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A universal load testing framework for Rust, with real-time tui support.

benchmark cli load-testing performance rust tui

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A universal load testing framework for Rust, with real-time tui support.




# rlt

A **R**ust **L**oad **T**esting framework with real-time tui support.

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**rlt** provides a simple way to create load test tools in Rust.
It is designed to be a universal load test framework, which means you can use
rlt for various services, such as Http, gRPC, Thrift, Database, or other customized services.

### Features

- **Flexible**: Customize the work load with your own logic.
- **Easy to use**: Little boilerplate code, just focus on testing.
- **Rich Statistics**: Collect and display rich statistics.
- **High performance**: Optimized for performance and resource usage.
- **Real-time TUI**: Monitor testing progress with a powerful real-time TUI.

### Quick Start

To use `rlt`, firstly add it as a dependency:

$ cargo add rlt
Then create your bench suite by implementing the `BenchSuite` trait.
You can use `flatten` attribute provided by `clap` to embed the predefined `BenchCli` into your own.

#[derive(Parser, Clone)]
pub struct HttpBench {
/// Target URL.
pub url: Url,

/// Embed BenchCli into this Opts.
pub bench_opts: BenchCli,

impl BenchSuite for HttpBench {
type WorkerState = Client;

async fn state(&self, _: u32) -> Result {

async fn bench(&mut self, client: &mut Self::WorkerState, _: &IterInfo) -> Result {
let t = Instant::now();
let resp = client.get(self.url.clone()).send().await?;
let status = resp.status().into();
let bytes = resp.bytes().await?.len() as u64;
let duration = t.elapsed();
Ok(IterReport { duration, status, bytes, items: 1 })

Note that you can create a separate struct to hold the cli options for more flexibility. There is an example in [examples/](examples/

Finally, create the main function to run the load test:

async fn main() -> Result<()> {
let bs = HttpBench::parse();
rlt::cli::run(bs.bench_opts, bs).await

More examples can be found in the [examples](examples) directory.

### Credits

The TUI layout in rlt is inspired by [oha](

### License

`rlt` is distributed under the terms of both the MIT License and the Apache License 2.0.

See the [LICENSE-APACHE](LICENSE-APACHE) and [LICENSE-MIT](LICENSE-MIT) files for license details.