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BuckleScript bindings for PixiJS v5

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BuckleScript bindings for PixiJS v5





# bs-pixi
BuckleScript bindings for [PixiJS v6]( (Work in progress)

Refer to [documentation]( for existing coverage.

## Installation

npm install bs-pixi

And add `bs-pixi` into `bs-dependencies` in your project `bsconfig.json`.

## About Bindings

[PIXI.js]( relies heavily on inheritance, which in the context of bucklescript bindings is often realized via [functors]( where module containing subclass functionality would "spread" the implementation of the ancestor module (closest is mixin) - see [Extending Modules]( This is often referred to as **implementation inheritance**. One example is in [bs-webapi-incubator]( In addition to this approach here we bind directly to javascript classes via bucklescript supported `class type` bindings, with most apis accepting all structural subtypes:

external addChild: (Js.t(#C.displayObject), ~child: Js.t(#C.displayObject as 'a)) => Js.t('a) = "addChild";

`#` denotes structural subtype, so when we see `Js.t(#C.displayObjects)` we can feed any js object types that are structural subtypes of displayObject directly without upcasting to a type which is defined in a module where `addChild` is defined. Also this allows us to utilize both functional as well as object apis for the same functionality like:

let point = PIXI.Point.create(~x=1.0, ~y=5.0, ());
let x = point##x;
let x = point |. PIXI.Point.getX;

Although using object methods for anything slightly more complex as simple accessors is not really practical, as `[@bs]` class object methods do not support currying, labeled and optional parameters, feel free to use it if you feel comfortable with it, as in next example.

## Example

open PIXI;

let app = Application.create(~options=Application.createApplicationOptions(
~resolution=DomRe.window |. Obj.magic |. Js.Dict.unsafeGet("devicePixelRatio"), ()),

|> Webapi.Dom.Document.asHtmlDocument
|. Belt.Option.flatMap(document => document |> Webapi.Dom.HtmlDocument.body)
|. => body |> Webapi.Dom.Element.appendChild(app##view))
|> ignore;

let container = Container.create();

|. Application.getStage
|. Container.addChild(container);

// Create a new texture
let texture = Texture.from(~source=`String(""), ());

// Create a 5x5 grid of bunnies
Belt.Array.range(0, 24)
|. Belt.Array.forEach(i => {
let bunny = Sprite.create(texture);
bunny##anchor##set(0.5, 0.5);
bunny |. Sprite.setX(float_of_int((i mod 5) * 40));
bunny |. Sprite.setY(floor(float_of_int(i) /. 5.) *. 40.);
container |. Container.addChild(bunny) |> ignore;

container |. Container.setX(app##screen##width /. 2.);
container |. Container.setY(app##screen##height /. 2.);

// Center bunny sprite in local container coordinates
container##pivot##x #= (container##width /. 2.);
container##pivot##y #= (container##height /. 2.);

// Listen for animate update
|. Application.getTicker
|. Ticker.add(delta => {
// rotate the container!
// use delta to create frame-independent transform
container |. Container.setRotation(container##rotation -. 0.01 *. delta);
}, ());

Also make sure to **CHECK OUT** other [examples](

## Contributing

Any contribution is greatly appreciated. Take a look at []( Feel free to reach out in [issues]( for any questions.