
An open API service indexing awesome lists of open source software.

A curated list of resources collected in my 20+ years of experience as a software engineer and indiehacker

List: resources

agile awesome awesome-list bdd computer-science dart entrepreneurship flutter productivity ruby software-architecture startup tdd

Last synced: 3 months ago
JSON representation

A curated list of resources collected in my 20+ years of experience as a software engineer and indiehacker




# Table of Contents

1. [Software Development](#software-development)
2. [Design](#design)
3. [Machine Learning](#machine-learning)
4. [Productivity](#productivity)

# Software Development

## Leadership

* [Story Mapping](
* [Lencioni's 5 dysfunctions of a team](
* [The Agile Manifesto]( - Short and sweet agile manifesto
* [The PMO is Dead, Long Live the PMO]( - Talk about PMO role in agile teams/companies and also talk about some agile anti-patterns.
* [RICE Scoring Model]( - Scoring model to help with decision making
* [A Leader’s Framework for Decision Making]( - The Cynefin Framework, another model for decision making

## Testing, TDD, BDD

* [TDD Anti Patterns](
* [When TDD Goes Wrong (video)](

## Security

* [OWASP Top 10]( - Top 10 Web Application Security Risks

## HTML / CSS / Frontend

* [CSS Utility classes and separation of concerns]( - Article by Adam Wathan on different strategies on how to write and organize CSS which lead to the creation of [Tailwind CSS](
* [JAMStack]( - Modern way of building websites

## Javascript

* [ES6 Features]( - List of new features in ES6 and comparison examples with ES5.

## Go

* [Awesome GO]( - a Curated list of Go tools and libraries

## Dart / Flutter

* [Made with google]( - Made with Flutter list

## Next.JS

* [Awesome Next.js](
* [Tailwind + Next.js templates](

## Ruby

[Moved here](

## Architecture

* [C4 Architecture Visualization Model](
* [PlantUML - Open Source Diagraming Tool](
* [How to Become a Great Software Architect]( - Great talk from Eberhard Wolff
* [Distributed Systems in One Lesson by Tim Berglund]( and the [longer version](

### Microservices

* []( - Website full of resources about webservices
* [Microservice Prerequisites]( - Microservice Prerequisites by Martin Fowler
* [Fabulous Fortunes, Fewer Failures, and Faster Fixes from Functional Fundamentals - Scott Havens](
* [The Monolith Strikes Back: Why Istio Migrated From Microservices to a Monolithic Architecture](

### Monolith

* [The Monolith Strikes Back: Why Istio Migrated From Microservices to a Monolithic Architecture](
* [The majestic Monolith](

## Performance & Scaling

* [Web Framework Benchmarks](
* [Scaling Instagram Infrastructure]( - Talk at QCon London 2017
* [Scaling Memcache at Facebook](
* [Scaling Pinterest]( - Marty Weiner at GOTO 2014

## Tools

[Moved here](

## Philosophy

* [20 things I've learned in my 20 years as a software developer]( - Great blog post by Justin Etheredge

# Design

* [Material Design](
* [Color Scheme Generator](
* [SVG Generator - Waves, globs, etc](
* [Google fonts]( - Downloadable fonts for your project

# Machine Learning

* [Linear Algebra on MIT]( An epic course online by the legendary Gilbert Strang
* [Intro to Machine Learning on Coursera]( - Great ML introduction by Andrew Ng

# Productivity

* [Focusmate]( - Do focused sessions with someone else online to create accountability
* [noisli]( - White noise generator to help you focus
* [Todoist]( - Powerful and simple todo list app
* [Notion]( - Great note taking app
* [Rescue Time]( - Track time wasted on websites and apps
* [Github Copilot]( - AI powered code "completion".

# Website Builders

* [Weebly](
* [WIX](
* [carrd](
* [Nicepage](
* [Webflow](
* [Elementor](
* [Zyro](
* [Squarespace](
* [Site123](

# Marketing

## Twitter

* [Poet]( - Share tweets as images
* [Twitter Picker]( - Draw a winner from your tweets
* [TweetHunter](

## Facebook

* [Facebook Ads Library](

# Startups

* [YCombinator library](
* [Product Hunt](
* [IndieHackers](
* [Lean Canvas](

# Platforms

* [M3O]( - M3O is an open source AWS alternative built for the next generation of developers
* [Vercel]( - Host your JAMStack project, from the creators of next.js
* [Netlify]( - Build, deploy, & scale modern web projects
* [Heroku]( - Heroku is a platform as a service (PaaS) that enables developers to build, run, and operate applications entirely in the cloud.
* [Linode](
* [DigitalOcean](