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Apex framework to provide API calls for Dropbox

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Apex framework to provide API calls for Dropbox




Apex Dropbox API Framework

Deploy to Salesforce


An Apex framework has been created to provide functionality for Dropbox API callouts.

This library extends the [Core]( library to provide access to Dropbox API calls found at

Samples demonstrating the use of this library can be found [here](

Key Features

+ APEX Dropbox API.

Sample Code

Using the Dropbox library is straightforward once the connector between Salesforce and Dropbox has been set up.

To transfer a file between Salesforce and Dropbox the following example code can be used. In this example, a file is created in Dropbox with the name 'Test File' and the contents 'Test document contents'.

//Create the credentials and Dropbox client
ffhttp_Client.Credentials credentials = new ffhttp_Client.Credentials('Bearer', 'Sample_Token');
ffhttp_Dropbox client = new ffhttp_Dropbox(credentials);

//Create the test file data
String path = 'Test File.txt';
Blob fileContents = Blob.valueOf('Test document contents');
String contentType = 'text/plain';

//Create an insert request and execute
ffhttp_DropboxFiles files = client.files();
ffhttp_DropboxFiles.FilesPutRequest filesPutRequest = files.filesPutRequest(path, fileContents, contentType);

//This will insert a new file into Dropbox called 'Test File.txt' with the contents 'Test document contents'.

This creates a connection between Salesforce and Dropbox using the packages described above.

Make sure that the [Core]( and [Dropbox]( packages have been deployed to your Saleforce organisation.

###Create an app in Dropbox

1. Log in to your Dropbox account.
2. Go to and select **Create App**.
3. Select **Dropbox API app** for **What type of data does your app need to store on Dropbox?**.
4. Select **Files and datastores** for **Can your app be limited to its own folder?**.
5. Select **No** as **Can your app be limited to its own folder?**.
6. Select **All file types** for **What type of files does your app need access to?**.
7. Enter an **App name** and select **Create App**.
8. Set the **Redirect URIs** to the URL of the Salesforce organisation e.g.
9. Make sure you know the **App Key** and **App Secret** as they will be needed later.

###Create a Connector in Salesforce

This requires the [OAuth Sample App]( to be deployed.

1. Log in to your Salesforce organisation.
2. Select the **OAuth Sample App**.
3. Select **Connector Types** then **New**.
4. Enter a **Connector Type Name** e.g. Dropbox.
5. Set the **Authorization Endpoint** to
6. Set the **Token Endpoint** to
7. Set the **Client ID** to the App Key obtained earlier.
8. Set the **Client Secret** to the App Secret obtained earlier.
9. Set the **Redirect URI** to the same URL as you set in step 8 in the Create an app in Dropbox section.
10. Make sure that **Scope Required** is unchecked.
11. **Save** the Connector Type.
12. Select **New Connector**.
13. Set the **Connector Name** and save.
14. Select the Connector and then **Activate**. You will be directed to another Salesforce page that activates your connector.
15. Select **Authorize**. This will prompt you to log in to your Google account (if you are not already logged in) and then authenticate the scope provided earlier. Select **Accept** to authorize.
16. Select **Save**. The connector is now ready for use.

Reporting Issues & Enhancements

Please report any issues using the github [issues]( feature. Suggestions / bug reports are welcome as are extensions containing additional functionality.