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Vulkan 2D graphics library

2d cairo drawing-library gpu graphics graphics-library vector vulkan

Last synced: about 2 months ago
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Vulkan 2D graphics library





Vulkan Vector Graphics

**vkvg** is an open-source *2D graphics library* written in **C** using [Vulkan]( as backend.
The **API** follows the same pattern as [Cairo](, but new functions and original drawing mechanics may be added.

**vkvg** is in alpha development stage and the core api is mostly stabilized. All contributions are welcome.

In progress API documentation is available online at

## Performance comparison

major libs perf comparison

## Current status:

- Fill (stencil even-odd, non-zero).
- Stroke.
- Basic painting operation.
- Font system with caching operational.
- Linear/Radial Gradients.
- Line caps and joins.
- Dashes.
- Context should be thread safe, extensive tests required.
- Image loading and writing with [stb lib](
- Test includes svg rendering either with built-in renderer or [nanoSVG](

## Requirements:

- [CMake]( version >= 3.16
- [Vulkan]( version >= 1.1
- [FontConfig]( optional, without fontconfig, use `vkvg_load_font_from_path`.
- [Freetype]( optional, stb_truetype as alternative.
- [Harfbuzz]( optional, without complex text shaping may be wrong.
- GLSLC: spirv compiler, included in [LunarG SDK]( compile shader to spir-V (building only, optional)
- [xxd]( generate headers with precompiled shaders (building only, optional)
- [GLFW]( optional, if present tests are built.

if `glslc` or `xxd` are not present, a precompiled version of the shaders is stored in the git tree.

## Building

#fetch sources from github
git clone --recursive
cd vkvg
# Create build directory
mkdir build
cd build
# Run CMake configuration
cmake ..

### CMake configure options

##### Core library options:

* `-DVKVG_USE_GLUTESS=true`: Use embedded glu tesselator to fill polygones in NON-ZERO mode. If false, a simple ear clipping algorithm is used.
* `-DVKVG_SVG=true`: Enable experimental svg renderer. If false, use nanoSVG.
* `-DVKVG_RECORDING=true`: Enable experimental draw commands recording infrastructure.
* `-DVKVG_BUILD_DOCS=true`: Build documentation if doxygen is found.

##### Vulkan Features:

* `-DVKVG_ENABLE_VK_SCALAR_BLOCK_LAYOUT=true`: Enable `VK_EXT_scalar_block_layout` that reduce structure padding for gpu.
* `-VKVG_ENABLE_VK_TIMELINE_SEMAPHORE=true`: Enable experimental work syncing with `VK_KHR_timeline_semaphore` instead of Fences.

##### Text rendering libraries:

Those libraries are enabled by default, but disabled if not found.
* `-DVKVG_USE_FONTCONFIG=true`: enable FontConfig to resolve font's names.
* `-DVKVG_USE_FREETYPE=true`: enable FreeType to render glyphs, if false glyphs are rendered with stb_truetype.
* `-DVKVG_USE_HARFBUZZ=true`: enable harfbuzz for text shaping.

##### Tests options:

* `-DVKVG_BUILD_TESTS=true`: build all tests in the tests forlder.
* `-DVKVG_TEST_DIRECT_DRAW=true`: enable drawing directly on the swapchain images.

##### Debugging options:

If vkvg is compiled with `CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug`, several additional options are made available to help debugging:
* `-DENABLE_VALIDATION=true`: enable vulkan validation layer.
* `-DENABLE_DBG_UTILS=true`: enable various vulkan debug utils extensions features.
* `-DENABLE_RENDERDOC=true`: enable renderdoc layer.
* `-DENABLE_WIRED_FILL=true`: enable rendering in wired mode, current mode is controled with the global variable `vkvg_wired_debug`.
* `-DENABLE_PROFILING=true`: add -pg to the compile options.
* `-DVKVG_DBG_STATS=true`: store various context statistics fetchable with `vkvg_device_get_stats()`

cmake --build .
A [detailed tutorial](doc/ is available for Windows.

## Running tests

Append the `-h` option to see available command line parameters.

## Contributing

See the [contribution guide]( for more information.

Join us on [gitter]( for any question.

## Addtitional Credits

- vkvg use the [AGG project]('s recursive bezier algorithm which is kindly exposed [here](
- I've learned Vulkan with the help of the excellent [Sacha Willems's vulkan examples](
- The 2d affine matrix implementation follows Cairo's one.

## Change log

* v0.2.0
- radial gradients.
- better stroke joins handling.
- png saved in srgb format.
- doxygen cmake target and style

## To Do

- [x] Use Scissor where possible.
- [x] Improve stroke algorithms.
- [x] Radial gradients.
- [x] Dashed lines.
- [ ] Operators.
- [x] Optimize vulkan memory allocations by sub-allocating from a single shared memory chunk per type.
- [x] Optimize command submissions.
- [x] Test SDF font rendering.
- [x] Avoid line joins inside curves and arc.
- [ ] Structured unit testing.
- [x] Perf and memory checks.
- [ ] Code cleanup and comments.
- [ ] Documentations.