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A collection of good links for gaming with javascript

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A collection of good links for gaming with javascript




# Welcome to the jsGameWiki!
This is the brain for game programming with html5/canvas/javascript.

I'm trying to structure helpful sources like eBooks, videos, blogs, articles, presentations...

### Structure
Part I - Content directly relevant to game programming with html5/canvas/javascript
*i.e. tutorials, blog posts, engines, etc.*

Part II - Content related to web-development which can be useful in a game programming context
*i.e. html5/canvas articles, javascript performance, etc.*

### Other Sources
A starting point for good javascript resources is bebraw's sensational [jswiki](
*(Actually I see jsGameWiki as an addition to jsWiki for game programming topics)*

A second project I'm running is [webdevresources](, a collection of links on web-development in general.

### Contributors
In case you want to contribute, be my guest! Here is a place for people who want to learn something about game programming and I'm very happy if you have some interesting sources to share.

## Part I - Game Sources
* [Game Tutorials](#game-tutorials) - Tutorial or tutorial series about game programming with javascript
* [Game Blogs](#game-blogs) - Blogs about game programming with javascript, tutorials, news...
* [Game Talks](#game-talks) - Talks / Presentation about game programming
* [Game Design](#game-design) - The art of game design
* [Game Engines](#game-engines) - choose your game engine
* [Game Services](#game-services) - Services which supports game programmers
* [Javascript Games](#javascript-games) - for inspiration
* [Graphics + Sound](#graphics-and-sound) - some tools for graphics + sound

## Part II - Game Related
* [Learning / Tutorials (HTML5 / CSS / Javascript / Gaming](#tutorial)
* [HTML5 API / Standards / Specifications](#standard-api)
* [HTML5 Performance](#html5-performance)
* [HTML5 Demos](#html5-demos)
* Javascript
* [Javascript Libraries](#javascript-libraries)
* [Javascript Performance](#javascript-performance)
* [Javascript Talks](#javascript-talks)
* [Rey Bangos - The Big List of JavaScript, CSS, and HTML Development Tools, Libraries, Projects, and Books](
* Other
* [Books](#books)
* [Email - Newsletter](#email-newsletter)

## Game Tutorials
### Javascript - Canvas
* [Pacman]( - book about hwo to build pacman with ES6/Ember.js
* [Space Shooter](
* [Developing a Spaceshooter by Mozilla]( - source + summary of development for a space shooter
* [Breakout Clone](
* [Simple Snake Game](
* [Making Sprite-based Games with Canvas](
* [HTML 5 Game Development]( - video tutorial serie from Jono X - actually running
* [The most simple RPG]( - Step by step tutorial by Lost Decade Games
* [Brickblock Game](
* [Doodle Jump Clone](
* [jsPlattformer]( | js platform game tutorial
* [js RPG Game Tutorial]( - made with [craftyJs game framework](
* [Super Mario Bros](
* [Tiny Platformer](
* [Tile Based Game]( - Accelerated Game Programming with HTML5 and canvas
* [HTML5 Jump'n Run]( - no tutorial, but excellent code for study
* [Jumper Game with box2d Engine](
* [Boulderdash](
* [HTML5 Game Platformer](
* [Multiplayergame with Websockets](
* [How to Build a JRPG](
* [Angry Birds Clone] (
* [BomberMan Clone] (

### actionscript
because actionscript is very similar to javascript. you can definitely take away some concepts.

* [Tile Based Games](

### how to start
* [Where should I start to learn game development](

## Game Blogs
### Blogs about gaming
* [Blog of Rob Hawkes]( - experiments, talks, book, posts
* [Blog of glacialflame]( - articles about isometric games
* [Blog of That Guy]( - nice article serie about tile game engine
* [Blog of michalbe]( - nice tutorials and posts about game engineering
* [Old Blog of Marc Wilcox]( - [New Blog of Marc Wilcox]( - Great HTML5 Game design posts
* [Blog of nokarma]( - 2 very good posts - does he write a following article?
* [Blog about indiegames]( - Videos about indiegames
* [Blog of lostdecadegames]( - Some interesting posts about game design from the company lostdecadegames
* [Blog of Emanuele Feronato]( - very much posts about flash and game design, but hey, you can learn so much from flash
* [Blog of Jake Gordon]( - very good and detailled posts about some well known games implemented with javascript
* [Blog of Bocoup]( - articles about specific parts for game development
* [Wiki of Dojogame]( - good dojos, tutorials, links for html5 games
* [Ray Wenderlich]( - GameDev programming tutorials and articles
* [Composition of Tools by Andre Schmitz]( - A lot of tools, engines, games for js game programming

### Blogs about experiments / demos
* [Blog of mr doob]( - very exciting experiments
* [Blog of nihilogic]( - articles and experiments
* [Blog of Ben Joffe]( - experiments

### Forums/News for General Game Development (no javascript)
* [Devmaster](
* [Tigsource](
* [Indiegamer](
* [reddit html5](
* [reddit html5 games](

## Game Talks
### Video / Audio
* [Lunch with Rob Hawkes: HTML5 Games]( - by Rob Hawkes - Overview and lessons learned for html5 game programming
* [Building a JavaScript-Based Game Engine for the Web](
* [Multiplayer Gaming with HTML5: Are We Ready?](
* [Developing Games for the Web](
* [Angry Birds on HTML5]( - Challenges to port Angry Birds to Chrome/HTML5
* [Lostcast]( - Nice talks about game programming with Javascript. They also provide some very good links.

### Presentations / Slides
* [5 tips for your html5 games](
* [10 tips to get started with html5 games](
* [HTML5 as a Game Console]( - by Michał Budzyński
* [HTML5 Game Development with Javascript]( - by Rob Hawkes

## Game Design
* [Gameprogrammingpatterns](
* - Article about changing a game by 10 design decisions
* [Making html5 Games Match your Screen](

## Game Engines
* [Bebraw's Game Engines List]( - Huge List about existing game engines with some filter criteria
* [HTML5 Game Engine]( - another small game engine list
* [Game Engine Comparison]( - In this article craftyJs, LimeJs and ImpactJs are compared

## Game Services
* [Scoreoid]( - service for scoring lists, leaderboards, in game analytics, ...
* [Tapjs]( - service for scoring lists, leaderboards, ...
* [flexpi]( - services for gaming - stats, ingame payment, social media
* [Easywebsockets]( - a WebSocket client to broadcast messages to webpages
* []( - Game distribution platform for indie-developers.
* []( - service for leaderboards, achievements, data storage, analytics, payment processing, ...

## Javascript Games
### Game Jams and competitions
* [js1k contest](
* [js10k contest](
* [js13k games](
* [Ludum Dare](
* [FiMaRu](
* [html5gamejam (2010)](

### Games with sourcecode
* [banditracer]( - micro machines like game written with gamejs framework
* [runjumpbuild game]( / [source]( - online jump'n run editor, share levels with others
* [html5-games]( - great HTML5 games most time with an article and/or sourcecode
* [wizard of wor]( | [wizard of wor source](
* [boulder dash]( | [src objects]( | [src game]( | [src kit]( | [src sound]( | [src anim/keyboard](
* [pacman](
* [breakout with game engines]( - the same breakout game implemented with different game engines as example
* [bombermine]( - massive multiplayer bomberman - check the uncompressed source via browser
* [Solitr]( ([source]( - solitaire card games
* [Full Screen Mario]( - awesome HTML5 Mario Clone
* [LessMilk]( - one game per week challenge with sourcecode and blog
* [OnSlaught Arena](
* [2048]( - a 1024 clone
* [Clumsy Bird]( - a flappy bird clone
* [mk.js]( - mortal combat clone
* [Astray]( - a webGl maze game
* [Hextris]( - A fast paced puzzle game inspired by Tetris
* [Pacman](

### Here are some rememberable projects - but mostly with compressed code
* [canvasrider]( - it's fun
* [freeciv]( - Online Civilisation clone
* [Legend of Zelda - Game Boy emulation](
* [Treasure Arena]( - Zelda like Battle Arena
* [Command & Conquer Game]( / [Command & Conquer Source]( - Command & Conquer clone
* [Top 20 HTML5 Games](
* [Gaming Mozillalabs](

### HTML5 Games
* [html5games](
* [launchgaming](

## Graphics and Sound
### Assets
* [Game Assets by Andre Schmitz]( - Nice list of ressources for game assets (gaphics, sounds, video, map editors...)

### Graphic
* [Opengameart]( - Free, legal art for open source game projects
* [Free sprites](
* [Game sprites](
* [Sprite database]( - ripped, not sure if free
* [Sprite database](
* [iconfinder]( - sprites with different licenses
* [Tiled Map Editor]( - free open source tiled map editor
* [Arcade Font Engine]( - online font creator
* [Fonts]( - fonts
* [Spritelib]( - Free Spritepack licensed under CPL
* [gfxlib]( - free developer graphic library licensed under CPL
* [8bitalpha]( - Online Service which resizes your png's from 24 to 8 bits -> for performance improvement
* [wpclipart]( - Free images with online cropping service
* [Sprite]( - Animation tool - not tried, but looks awesome

### Sound
* [html5media]( - easy embedding of video and audio
* []( - online audio converter
* []( - Game music - free
* [Playonloop]( - Game music - free or with costs
* [freesound]( - Sounds - free
* [Absolute sound effects archive]( - Soundeffects - free
* [Bfxr]( - Make your own soundeffects - very easy
* [modarchive]( - a lot of sounds
* [soundbible]( - a lot of free sound effects

## Learning / Tutorials (HTML5 / CSS / Javascript / Gaming)
### Landingpages
* [Learn HTML5 by Mozilla]( - Great Landingpage
* [Learn CSS by Mozilla]( - Great Landingpage
* [Learn Javscript by Mozilla]( - Great Landingpage

### Tutorials
* [HTML5 Tutorials by HTML5 Rocks](
* [HTML5 Tutorials by Game Development]( - Game Development News and Tutorials
* [HTML5 Tutorials by HTML5Tutorial]( - Tutorials
* [HTML5 Tutorials by HTML5Tutorial]( - Tutorials
* [HTML5 Tutorials by HTML5Center](
* [HTML5 Canvas Tutorials by Mozilla](
* [HTML5 Canvas Tutorials by HTML5CanvasTutorials](
* [HTML5 Canvas Tutorial by Malcolm Sheridan]( - very good introduction to HTML5 Canvas
* [HTML5 Canvas Tutorials by ThxtOs]( - Video tutorial - 8000 bullets animation - german
* [HTML5 Canvas Tutorials List]( - List of canvas tutorials and resources
* [HTML5 Game Dev Tips]( - 3 part series of tips and tricks
* [HTML5 News by Gamedev]( - Gamedeveloper News
* [CSS3 Tutorials by ThxtOs]( - Video tutorials - german
* [CSS3 Learning with Fluid Layout Code](
* [CSS3 Deck]( - lot of examples for CSS3
* [Javascript Tutorials by Opera](//
* [Javascript Learning in 31 Days]( - Canvas and Javascript Tutorials in 31 Days - search for Javascript Day X
* [Javascript Learning by koans]( - learning by finding errors
* [Javascript Learning by LearnJs]( - short useful code snippets
* [Javascript Learning by Javascript-Garden]( - best practises for javascript programming
* [Learn JavaScript interactively in CodeCademy]( - Learn programing by doing it.
* [Javascript Learning by The Code Player]( - Learn HTML5,CSS3,JS Coding the new way, the Walkthroughs way!
* [Javascript Learning by Code Avengers]( - Learn Javascript interactively in 40 lessons

## Standards / Specifications / API
### API
* [HTML5 Web API](
* [HTML5 Doctor]( - API
* [HTML5 Canvas]( - API - german

### Specification
* [HTML5 specification]( - Standard - a readable HTML5 specification for web developers
* [Javascript Reference by Mozilla](

### Standards
* [Front end development guidelines]( - best practises for front end development
* [idiomatic.js]( - Principles of Writing Consistent, Idiomatic JavaScript
* [Whats new in a specification?]( - Overview of Changes in HTML5, ES5, ES6, DOM4, ...

### Compatibility /Feature Detection
* [HTML5 Readyness](
* [HTML5 Please](
* [Caniuse]( - Compatibility tables for support of HTML5, CSS3, SVG and more in desktop and mobile browsers.
* [HTML5 Mobile]( - Overview of mobile HTML compatibility and Specifications

## HTML5 Performance
### Articles
* [CSS tricks for canvas games](
* [Off-Screen Rendering (Render to Texture) with HTML5's Canvas Element](
* [Improving HTML5 Canvas Performance](
* [requestAnimationFrame for Smart Animating](

## HTML5 Demos
* [Chrome Experiments](
* [HTML5 Canvas Demos by Kevin Roast](
* [Mozilla Demo Studio](
* [Physics for Lazy Game Developers](
* [Canvas Demos](
* [HTML5 CSS3 Snippets]( - Examples for HTML5, CSS3 effects
* [Simple Physics]( - Examples of Simple Physics models that Game Developers can make use of. P.S This is still a WorkInProgress project but as time goes you can expect lots of great examples.

## Javascript Libraries
### Library Lists
* [microJs]( - list of micro frameworks
* []( - list of the best javascript libraries

### Libraries
* [modernizr]( - testing on active html5 + css features in browsers
* [stats.js]( - nice little tool to show fps stats
* [sprite.js]( - tool for sprite animation + nice demos
* [augment.js]( - enrich browsers with modern javascript methods (ECMA 1.8.5)
* [weinre]( - Remotedebugging Console: debug your iPhone, iPad, Wii etc. remotely from your PC
* [Socket.IO]( - supports websockets and aims to make realtime apps possible in every browser and mobile device
* [nowjs]( - makes realtime web apps really easy
* [Closure compiler]( - Compiles javascript to javascript
* [Pxxl.js]( - HTML5 Canvas utility to render texts in retro style and more.
* [Game Modules Wiki]( - A list of game-related modules and examples for writing HTML5 games with browserify

## Javascript Performance
* [JavaScript Function Call Profiling]( - Article, John Resig
* [JSConf Talk: Games, Performance, TestSwarm]( - Video, John Resig
* [jsPerf]( - Javascript performance tests
* [Profiling Built-In JavaScript Functions with Firebug]( - Article, Andy West
* [Nicholas C. Zakas: Speed Up Your JavaScript]( - Video, Nicholas C. Zakas
* [Dev.Opera Efficient JavaScript]( - Article
* [Javascript Perfomance Best Practises]( - Article
* [Extreme Javascript Performance]( - Presentation, Thomas Fuchs
* [Extreme Javascript Performance]( - Video, Thomas Fuchs
* [Making an iPad HTML5 App & making it really fast]( - Article, Thomas Fuchs
* [Optimizing JavaScript for extreme performance and low memory consumption]( - Article, Jani Hartikainen
* [The 'Opera-2dgame' Canvas Context]( - Article, Arve Bersvendsen
* [Unleas the power of HTML5 canvas](

## Javascript Talks
* [Talks of Fronteers 2010 conference](
* [Talks from Douglas Crockford](
* [YUI Theater](

## Books
* [Eloquentjavascript]( - free eBook by Marijn Haverbeke
* [DIVE INTO HTML5]( - free eBook by Mark Pilgrim
* [Essential JavaScript Design Patterns For Beginners]( - free eBook by Addy Osmani
* [Building iPhone Apps with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript]( - free eBook by Jonathan Stark
* [Javascript Bibliography]( - free eBook by editors of Safary books online
* [OOP mit Javascript]( - free eBook by Peter Kropff- german
* [HTML5 Handbuch]( - free eBook by Stefan Münz - german

### Lists of free eBooks
* [jsbooks]( — JavaScript
* [free-programming-books](// — Different themes and languages
* [Learn How To Plan, Create, and Promote Games]( - This book brifely introduce you to some inportent steps in Game Development.

## Commercial books on HTML5 Game Development
### General Game Development
* [HTML5 Games Development by Example: Beginner’s Guide](
* [HTML5 Game Development For Dummie](
* [HTML5 Game Development Insights](
* [Professional HTML5 Mobile Game Development](
* [Learning HTML5 Game Programming](
* [Pro HTML5 Games](
* [HTML5 Game Development HOTSHOT](
* [HTML5 Games Most Wanted](
* [Building JavaScript Games for Phones, Tablets, and Desktop](

### Books explaining a specific JS game engine
* [HTML5 Game Development with ImpactJS](
* [HTML5 Game Programming with enchant.js](
* [Beginning HTML5 Games with CreateJS](
* [Introducing HTML5 Game Development with ImpactJS](
* [jQuery Game Development Essentials](
* [Discover Phaser](
* [WebGL Game Development](

### Other useful books on Game Development
* [Physics for JavaScript Games, Animation, and Simulations with HTML5 Canvas](
* [HTML5 Canvas, 2nd Edition](
* [HTML5 Canvas Cookbook](
* [Physics for Game Developers](
* [Physics for Game Programmers](
* [AI for Game Developers](

## Email - Newsletter
* [javascriptweekly](
* [html5weekly](
* [web-design-weekly](
* [gamedev-js-weekly](