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Karma3 Labs is building a ranking and reputation infrastructure for web3 using the EigenTrust algorithm.

## EigenTrust APIs for Farcaster Developers

We’ve created EigenTrust APIs which Farcaster developers can use to create a **ranking and recommendation system** for People, Casts or any other attributes in their respective front-ends/clients/services.

To know more about how EigenTrust algorithm works in the web3 social or Farcaster context, you can read our v1 docs [here.]( Also check out our developer [**tutorial video**](

**ts-eigencaster** abstracts EigenTrust implementation details away from developers by wrapping the core EigenTrust API with the necessary pre-/post-processing steps, so Farcaster clients don’t have to speak in EigenTrust terms such as local trust, pre-trust, and alpha/epsilon parameters.

Here’s an overview of key concepts involved in EigenTrust compute rankings, you can also read the [**details on the core concepts**](

**Local trust:** This is the primary input for EigenTrust and lets you decide the trust or reputation link between any two profiles. To recap, local trust is a direct trust opinion by one peer on another peer, and is represented as a nonnegative number (0: no opinion/neutral trust).

We have created 2 strategies for you to choose from. In each of these, between two profiles A and B, A's local trust level upon B is deemed to be:

1. A unit amount >0 iff A follows B; otherwise 0.
2. A linear combination of:
1. A unit amount >0 iff A follows B
2. Number of mentions of B by A
3. Number of posts by B that A recasts
4. Number of A's replies to B's posts.

You can use either one, or you can define your own too.

**Pre-trusted peers:** In EigenTrust, if a few trustworthy peers are known in advance, it is possible to treat their local trust opinions more heavily than others'. These peers are called **pre-trusted** peers; incorporating pre-trusted peers greatly help efficacy of detecting and discrediting sybil peers in the network.

Pre-trusted peers are also used as the starting point of EigenTrust calculation. The net effect is that a peer receives a non-zero global trust score iff there exists a trust path from at least one pre-trusted peer. For this reason, pre-trusted peers are also known as **seed peers.**

We have created 3 strategies for you to use, you can configure the parameters based on your choice:

1. Pre-trust all profiles equally (no bias).
2. Pre-trust some trustworthy profiles (eg: First 50 profiles)
3. Pre-trust the profiles you already follow.

**Pre-trust Confidence Level (’a’ value):** This value assigns a weight to the pre-trusted peers in the output of the ranking. This value can be between 0 and 1. We have set it at 0.8 as default. In general, the stronger the confidence level is, the more the opinions of pre-trusted peers and their vicinity (defined in terms of local trust levels) will matter.

**What can you do with our API?**

1. Create your own configurable **global profile rankings** which can help with identifying most popular as well as potentially sybil profiles. This information can help power your content or feed recommendations for users.
2. Create a **personalized recommendation system** for people to follow, casts and other popular context based on individual social graphs. This can enable more relevant and contextual user-experiences for clients. Our demo front-end **Eigencaster** [(site)]( [(source code)]( showcases this feature.

# Farcaster Recommender

## Installation

- Pull and run the populated database the from Docker Hub (replace `` with a random password for the `postgres` database user):

docker pull karma3labs/farcaster_db
docker run --name farcaster_db --publish 5432:5432 --detach --env POSTGRES_PASSWORD= karma3labs/farcaster_db

- Configure:
cp -n .env.template .env
vim .env
- Fill the .env file with the database credentials, along with the go-eigentrust API URL.
- For the Docker container the default database credentials are `postgres`/`` (replace with the password chosen above)
- For the `EIGENTRUST_API` you can either call the hosted service at `` or self-host it using [this repo](

## Running your own Global Profile Ranking and Personalized Recommendation Algorithms

- Pick a pre-trust (seed) strategy from the existing ones or create a new one on the file: `./recommender/strategies/pretrust.ts`. The existing pretrust strategies are:
| Key | Description |
| --- | ----------- |
| `pretrustAllEqually` (default) | This strategy doesn't pretrust any users. Since this is a non-personalized strategy, the eigentrust API will be called once on the initialization and the recommendation will be the same, no matter which user called the recommendation. |
| `pretrustSpecificUsernames` | This strategy pretrusts only specific and hardcoded handles in the pretrust file (see the `pretrustSpecificUsernames` method). Again, this is a non-personalized strategy, thus the globalTrust will be calculated once and will be the same for each user. |
| `pretrustSpecificFids` | This strategy pretrusts the followers IDs that are hardcoded in the pretrust file (see `pretrustSpecificFids` method). Similarly, since this is a personalized strategy, the Eigentrust globalTrust will be calculated on every request, and will return a different globalTrust for each different user |
| `pretrustFollowsOfFid` | This strategy pretrusts the followers of the user that requested the recommendation. This is a personalized strategy, the Eigentrust globalTrust will be calculated on every request, and will return a different globalTrust for each different user. |
| `pretrustFirst20Profiles` | This strategy pretrusts the the first 20 genesis profiles registered in the target ecosystem. This is a non-personalized strategy, thus the globalTrust will be calculated once and will be the same for each user. |
- Pick a localtrust strategy from the existing ones or crete a new one on the file: `./recommender/strategies/pretrust.ts`. The existing strategies are:
| Key | Description |
| --- | ----------- |
| `existingConnections` (default) | This strategy creates a graph of edges with weight 1 from a follower to a followee. |
| `enhancedConnections` | This strategy calculates the localtrust graph by enhancing the follow edges with mentions, recasts, replies and likes. |
- Run `yarn serve --pretrust --localtrust `
- The server will start on port 8080. Call the API by passing as a query param the `fid` or the `address` or the `username` of a given user. Examples:
- ```curl 'http://localhost:8080/suggest?username=dwr'```
- ```curl 'http://localhost:8080/suggest?address=0xea384b570a23e806a38148e87e6177028afdbae5'```
- ```curl 'http://localhost:8080/suggest?fid=1'```

## Global trust values CSV

We have generated global trust values in CSV format, using 6 combinations (2 local trust strategies × 3 pre-trust strategies):

| Strategies (PT\LT) | `existingConnections` | `enhancedConnections` |
| ------------------ | --------------------- | --------------------- |
| **`pretrustAllEqually`** | [CSV]( | [CSV]( |
| **`pretrustSpecificUsernames`** | [CSV]( | [CSV]( |
| **`pretrustFirst20Profiles`** | [CSV]( | [CSV]( |

Feel free to experiment by modifying/adding the strategies then regenerating your own CSV, by just running:

yarn global-trust --pretrust --localtrust

The script will generate a `globaltrust.csv` file in the root directory of the project.

**Note:** Since the EigenTrust calculation will be done once, you should use a pretrust strategy that is not personalized.

For more info run `yarn global-trust --help`

## Populating the database manually

- Download the [database dump](
- `cat farcaster.sql.gz | gunzip | psql -h localhost -U postgres -W -d farcaster`