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A lightweight ERC4337 bundler node designed specifically for Node.js environment; with a focus on minimal resource consumption, high performance, and minimal dependencies.

account-abstraction bundler erc4337 ethereum p2p typescript

Last synced: about 2 months ago
JSON representation

A lightweight ERC4337 bundler node designed specifically for Node.js environment; with a focus on minimal resource consumption, high performance, and minimal dependencies.




A lightweight ERC4337 bundler node designed specifically for Node.js environment; with a focus on minimal resource consumption, high performance, and minimal dependencies.

Node Version


Docker pulls

## Project status

> :warning: **This repository is currently under active development.**
> See our road-map [here](

## ✨ Features
- **Full Validation** - Full spec storage access rules and opcode banning. Requires a connection to a geth node that supports `debug_traceCall` method.
- **Partial Validation** - No storage access rules and opcode banning. Use `--unsafe` flag to enable.
- **Metrics** - Metrics gives insight into the bundler node to allow for performance tuning and debugging. Transeptor bundler can be be configure to store metrics using a push(InfluxDB) and pull(Prometheus) metrics system. Grafana is used to visualize all the metrics. Use `--metrics` flag to enable.
- **Entity Reputation System** - When staked(i.e with entrypoint contract), an entity is also allowed to use its own associated storage, in addition to senders associated storage as ETH. Node can be pre-configured to blacklist and whitelist entities on startup.
- **Entrypoint contract** - Supports Entrypoint contract [releases/v0.7](

## 🚀 Development

Everything you need to get started developing with Transeptor.

### Run local development
1. `git submodule update --init`
2. Use correct node version `nvm use`
3. Add `PRIVATE_KEY` to `contracts/.env` file to deploy the entrypoint contract locally.
4. Install dependencies `npm install`
5. Start local eth node `npm run local-eth` - Will also deploy the entrypoint contract please wait for environment vars to be printed in the console and copy it to the `.env` file.
6. In a new terminal window start the bundler node with live watch for local dev. `npm run dev`

The bundler will start on `http://localhost:4337/rpc`. You can now make changes to the code and the bundler will automatically restart. Happy hacking!

#### Local dev scripts

1. Once the bundler node is running, you can use the `run-op` script to send a userOp through the bundler. `npm run op`

### Test

npm run test

### Lint

npm run lint


npm run lint:fix

## Build

You can build Transeptor from source or use the Docker image.

### 🔧 Run from source
1. Use correct node version `nvm use`
2. Install dependencies `npm install`
3. Build all packages `npm run build`
4. Copy values in `.env.sample` into `.env` and fill in the values with your own.

Now let's start the bundler node.(make sure to pass your command line arguments)
./transeptor --httpApi web3,eth,debug --txMode base

### 🐳 Run from Docker image

Build image locally
npm run build:image

Run image locally
npm run start:docker-bundler

## Command line arguments

List of all command line arguments supported by the bundler.

Usage: index [options]

-V, --version output the version number
--httpApi ERC4337 rpc method name spaces to enable. (default: "web3,eth")
--network ETH execution client url. (default: "http://localhost:8545")
--minBalance Maximum ETH balance need for signer address. (default: "1")
--maxBundleGas Max gas the bundler will use in transactions. (default: "5000000")
--auto Automatic bundling. (default: false)
--autoBundleInterval Auto bundler interval in (ms). (default: "12000")
--bundleSize Maximum number of pending mempool entities to start auto bundler. (default: "10")
--port Bundler node listening port. (default: "4000")
--minStake Minimum stake a entity has to have to pass reputation system. (default: "1")
--minUnstakeDelay Time paymaster has to wait to unlock the stake(seconds). (default: "0")
--txMode Bundler transaction mode (base, conditional, searcher). (default: "base")
--unsafe Enable no storage or opcode checks.
--p2p p2p mode enabled (default: false)
--findPeers Search for peers when p2p enabled. (default: false)
--metrics Bundler node metrics tracking enabled. (default: false)
--metricsPort Metrics server listening port. (default: "4001")
--influxdbUrl Url influxdb is running on (requires --metrics to be enabled). (default:
--influxdbOrg Influxdb org (requires --metrics to be enabled). (default: "transeptor-labs")
--influxdbBucket Influxdb bucket (requires --metrics to be enabled). (default: "transeptor_metrics")
-h, --help display help for command

## Environment variables

List of all environment variables supported by the bundler.

# Required for production

# Optional

## Contribute

We welcome contributions to enhance our ERC-4337 Bundler. If you would like to contribute, please follow these guidelines [here]( There are a few things you can do right now to help out:

- Add tests. There can never be enough tests.

## Contact Us

If you have any questions or feedback about the ERC-4337 Bundler project, please feel free to reach out to us.

- **Twitter**: [@transeptorlabs](
- **Telegram**: [Telegram channel](

## License

Licensed under the [GPL-3.0 License](

## Acknowledgements

We want to express our gratitude to the following individuals and organizations for their contributions and support in making this project possible:

- [Infinitism]( - for inspiring our project and serving as a reference for implementation techniques.

We are grateful to the open-source community and the countless developers who have shared their knowledge and resources, enabling us to build upon their work.

Thank you all for your support!