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Swagger to GraphQL API adapter

graphql swagger

Last synced: 30 days ago
JSON representation

Swagger to GraphQL API adapter




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# Swagger-to-GraphQL

Swagger-to-GraphQL converts your existing Swagger schema to an executable
GraphQL schema where resolvers perform HTTP calls to certain real endpoints. It
allows you to move your API to GraphQL with nearly zero effort and maintain both
REST and GraphQL APIs. Our CLI tool also allows you get the GraphQL schema in
Schema Definition Language.

[Try it]( online! You can paste in
the url to your own Swagger schema. There are also public OpenAPI schemas
available in the [ OpenAPI directory](

## Features

- Swagger (OpenAPI 2) and OpenAPI 3 support
- Bring you own HTTP client
- Typescript types included
- Runs in the browser
- Formdata request body
- Custom request headers

# Usage

## Basic server

This library will fetch your swagger schema, convert it to a GraphQL schema and
convert GraphQL parameters to REST parameters. From there you are control of
making the actual REST call. This means you can reuse your existing HTTP client,
use existing authentication schemes and override any part of the REST call. You
can override the REST host, proxy incoming request headers along to your REST
backend, add caching etc.

import express, { Request } from 'express';
import graphqlHTTP from 'express-graphql';
import { createSchema, CallBackendArguments } from 'swagger-to-graphql';

const app = express();

// Define your own http client here
async function callBackend({
}: CallBackendArguments) {
return 'Not implemented';

swaggerSchema: `./petstore.yaml`,
.then(schema => {
graphqlHTTP(() => {
return {
graphiql: true,

app.listen(3009, 'localhost', () => {'http://localhost:3009/graphql');
.catch(e => {

Constructor (graphQLSchema) arguments:

export interface Options {
swaggerSchema: string | JSONSchema;
callBackend: (args: CallBackendArguments) => Promise;

- `swaggerUrl` (string) is a path or URL to your swagger schema file. _required_
- `callBackend` (async function) is called with all parameters needed to make a
REST call as well as the GraphQL context.

## CLI usage

You can use the library just to convert schemas without actually running server

npx swagger-to-graphql --swagger-schema=/path/to/swagger_schema.json > ./types.graphql

## [Apollo Federation](

Apollo federation support can be added by using
You can extend your swagger-to-graphql schema with other federated schemas or
the other way around. See the
[demo with a transformed schema](
for a working example.

## Defining your HTTP client

This repository has:

- [node-fetch example](./example/node-fetch.ts). Read more about
- [request-promise example](./example/request-promise.ts). Read more about

To get started install `node-fetch` and copy the
[node-fetch example](./example/node-fetch.ts) into your server.

npm install node-fetch --save

### Implementing your own HTTP client

There a [unit test](./test/http-adapters-test.ts) for our HTTP client example,
it might be useful when implementing your own client as well.

The function `callBackend` is called with 2 parameters:

- `context` is your GraphQL context. For `express-graphql` this is the incoming
`request` object by default.
[Read more]( Use this if
you want to proxy headers like `authorization`. For example
`const authorizationHeader = context.get('authorization')`.
- `requestOptions` includes everything you need to make a REST call.

export interface CallBackendArguments {
context: TContext;
requestOptions: RequestOptions;

### RequestOptions

export interface RequestOptions {
baseUrl?: string;
path: string;
method: string;
headers?: {
[key: string]: string;
query?: {
[key: string]: string | string[];
body?: any;
bodyType: 'json' | 'formData';

- `baseUrl` like defined in your swagger schema: `http://my-backend/v2`
- `path` the next part of the url: `/widgets`
- `method` HTTP verb: `get`
- `headers` HTTP headers which are filled using GraphQL parameters:
`{ api_key: 'xxxx-xxxx' }`. Note these are not the http headers sent to the
GraphQL server itself. Those will be on the `context` parameter
- `query` Query parameters for this calls: `{ id: 123 }`. Note this can be an
array. You can find some examples on how to deal with arrays in query
parameters in the
[qs documentation](
- `body` the request payload to send with this REST call.
- `bodyType` how to encode your request payload. When the `bodyType` is
`formData` the request should be URL encoded form data. Ensure your HTTP
client sends the right `Content-Type` headers.

# Resources

- Blogpost v3:
[Start with GraphQL today by converting your Swagger schema](
- Blogpost:
[Moving existing API from REST to GraphQL](
- Video:
[O.J. Sousa Rodrigues at Vienna.JS](")