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Godot development tools for VSCode

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Godot development tools for VSCode




# Godot Tools

Game development tools for working with [Godot Engine]( in Visual Studio Code.

**IMPORTANT NOTE:** Versions 1.0.0 and later of this extension only support
Godot 3.2 or later.

- [Godot Tools](#godot-tools)
- [Features](#features)
- [Download](#download)
- [Commands](#commands)
- [Configuration](#configuration)
- [Godot Editor](#godot-editor)
- [VS Code](#vs-code)
- [GDScript Debugger](#gdscript-debugger)
- [*Configurations*](#configurations)
- [Issues and contributions](#issues-and-contributions)
- [Contributing](#contributing)
- [FAQ](#faq)
- [Why does it fail to connect to the language server?](#why-does-it-fail-to-connect-to-the-language-server)
- [Why isn't IntelliSense displaying script members?](#why-isnt-intellisense-displaying-script-members)

# Features

(**bold items** are new in Godot Tools `v2.0.0`)
- GDScript (`.gd`) language features:
- syntax highlighting
- `ctrl+click` on any symbol to jump to its definition or **open its documentation**
- `ctrl+click` on `res://resource/path` links
- **hover previews on `res://resource/path` links**
- **builtin code formatter**
- autocompletions
- full typed GDScript support
- optional "Smart Mode" to improve productivity with dynamically typed scripts
- Hover previews show function/variable definitions including doc-comments
- **switch from a `.gd` file to the related `.tscn` file (default keybind is `alt+o`)**
- display script warnings and errors
- GDScript Debugger features:
- **completely rewritten, greatly improved reliability**
- **new, simple configuration** (seriously, just hit F5!)
- **convenient launch targets: current project/current file/pinned file**,
- breakpoints
- exceptions
- step-in/out/over
- variable watch
- call stack
- active scene tree
- inspector
- GDResource (`.tscn` and `.tres`) language features:
- syntax highlighting
- **`ctrl+click` on `res://resource/path` links**
- **`ctrl+click` on symbols to jump to its definition or open its documentation**
- **hover previews show definitions of External and Sub Resources**
- **hover previews on `res://resource/path` links**
- **inlay hints to help visualize External and Sub Resources**
- **in-editor Scene Preview**
- GDShader (`.gdshader`) language features:
- syntax highlighting

# Download

- [Visual Studio Marketplace **(recommended)**](
- Stable release, with support for automatic updates.
- [GitHub Releases](
- Stable release, but no automatic updates. Can be useful if you need to install an older version of the extension.
- [Development build (follows the `master` branch)](
- Development build. Contains new features and fixes not available in stable releases, but may be unstable.
- Extract the ZIP archive before installing (it contains the `.vsix` file inside).

To install from GitHub Releases or a development build,
see [Install from a VSIX](
in the Visual Studio Code documentation.

# Commands

The extension adds a few entries to the VS Code Command Palette under "Godot Tools":

- Open workspace with Godot editor
- List Godot's native classes (and open thier documentation)
- Debug the current `.tscn`/`.gd` file
- Debug the pinned `.tscn`/`.gd` file
- Pin/Unpin the current `.tscn`/`.gd` file for debugging
- Open the pinned file

# Configuration

### Godot Editor

You can set VS Code as your default script editor for Godot by following these steps:

1. Open the **Editor Settings**
2. Select **Text Editor > External**
3. Check **Use External Editor**
4. Fill **Exec Path** with the path to your VS Code executable
* On macOS, this executable is typically located at: `/Applications/Visual Studio`
5. Fill **Exec Flags** with `{project} --goto {file}:{line}:{col}`

### VS Code

You can use the following settings to configure Godot Tools:

- `godotTools.editorPath.godot3`
- `godotTools.editorPath.godot4`

The path to the Godot editor executable. _Under Mac OS, this is the executable inside of

- `godotTools.lsp.headless`

When using Godot >3.6 or >4.2, Headless LSP mode is available. In Headless mode, the extension will attempt to launch a windowless instance of the Godot editor to use as its Language Server.

# GDScript Debugger

The debugger is for GDScript projects. To debug C# projects, use [C# Tools for Godot](

To configure the GDScript debugger:

1. Open the command palette (by pressing F1):
2. `>View: Show Run and Debug`
3. Click on "create a launch.json file"

![Run and Debug View](img/run-and-debug.png)

4. Select the Debug Godot configuration.
5. Change any relevant settings.
6. Press F5 to launch.

### *Configurations*

"name": "Launch",
"type": "godot",
"request": "launch"

"name": "Launch",
"type": "godot",
"request": "launch",
"project": "${workspaceFolder}",
"address": "",
"port": 6007,
"scene": "main|current|pinned|",
"editor_path": "",
// engine command line flags
"profiling": false,
"single_threaded_scene": false,
"debug_collisions": false,
"debug_paths": false,
"debug_navigation": false,
"debug_avoidance": false,
"debug_stringnames": false,
"frame_delay": 0,
"time_scale": 1.0,
"disable_vsync": false,
"fixed_fps": 60,
// anything else
"additional_options": ""

Godot's command flags are documented here:


- Stacktrace and variable dumps are the same as any regular debugger
- The active scene tree can be refreshed with the Refresh icon in the top right.
- Nodes can be brought to the fore in the Inspector by clicking the Eye icon next to nodes in the active scene tree, or Objects in the inspector.
- You can edit integers, floats, strings, and booleans within the inspector by clicking the pencil icon next to each.

![Showing the debugger in action](img/godot-debug.png)

## Issues and contributions

The [Godot Tools]( extension
is an open source project from the Godot organization. Feel free to open issues
and create pull requests anytime.

See the [full changelog](
for the latest changes.

# Contributing

see [](

## FAQ

### Why does it fail to connect to the language server?

- Godot 3.2 or later is required.
- Make sure the Godot editor is running
- Make sure to open the project in the Godot editor first. If you opened
the editor after opening VS Code, you can click the **Retry** button
in the bottom-right corner in VS Code.

### Why isn't IntelliSense displaying script members?

- GDScript is a dynamically typed script language. The language server can't
infer all variable types.
- To increase the number of results displayed, open the **Editor Settings**,
go to the **Language Server** section then check **Enable Smart Resolve**.