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Compute Sentence Embeddings Fast!

cython document-similarity embeddings fasttext fse gensim gensim-model maxpooling sentence-embeddings sentence-representation sentence-similarity sif swem usif word2vec-model wordembedding

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Compute Sentence Embeddings Fast!




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Language grade: Python
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License: GPL3


Fast Sentence Embeddings

Fast Sentence Embeddings is a Python library that serves as an addition to Gensim. This library is intended to compute *sentence vectors* for large collections of sentences or documents with as little hassle as possible:

from fse import Vectors, Average, IndexedList

vecs = Vectors.from_pretrained("glove-wiki-gigaword-50")
model = Average(vecs)

sentences = [["cat", "say", "meow"], ["dog", "say", "woof"]]


If you want to support fse, take a quick [survey]( to improve it.


This package builds upon Gensim and is intenteded to compute sentence/paragraph vectors for large databases. Use this package if:
- (Sentence) Transformers are too slow
- Your dataset is too large for existing solutions (spacy)
- Using GPUs is not an option.

The average (online) inference time for a well optimized (and batched) sentence-transformer is around 1ms-10ms per sentence. If that is not enough and you are willing to sacrifice a bit in terms of quality, this is your package.


Find the corresponding blog post(s) here (code may be outdated):

- [Visualizing 100,000 Amazon Products](
- [Sentence Embeddings. Fast, please!](

**fse** implements three algorithms for sentence embeddings. You can choose
between *unweighted sentence averages*, *smooth inverse frequency averages*, and *unsupervised smooth inverse frequency averages*.

Key features of **fse** are:

**[X]** Up to 500.000 sentences / second (1)

**[X]** Provides HUB access to various pre-trained models for convenience

**[X]** Supports Average, SIF, and uSIF Embeddings

**[X]** Full support for Gensims Word2Vec and all other compatible classes

**[X]** Full support for Gensims FastText with out-of-vocabulary words

**[X]** Induction of word frequencies for pre-trained embeddings

**[X]** Incredibly fast Cython core routines

**[X]** Dedicated input file formats for easy usage (including disk streaming)

**[X]** Ram-to-disk training for large corpora

**[X]** Disk-to-disk training for even larger corpora

**[X]** Many fail-safe checks for easy usage

**[X]** Simple interface for developing your own models

**[X]** Extensive documentation of all functions

**[X]** Optimized Input Classes

(1) May vary significantly from system to system (i.e. by using swap memory) and processing.
I regularly observe 300k-500k sentences/s for preprocessed data on my Macbook (2016).
Visit **Tutorial.ipynb** for an example.


This software depends on NumPy, Scipy, Scikit-learn, Gensim, and Wordfreq.
You must have them installed prior to installing fse.

As with gensim, it is also recommended you install a BLAS library before installing fse.

The simple way to install **fse** is:

pip install -U fse

In case you want to build from source, just run:

python install

If building the Cython extension fails (you will be notified), try:

pip install -U git+


Using pre-trained models with **fse** is easy. You can just use them from the hub and download them accordingly.
They will be stored locally so you can re-use them later.

from fse import Vectors, Average, IndexedList
vecs = Vectors.from_pretrained("glove-wiki-gigaword-50")
model = Average(vecs)

sentences = [["cat", "say", "meow"], ["dog", "say", "woof"]]


If your vectors are large and you don't have a lot of RAM, you can supply the `mmap` argument as follows to read the vectors from disk instead of loading them into RAM:

Vectors.from_pretrained("glove-wiki-gigaword-50", mmap="r")

To check which vectors are on the hub, please check: For example, you will find:
- glove-twitter-25
- glove-twitter-50
- glove-twitter-100
- glove-twitter-200
- glove-wiki-gigaword-100
- glove-wiki-gigaword-300
- word2vec-google-news-300
- paragram-25
- paranmt-300
- paragram-300-sl999
- paragram-300-ws353
- fasttext-wiki-news-subwords-300
- fasttext-crawl-subwords-300 (Use with `FTVectors`)

In order to use **fse** with a custom model you must first estimate a Gensim model which contains a
gensim.models.keyedvectors.BaseKeyedVectors class, for example *Word2Vec* or *Fasttext*. Then you can proceed to compute sentence embeddings for a corpus as follows:

from gensim.models import FastText
sentences = [["cat", "say", "meow"], ["dog", "say", "woof"]]
ft = FastText(sentences, min_count=1, vector_size=10)

from fse import Average, IndexedList
model = Average(ft)

fse offers multi-thread support out of the box. However, for most applications a *single thread will most likely be sufficient*.

Additional Information

Within the folder nootebooks you can find the following guides:

**Tutorial.ipynb** offers a detailed walk-through of some of the most important functions fse has to offer.

**STS-Benchmarks.ipynb** contains an example of how to use the library with pre-trained models to
replicate the STS Benchmark results [4] reported in the papers.

**Speed Comparision.ipynb** compares the speed between the numpy and the cython routines.

In order to use the **fse** model, you first need some pre-trained gensim
word embedding model, which is then used by **fse** to compute the sentence embeddings.

After computing sentence embeddings, you can use them in supervised or
unsupervised NLP applications, as they serve as a formidable baseline.

The models presented are based on
- Deep-averaging embeddings [1]
- Smooth inverse frequency embeddings [2]
- Unsupervised smooth inverse frequency embeddings [3]

Credits to Radim Řehůřek and all contributors for the **awesome** library
and code that [Gensim]( provides. A whole lot of the code found in this lib is based on Gensim.

To install **fse** on Colab, check out:


Model | Vectors | params | [STS Benchmark](
:---: | :---: | :---: | :---:
`CBOW` | `paranmt-300` | | 79.82
`uSIF` | `paranmt-300` | length=11 | 79.00
`SIF-10` | `paranmt-300` | components=10 | 76.72
`SIF-10` | `paragram-300-sl999` | components=10 | 74.21
`SIF-10` | `paragram-300-ws353` | components=10 | 74.03
`SIF-10` | `fasttext-crawl-subwords-300` | components=10 | 73.38
`uSIF` | `paragram-300-sl999` | length=11 | 73.04
`SIF-10` | `fasttext-wiki-news-subwords-300` | components=10 | 72.29
`uSIF` | `paragram-300-ws353` | length=11 | 71.84
`SIF-10` | `glove-twitter-200` | components=10 | 71.62
`SIF-10` | `glove-wiki-gigaword-300` | components=10 | 71.35
`SIF-10` | `word2vec-google-news-300` | components=10 | 71.12
`SIF-10` | `glove-wiki-gigaword-200` | components=10 | 70.62
`SIF-10` | `glove-twitter-100` | components=10 | 69.65
`uSIF` | `fasttext-crawl-subwords-300` | length=11 | 69.40
`uSIF` | `fasttext-wiki-news-subwords-300` | length=11 | 68.63
`SIF-10` | `glove-wiki-gigaword-100` | components=10 | 68.34
`uSIF` | `glove-wiki-gigaword-300` | length=11 | 67.60
`uSIF` | `glove-wiki-gigaword-200` | length=11 | 67.11
`uSIF` | `word2vec-google-news-300` | length=11 | 66.99
`uSIF` | `glove-twitter-200` | length=11 | 66.67
`SIF-10` | `glove-twitter-50` | components=10 | 65.52
`uSIF` | `glove-wiki-gigaword-100` | length=11 | 65.33
`uSIF` | `paragram-25` | length=11 | 64.22
`uSIF` | `glove-twitter-100` | length=11 | 64.13
`SIF-10` | `glove-wiki-gigaword-50` | components=10 | 64.11
`uSIF` | `glove-wiki-gigaword-50` | length=11 | 62.06
`CBOW` | `word2vec-google-news-300` | | 61.54
`uSIF` | `glove-twitter-50` | length=11 | 60.41
`SIF-10` | `paragram-25` | components=10 | 59.07
`uSIF` | `glove-twitter-25` | length=11 | 55.06
`CBOW` | `paragram-300-ws353` | | 54.72
`SIF-10` | `glove-twitter-25` | components=10 | 54.16
`CBOW` | `paragram-300-sl999` | | 51.46
`CBOW` | `fasttext-crawl-subwords-300` | | 48.49
`CBOW` | `glove-wiki-gigaword-300` | | 44.46
`CBOW` | `glove-wiki-gigaword-200` | | 42.40
`CBOW` | `paragram-25` | | 40.13
`CBOW` | `glove-wiki-gigaword-100` | | 38.12
`CBOW` | `glove-wiki-gigaword-50` | | 37.47
`CBOW` | `glove-twitter-200` | | 34.94
`CBOW` | `glove-twitter-100` | | 33.81
`CBOW` | `glove-twitter-50` | | 30.78
`CBOW` | `glove-twitter-25` | | 26.15
`CBOW` | `fasttext-wiki-news-subwords-300` | | 26.08


- Added support for gensim>=4. This library is no longer compatible with gensim<4. For migration, see the [README](
- `size` argument is now `vector_size`

- Added `Vectors` and `FTVectors` class and hub support by `from_pretrained`
- Extended benchmark
- Fixed zero division bug for uSIF
- Moved tests out of the main folder
- Moved sts out of the main folder

- Fixed dependency issue where you cannot install fse properly
- Updated readme
- Updated travis python versions (3.6, 3.9)

0.1.15 from 0.1.11:
- Fixed major FT Ngram computation bug
- Rewrote the input class. Turns out NamedTuple was pretty slow.
- Added further unittests
- Added documentation
- Major speed improvements
- Fixed division by zero for empty sentences
- Fixed overflow when infer method is used with too many sentences
- Fixed similar_by_sentence bug


1. Iyyer M, Manjunatha V, Boyd-Graber J, Daumé III H (2015) Deep Unordered
Composition Rivals Syntactic Methods for Text Classification. Proc. 53rd Annu.
Meet. Assoc. Comput. Linguist. 7th Int. Jt. Conf. Nat. Lang. Process., 1681–1691.

2. Arora S, Liang Y, Ma T (2017) A Simple but Tough-to-Beat Baseline for Sentence
Embeddings. Int. Conf. Learn. Represent. (Toulon, France), 1–16.

3. Ethayarajh K (2018) Unsupervised Random Walk Sentence Embeddings: A Strong but Simple Baseline.
Proceedings of the 3rd Workshop on Representation Learning for NLP. (Toulon, France), 91–100.

4. Eneko Agirre, Daniel Cer, Mona Diab, Iñigo Lopez-Gazpio, Lucia Specia. Semeval-2017 Task 1: Semantic Textual Similarity Multilingual and Crosslingual Focused Evaluation. Proceedings of SemEval 2017.


**Disclaimer**: I am working full time. Unfortunately, I have yet to find time to add all the features I'd like to see. Especially the API needs some overhaul and we need support for gensim 4.0.0.

I am looking for active contributors to keep this package alive. Please feel free to ping me at if you are interested.

Author: Oliver Borchers

Copyright (C) 2022 Oliver Borchers


If you found this software useful, please cite it in your publication.

author = {Borchers, Oliver},
title = {Fast sentence embeddings},
year = {2019},
publisher = {GitHub},
journal = {GitHub Repository},
howpublished = {\url{}},