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React hooks for Lens Protocol

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React hooks for Lens Protocol




lens-use 🌱

Deprecation Notice

Lens Protocol is working on their own React SDK which should be used instead of this library.

React Hooks for Lens Protocol

React 🤝 Lens Protocol

**Standing on the shoulders of these chads (aka, dependencies):**

- [Apollo GraphQL](
- [wagmi](
- [ethers](

**Jump straight to the [Hooks Reference](#hooks-reference)**

# Example

const { data: profileResponse } = useProfile("stani.lens");

const { data: publicationsResponse } = usePublications(profileResponse?.profile?.id);

const { collect } = useCollect(publicationsResponse?.publications?.items[0].id);

const onClick = () => {

# Installation

# npm
npm install --save @memester-xyz/lens-use

# yarn
yarn add @memester-xyz/lens-use

# pnpm
pnpm add @memester-xyz/lens-use

# Usage

## Basic

1. Your app must first be wrapped in a Wagmi context and a Apollo context (connected to the Lens API). e.g.:

function App() {
return (


2. You can then use the Lens hooks in any components inside of your DApp component:

import { useProfile } from "@memester-xyz/lens-use";

// ...

const { data } = useProfile("stani.lens");

3. The return value of any API hook (e.g. `useProfile`, `useChallenge`) is a typed Apollo GraphQL return value. i.e.

- [`QueryResult`]( for queries
- [`MutationTuple`]( for mutations.

4. The return value of any contract hook (e.g. `useContractProfile`, `useContractCollect`) is a modification of a normal Wagmi [`useContractRead`]( or [`useContractWrite`](

5. The return value of any action hook (e.g. `useCollect`) is an object containing:
- a write method with the same name as the hook action (e.g. `collect()`)
- a loading boolean when the request is in flight `loading`
- an Error object or undefined `error`

Full API specification is below in the [hooks](#hooks) section.

## Advanced

By default we use the currently known Polygon Mainnet Lens Hub Proxy address. There are two ways to override this but both require adding our `LensProvider` context to your app.

1. You can use the currently known Mumbai (testnet) address:

function App() {
return (


2. You can pass a custom Lens Hub contract address:

function App() {
return (


# Hooks Reference

- [Login](#login)
- [useChallenge](#useChallenge)
- [useAuthenticate](#useAuthenticate)
- [useRefresh](#useRefresh)
- [Query](#query)
- [useProfile](#useProfile)
- [useProfiles](#useProfiles)
- [useDefaultProfile](#useDefaultProfile)
- [useProfilePicture](#useProfilePicture)
- [useProfileHasDispatcher](#useProfileHasDispatcher)
- [usePublication](#usePublication)
- [usePublications](#usePublications)
- [usePublicationComments](#usePublicationComments)
- [useSearch](#useSearch)
- [Write](#write)
- [useCollect](#useCollect)
- [useComment](#useComment)
- [useFollow](#useFollow)
- [useUnfollow](#useUnfollow)
- [useMirror](#useMirror)
- [usePost](#usePost)
- [Contract](#contract)
- [useContractCollect](#useContractCollect)
- [useContractComment](#useContractComment)
- [useContractFollow](#useContractFollow)
- [useContractUnfollow](#useContractUnfollow)
- [useContractMirror](#useContractMirror)
- [useContractPost](#useContractPost)
- [useContractProfile](#useContractProfile)

## Login

Hooks to help with authenticating against the Lens API.

### useChallenge

_[Lens Reference](

Get a challenge to be signed by the user

const { data: challengeData } = useChallenge(address);

// challengeData.challenge.text must be signed by the user's wallet

### useAuthenticate

_[Lens Reference](

Authenticate the signed challenge

const [authenticate, { data: authenticateData }] = useAuthenticate(address, signedChallenge);

// Call this method to start the authentication request

// After the request is complete
// authenticateData.authenticate.accessToken has access token
// authenticateData.authenticate.refreshToken has refresh token

### useRefresh

_[Lens Reference](

Refresh the JWT

const [refresh, { data: refreshData }] = useRefresh(refreshToken);

// Call this method to start the refresh request

// After the request is complete
// refreshData.refresh.accessToken has access token
// refreshData.refresh.refreshToken has refresh token

## Query

Hooks to query the Lens API. Note, some of these require authentication, check the Lens Reference.

### useProfile

_[Lens Reference](

Get a profile by handle

const { data } = useProfile(handle);

### useProfiles

_[Lens Reference](

Get all profiles owned by an address

const { data } = useProfiles(address);

### useDefaultProfile

_[Lens Reference](

Get default profile by address

const defaultProfile = useDefaultProfile(address);

### useProfilePicture

The response body from `useProfile` and `useDefaultProfile` is slightly different, so this method helps to pull out the profile picture from one of those.

const defaultProfile = useDefaultProfile(address);
const pfpURL = useProfilePicture(defaultProfile);

### useProfileHasDispatcher

A simple utility which returns `true` if the profile has the dispatcher enabled.

const dispatch = useProfileHasDispatcher(profileId);

### usePublication

_[Lens Reference](

Retrieve details for a specific publication

const { data } = usePublication(publicationId);

// Pass in profileId to get the mirrored status in your publication results
const { data } = usePublication(publicationId, profileId);

### usePublications

_[Lens Reference](

Retrieve publications based on various parameters

// Get posts from a specific profile
const { data } = usePublications(profileId);

// Get posts and comments from a specific profile
const { data } = usePublications(profileId, [PublicationType.POST, PublicationType.COMMENT]);

// Get posts from a specific profile and source
const { data } = usePublications(profileId, [PublicationType.POST], ["memester"]);

### usePublicationComments

_[Lens Reference](

Retrieve publications based on various parameters

// Get comments for a specific publication
const { data } = usePublicationComments(publicationId);

### useSearch

_[Lens Reference](

Search profiles

const { data } = useSearch("stani");

## Write

Hooks to write to Lens using the [dispatcher]( if enabled or the [broadcaster]( if not. Note, your Apollo GraphQL client must be [authenticated](!

All write hooks take an optional final parameter which allows you to specify callback functions. An example is given for `useCollect` but the same applies to all hooks in this section.

### useCollect

Collect a publication using the API

const { collect, loading, error } = useCollect(publicationId);

// Call this method to start the collect request

// You can also pass in callback functions
const { collect, loading, error } = useCollect(publicationId, {
onBroadcasted(receipt) {
// ...
onCompleted(receipt) {
// receipt will be undefined if the request errored for some reason

### useComment

Comment on a publication. Requires a URL with the comment metadata already uploaded

const { collect, loading, error } = useComment(profileId, publicationId, commentURL);

// Call this method to start the comment request

### useFollow

Follow a profile

const { follow, loading, error } = useFollow(profileIdToFollow);

// Call this method to start the follow request

### useUnfollow

Unfollow a profile

const { unfollow, loading, error } = useUnfollow(profileIdToUnfollow);

// Call this method to start the unfollow request

### useMirror

Mirror a publication

const { mirror, loading, error } = useMirror(profileId, publicationId);

// Call this method to start the mirror request

### usePost

Post. Requires a URL with the post metadata already uploaded

const { post, loading, error } = usePost(profileId, postURL);

// Call this method to start the post request

## Contract

### useContractCollect

_[Lens Reference](

Collect a publication using the Lens Hub Contract

const { write, data, prepareError, writeError, status } = useContractCollect(profileId, publicationId);

// Call this method to invoke the users connected wallet

### useContractComment

_[Lens Reference](

Comment on a publication using the Lens Hub Contract

const { write, data, prepareError, writeError, status } = useContractCollect(

// Call this method to invoke the users connected wallet

### useContractFollow

_[Lens Reference](

Follow profiles using the Lens Hub Contract

const { write, data, prepareError, writeError, status } = useContractFollow(profileIds);

// Call this method to invoke the users connected wallet

### useContractUnfollow

_[Lens Reference](

Unfollow a profile by burning the specific Follow NFT. You must pass in the relevant follow NFT address and tokenId

const { write, data, prepareError, writeError, status } = useContractUnfollow(followNFTAddress, tokenId);

// Call this method to invoke the users connected wallet

### useContractMirror

_[Lens Reference](

Mirror a publication using the Lens Hub Contract

const { write, data, prepareError, writeError, status } = useContractMirror(

// Call this method to invoke the users connected wallet

### useContractPost

_[Lens Reference](

Post using the Lens Hub Contract

const { write, data, prepareError, writeError, status } = useContractPost(

// Call this method to invoke the users connected wallet

### useContractProfile

_[Lens Reference](

Read profile from the Lens Hub Contract

const { data } = useContractProfile(profileId);


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