sync.

To reset your database if needed, use Prisma Reset.

More info if needed: [`Prisma Reset`](

npx prisma migrate reset

#### 3. Seed your Database

More info if needed: [`Prisma Seed`](

npx prisma db seed

A new user will be created from [`seed.ts`]( file.

- login: `[email protected]`
- pass: `admin`
- role: `ADMIN`

#### 4. Check you databse with Prisma Studio

More info if needed: [`Prisma Studio`](

$ npx prisma studio


#### 5. Generate the prisma client

Prisma Client is an auto-generated database client that's tailored to your database schema.

More info if needed: [`Prisma Generate`](

npx prisma generate

#### 6. Start the server (http://localhost:4000)

yarn start

## Frontend

#### 1. Install the frontEnd - ReactJs (port 3000). In a new terminal run:

cd react

#### 2. Start the frontend.

yarn start

#### 3. Go to url: http://localhost:3000

#### 4. Log in to the app with whis Admin User:

- login: `[email protected]`
- pass: `admin`
- role: `ADMIN`

## Tutorial

[![Tutorial Naperg](](

## Features

- **Scalable GraphQL server:** The server uses [`apollo-server`](
- **Pre-configured Apollo Client:** The project comes with a preconfigured setup for Apollo Client
- **Tooling**: Out-of-the-box support for [GraphQL Playground](
- **Extensible**: Simple and flexible data model – easy to adjust and extend
- **Search with GraphQL**: Example to search in 2 fields for the users: Email and name
- **Signup management**:
- Check password strength

For a fully-fledged **React & Apollo tutorial**, visit [How to GraphQL](

## Made with..

Typescript ( for the Frontend and the Backend


- User interfaces: React
- Design: material-ui-next
- GraphQL tool: Apollo Client


- Server JS: ExpressJs
- Server GraphQL:
- ORM (object-relational mapping): Prisma
- Database sqlite: You can replace by the database you want (PostgreSQL - MySQL - SQLite - SQL Server). Check the prisma documentation

# Contributing

- Your feedback is **very helpful**, please share your opinion and thoughts! If you have any questions or want to contribute yourself, don't hesitate!

- Tests must be implemented. Feel free to create a PR :)

- Add a star to this Repo! It helps a lot!

# Who is using Naperg

- [NachoNacho, the BtoB SaaS marketplace for subscriptions](

Create a PR if you are using Naperg and want to add your link here

# Buy me a drink!

If this project help you reduce time to develop, you can give me a cup of coffee :)
