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Minecraft Bedrock protocol library, with authentication and encryption

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Minecraft Bedrock protocol library, with authentication and encryption




# bedrock-protocol
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Minecraft Bedrock Edition (aka MCPE) protocol library, supporting authentication and encryption. Help [contribute](docs/

[Protocol doc](

## Features

- Supports Minecraft Bedrock version 1.16.201, 1.16.210, 1.16.220, 1.17.0, 1.17.10, 1.17.30, 1.17.40, 1.18.0, 1.18.11, 1.18.30, 1.19.1, 1.19.10, 1.19.20, 1.19.21, 1.19.30, 1.19.40, 1.19.41, 1.19.50, 1.19.60, 1.19.62, 1.19.63, 1.19.70, 1.19.80, 1.20.0, 1.20.10, 1.20.30, 1.20.40, 1.20.50, 1.20.61, 1.20.71
- Parse and serialize packets as JavaScript objects
- Automatically respond to keep-alive packets
- [Proxy and mitm connections](docs/
- Client
- Authentication
- Encryption
- [Ping a server for status](docs/
- Server
- Autheticate clients with Xbox Live
- Ping status

* Robust test coverage.
* Easily extend with many other PrismarineJS projects, world providers, and more
* Optimized for rapidly staying up to date with Minecraft protocol updates.

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## Installation

`npm install bedrock-protocol`

To update bedrock-protocol (or any Node.js package) and its dependencies after a previous install, you must run `npm update --depth 9999`

## Usage

### Client example

Example to connect to a server in offline mode, and relay chat messages back:

const bedrock = require('bedrock-protocol')
const client = bedrock.createClient({
host: 'localhost', // optional
port: 19132, // optional, default 19132
username: 'Notch', // the username you want to join as, optional if online mode
offline: true // optional, default false. if true, do not login with Xbox Live. You will not be asked to sign-in if set to true.

client.on('text', (packet) => { // Listen for chat messages from the server and echo them back.
if (packet.source_name != client.username) {
client.queue('text', {
type: 'chat', needs_translation: false, source_name: client.username, xuid: '', platform_chat_id: '',
message: `${packet.source_name} said: ${packet.message} on ${new Date().toLocaleString()}`

### Client example joining a Realm

Example to connect to a Realm that the authenticating account is owner of or has been invited to:

const bedrock = require('bedrock-protocol')
const client = bedrock.createClient({
realms: {
pickRealm: (realms) => realms[0] // Function which recieves an array of joined/owned Realms and must return a single Realm. Can be async

### Server example

*Can't connect locally on Windows? See the [faq](docs/*
const bedrock = require('bedrock-protocol')
const server = bedrock.createServer({
host: '', // optional. host to bind as.
port: 19132, // optional
version: '1.17.10', // optional. The server version, latest if not specified.

server.on('connect', client => {
client.on('join', () => { // The client has joined the server.
const d = new Date() // Once client is in the server, send a colorful kick message
client.disconnect(`Good ${d.getHours() < 12 ? '§emorning§r' : '§3afternoon§r'} :)\n\nMy time is ${d.toLocaleString()} !`)

### Ping example

const { ping } = require('bedrock-protocol')
ping({ host: '', port: 19132 }).then(res => {

## Documentation

For documentation on the protocol, and packets/fields see the [protocol documentation](

* See [API documentation](docs/

* See [frequently asked questions and answers](docs/

## Testing

```npm test```

## Debugging

You can enable some protocol debugging output using `DEBUG` environment variable.

Through node.js, add `process.env.DEBUG = 'minecraft-protocol'` at the top of your script.

## Contribute

Please read [](docs/ and

## History

See [history](