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[DEPRECATED] Command line tool supporting the development lifecycle

cli salesforce

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[DEPRECATED] Command line tool supporting the development lifecycle




# force-dev-tool

> Command line tool supporting the development lifecycle

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## Disclaimer

> **Reduced maintenance for `force-dev-tool`**
> `force-dev-tool` has been created in 2015 trying to provide a CLI for developers to do deployments leveraging Version Control Systems because i felt a need to improve the painful Software Development Lifecycle for Salesforce.
> Fortunately times have changed.
> If you're looking for a modern Software Development Lifecycle for Salesforce please get familiar with [Salesforce DX]( and use the
> official [Salesforce CLI]( (a.k.a. [sfdx-cli](

## Install

$ npm install --global force-dev-tool

## Usage

$ force-dev-tool --help

force-dev-tool [...]
force-dev-tool -h | --help
force-dev-tool --version

-h --help Show this screen.
--version Show version.

help Print help for a command or in general
remote Manage orgs (list, add, remove, set default, set password)
login Login using Metadata API and show login URL
fetch Fetch describe information from a remote
info Show describe information from a remote
package Generate a package.xml file from local describe information
retrieve Retrieve metadata specified in package.xml
deploy Deploy metadata specified in a package.xml
test Execute unit tests
changeset Create a changeset/deployment from a unified diff input or cli args
query Execute a SOQL query returing JSON
bulk (alpha) Import/export data in CSV format using the bulk API
execute (alpha) Execute anonymous Apex

See 'force-dev-tool help ' for more information on a specific command.

## Examples
**Managing remote environments**

$ force-dev-tool remote add mydev user pass --default
$ force-dev-tool remote add build user pass2
$ force-dev-tool remote add production user pass3

**Validating credentials for a given remote (optional)**

$ force-dev-tool login mydev
Logged in successfully to remote mydev.
Use the following URL to open Salesforce in your web browser:

**Building a manifest**

Fetch various information from the remote first

$ force-dev-tool fetch --progress
Fetching from remote mydev
API Versions
Available Metadata Types
Metadata Components
RecordTypes of PersonAccount
Active Flow versions
Created config/mydev-fetch-result.json
Fetching remotes finished.

Now generate a `package.xml` file based on the fetched information

$ force-dev-tool package -a
Created src/package.xml

In order to exclude certain metadata components from being added to the `package.xml` file, add patterns (similar to `.gitignore`) to `.forceignore`. See [here]( for some sane default rules.

**Retrieving metadata**

$ force-dev-tool retrieve
Retrieving from remote mydev to directory src

**Creating deployments**

1\. By explicitly listing metadata files or metadata components
$ echo "" | force-dev-tool changeset create vat src/pages/ CustomField/Account.VAT__c

2\. By providing a unified diff (e.g. `git diff`). Tweak the `git diff` command with `--ignore-space-at-eol` or `--ignore-all-space` to ignore space changes.
$ git diff --no-renames master feature/vat | force-dev-tool changeset create vat

Both approaches lead to the following result




exported metadata container to config/deployments/vat

**Creating destructive deployments (reverting changes)**

1\. By explicitly listing metadata files or metadata components
$ echo "" | force-dev-tool changeset create undo-vat --destructive src/pages/ CustomField/Account.VAT__c

2\. By providing a unified diff (e.g. `git diff`)
$ git diff --no-renames feature/vat master | force-dev-tool changeset create undo-vat

Both approaches lead to the following result


Destructive Manifest:



exported metadata container to config/deployments/undo-vat

**Deploying metadata**

$ force-dev-tool deploy --help
force-dev-tool deploy [options] []

Deploy metadata specified in a package.xml.

-c --checkOnly Perform a test deployment (validation).
-t --test Run local tests.
--runTests= Names of test classes (one argument, separated by whitespace).
--runAllTests Run all tests including tests of managed packages.
--purgeOnDelete Don't store deleted components in the recycle bin.
--noSinglePackage Allows to deploy multiple packages.
-d= Directory to be deployed [default: src].
-f= Zip file to be deployed.


Deploying the default directory to the default remote
$ force-dev-tool deploy
Running Deployment of directory src to remote mydev
Visit for more information.

Deploying to another remote
$ force-dev-tool deploy myqa

Deploying a specified directory
$ force-dev-tool deploy -d config/deployments/vat

Perform a test deployment (validation)
$ force-dev-tool deploy --checkOnly
$ force-dev-tool deploy -c

Deploying with running local tests
$ force-dev-tool deploy -t
$ force-dev-tool deploy --test

Deploying with running specified test classes
$ force-dev-tool deploy --runTests 'Test_MockFoo Test_MockBar'

Deploying with running test classes matching a pattern
$ force-dev-tool package grep 'ApexClass/Test_Mock*' \
| cut -d '/' -f 2 \
| xargs -0 force-dev-tool deploy --runTests

Deploying with running only test classes being contained in a deployment
$ force-dev-tool package -f config/deployments/mock/package.xml grep 'ApexClass/Test_*' \
| cut -d '/' -f 2 \
| xargs -0 force-dev-tool deploy -d config/deployments/mock --runTests

**Running unit tests**

Running all local tests

$ force-dev-tool test
Running Test execution to remote mydev
Test_Foo#test_method_one took 32.0
- System.AssertException: Assertion Failed: Expected: foo, Actual: bar
- Class.Test_Foo.test_method_one: line 8, column 1
Test_Foo2#test_method_one took 11.0
- System.AssertException: Assertion Failed
- Class.Test_Foo2.test_method_one: line 7, column 1
Error: Visit for more information.
3 methods, 2 failures

$ force-dev-tool test build
Running Test execution to remote build
Test_Foo#test_method_one took 32.0
- System.AssertException: Assertion Failed: Expected: foo, Actual: bar
- Class.Test_Foo.test_method_one: line 8, column 1
Test_Foo2#test_method_one took 11.0
- System.AssertException: Assertion Failed
- Class.Test_Foo2.test_method_one: line 7, column 1
Error: Visit for more information.
3 methods, 2 failures

Running specified test classes

$ force-dev-tool test --classNames 'Test_MockFoo Test_MockBar'

Running test classes matching a pattern (in src/package.xml)

$ force-dev-tool package grep 'ApexClass/Test_Mock*' \
| cut -d '/' -f 2 \
| xargs -0 force-dev-tool test --classNames

**Using `force-dev-tool` in a build script**

The following environment variables can be used to define a default remote environment called `env`:


$ force-dev-tool deploy -ct env

Note: You can also define named remotes using [Environment Variables]( (e.g. `SFDC_ci_USERNAME`, `SFDC_ci_PASSWORD`, `SFDC_ci_SERVER_URL`).

**Executing a SOQL query**

$ force-dev-tool query "SELECT Id, Name FROM Account LIMIT 1"
"attributes": {
"type": "Account",
"url": "/services/data/v38.0/sobjects/Account/001200000183ZCFAA2"
"Id": "001200000183ZCFAA2",
"Name": "GenePoint"

$ force-dev-tool query "SELECT COUNT(Id) c FROM Account"
"attributes": {
"type": "AggregateResult"
"c": 15

**(alpha) Exporting/importing data using the bulk API**

Exporting data

$ force-dev-tool bulk export "SELECT Id, Name FROM Account LIMIT 1"
$ force-dev-tool bulk export "SELECT Id, Name FROM Account" --out Accounts.csv

Updating data

$ force-dev-tool bulk update Account --in Accounts.csv --out Accounts-update-results.csv

Note: Importing more than one batch is currently not yet supported.

**(alpha) Executing anonymous Apex**

$ echo "insert new Account(Name = 'Test Account');" | force-dev-tool execute

## Getting help

Please see the [wiki]( for [Motivation]( and [Troubleshooting]( and [Resources](

Feel free to open issues with questions.

## License
MIT © [Matthias Rolke](mailto:[email protected])