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:rocket: A template for writing Phaser Games based on ECMAScript 2015 (ES6) + Webpack + Progressive Web Apps for rapid game development.

canvas game html5 javascript phaser phaser-boilerplate phaser-es6-webpack webpack

Last synced: about 2 months ago
JSON representation

:rocket: A template for writing Phaser Games based on ECMAScript 2015 (ES6) + Webpack + Progressive Web Apps for rapid game development.






A template for writing [Phaser]( Games based on [ECMAScript 2015 (ES6)]( + [Webpack]( + [Progressive Web Apps]( for rapid game development.

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## Getting Started

### Installation

First of all, install the dependencies to run this boilerplate.

- [NodeJS](
- [GulpJS](

# Clone this repository
$ git clone [email protected]:brenopolanski/phaser-es6-starter.git my-game
$ cd my-game

# install dependencies
$ yarn (or npm i)
# run game
$ yarn start (or npm start)

### Game Demo


> [Check it live]( or see the tutorial: [Advanced Phaser and TypeScript Projects]( by [Richard Davey]( at [](

### :heart: Found this project useful?

If you found this project useful, then please consider giving it a :star: on Github and sharing it with your friends via social media.

## Scripts

- `yarn dev (or npm run dev)`: Starts the game on development mode;
- `yarn build (or npm run build)`: Build game to production;
- `yarn build:analyzer (or npm run build:analyzer)`: Build game to production and open bundle analyzer on `8888` port;
- `yarn start (or npm start)`: Special script reserved to run production code. Change as you wish. For now, it is the same as `yarn dev`.

## Tasks

- `gulp template:empty`: Call to create an empty game project template in `src/` folder;
- `gulp vscode`: Call [VSCode Intellisense for Phaser](;
- `gulp deploy`: Deploy compiled files at `game` folder to `github` on branch `gh-pages`.

## Editor Configuration


apm install editorconfig es6-javascript atom-ternjs javascript-snippets linter linter-eslint language-babel autocomplete-modules file-icons


- [Editorconfig](
- [ESLint](
- [Babel](
- [ES6 Snippets](


- [Editorconfig Integration](
- [Linting](
- [ESLint Integration](
- [Syntax Highlighting](
- [Autocompletion](
- [Node Snippets](
- [ES6 Snippets](


- [Editorconfig](
- [ESLint](
- [Babel Syntax Plugin](

## Technologies

Phaser ES6 Starter offers a rich development experience using the following technologies:

| **Tech** | **Description** |**Learn More**|
| [Phaser]( | A fast, fun and free open source HTML5 game framework. | [Learn Phaser]( |
| [Babel]( | Compiles ES6 to ES5. Enjoy the new version of JavaScript today. | [ES6 REPL](, [ES6 vs ES5](, [ES6 Katas]( |
| [Webpack]( | Bundles npm packages and our JS into a single file. Includes hot reloading via [react-transform-hmr]( | [Quick Webpack How-to]( |
| [Browsersync]( | Lightweight development HTTP server that supports synchronized testing and debugging on multiple devices. | [Intro vid]( |
| [ESLint](| Lint JS. Reports syntax and style issues. Using [eslint-plugin-react]( for additional React specific linting rules. | |
| [PostCSS]( | Transform styles with JS plugins. Used to autoprefix CSS | |
| [Stats.js]( | For displaying FPS/MS. | |
| [Editor Config]( | Enforce consistent editor settings (spaces vs tabs, etc). | [IDE Plugins]( |
| [npm Scripts](| Glues all this together in a handy automated build. | [Why not Gulp?]( |

## Contributing

If you want to help, please read the [Contributing]( guide.

## History

For detailed changelog, see [Releases](

## Credits

Phaser is a free and open source software developed and owned by [Richard Davey]( at []( You can visit [their funding page]( and help them to make Phaser even better.

## Donations

Donations would be more than welcome :)


## License

[MIT License]( © Breno Polanski