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TodoMVC implementation written in ReasonML

bucklescript reason-react reasonml todomvc

Last synced: 2 months ago
JSON representation

TodoMVC implementation written in ReasonML




# ReasonML TodoMVC

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## Contributing

### Installing / Getting started

All the dependencies can be install via your yarn:

yarn install

That's it! You're up and running, you can start the project with:

yarn start

### Developing

Assuming you're developing with Visual Studio Code (if you're not, you should definitely give it a shot, it's awesome), all you need to develop is this extension: [vscode-reasonml](

This will give you compilation errors in the editor and code intelliscence.

### Running Tests

This project uses Jest as a test framework. You can run the tests of the project with:

yarn test

### Creating production builds

To create a production build of the application, you can run:

yarn build

This will output the compiled files in `build/`.

## Acknowledgement

- This production was bootstrapped by [spin](, a project scaffolding tool made by [@tmattio](