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GraphQL Engine built with Python 3.6+ / asyncio

api asyncio graphql python sdl tartiflette

Last synced: 18 days ago
JSON representation

GraphQL Engine built with Python 3.6+ / asyncio





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[![Language grade: Python](](

**Tartiflette** is a GraphQL Server implementation built with **Python 3.7+**.


- [Motivation](#motivation)
- [Status](#status)
- [Usage](#usage)
- [Installation](#installation)
- [Building from source](#building-from-source)
- [HTTP server implementations](#http-server-implementations)
- [Roadmaps](#roadmaps)
- [How to contribute to the documentation?](#how-to-contribute-to-the-documentation)
- [How to run the website locally?](#how-to-run-the-website-locally)

## Motivation

[Read this blogpost about our motivations](
We reached the limits of Graphene, we wanted to build something which met certain requirements:
* **Offers a better developer experience** that respects the Python mindset
* **Uses SDL** _(Schema Definition Language)_
* Uses **asyncio** as the sole execution engine
* Be 100% open source

## Status

**The [first milestone](/docs/roadmaps/ is behind us, we are now [on the road to the milestone 2](/docs/roadmaps/**.


* Define the **GraphQL schema** with the brand new [SDL _(Schema Definition Language)_](
* **Performance oriented:** Performance is the core of our work.
* **Simple is better than complex:** Built with [the Zen of Python]( in mind. No over-engineering.

Discover Tartiflette with our fabulous tutorial on [](

## Usage

import asyncio

from tartiflette import Resolver, create_engine

async def resolver_hello(parent, args, ctx, info):
return "hello " + args["name"]

async def run():
engine = await create_engine(
type Query {
hello(name: String): String

result = await engine.execute(
query='query { hello(name: "Chuck") }'

# {'data': {'hello': 'hello Chuck'}}

if __name__ == "__main__":

More details on the [API Documentation](

## Installation

Tartiflette is available on [](

While the project depends on *[libgraphqlparser](*,
wheels are provided since version 1.4.0, ensuring that no system dependency is required.

To install the library:

pip install tartiflette

### Building from source

If you use a platform incompatible with the provided wheels, you'll need to install `cmake` to build `libgraphqlparser`
in order to install the library.

brew install cmake

apt-get install cmake

## HTTP server implementations

`tartiflette` library itself is transport agnostic, but to simplify integration with existing HTTP servers, two
different libraries are available:

- [tartiflette-aiohttp]( integration with `aiohttp`
- [tartiflette-asgi]( integration with ASGI compatible HTTP servers

## Roadmaps

* [Milestone 1 _(Released)_](/docs/roadmaps/
* [Milestone 2 - **Work in progress**](/docs/roadmaps/

## How to contribute to the documentation?

As you may know, the documentation is hosted on This _fabulous_ website is built thanks to another amazing tool, [docusaurus](

The content of the documentation is hosted in this repository, to be as close as possible to the code. You will find everything you need/want in the folder `/docs`.

### How to run the website locally?

We built a docker image for the documentation _(tartiflette/ on docker hub)_, which allow us to provide you an easy way to launch the documentation locally, without installing a specific version of node.

- Docker
- Docker Compose
- Make

make run-docs

Every change you will make in the `/docs` folder will be automatically hot reloaded. :tada: