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Universal Command Line Interface for Amazon Web Services

aws aws-cli cloud cloud-management

Last synced: about 2 months ago
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Universal Command Line Interface for Amazon Web Services





.. image::
:alt: Build Status

This package provides a unified command line interface to Amazon Web

Jump to:

- `Getting Started <#getting-started>`__
- `Getting Help <#getting-help>`__
- `More Resources <#more-resources>`__

Getting Started

This README is for the AWS CLI version 1. If you are looking for
information about the AWS CLI version 2, please visit the `v2
branch `__.


The aws-cli package works on Python versions:

- 3.8.x and greater
- 3.9.x and greater
- 3.10.x and greater
- 3.11.x and greater
- 3.12.x and greater


On 2022-05-30, support for Python 3.6 was ended. This follows the
Python Software Foundation `end of support `__
for the runtime which occurred on 2021-12-23.

On 2023-12-13, support for Python 3.7 was ended. This follows the
Python Software Foundation `end of support `__
for the runtime which occurred on 2023-06-27.
For more information, see this `blog post `__.


*We recommend that all customers regularly monitor the* `Amazon Web
Services Security Bulletins
website `__ *for
any important security bulletins related to aws-cli.*

Maintenance and Support for CLI Major Versions

The AWS CLI version 1 was made generally available on 09/02/2013 and is currently in the full support phase of the availability life cycle.

For information about maintenance and support for SDK major versions and their underlying dependencies, see the `Maintenance Policy `__ section in the *AWS SDKs and Tools Shared Configuration and Credentials Reference Guide*.


Installation of the AWS CLI and its dependencies use a range of packaging
features provided by ``pip`` and ``setuptools``. To ensure smooth installation,
it's recommended to use:

- ``pip``: 9.0.2 or greater
- ``setuptools``: 36.2.0 or greater

The safest way to install the AWS CLI is to use
`pip `__ in a ``virtualenv``:


$ python -m pip install awscli

or, if you are not installing in a ``virtualenv``, to install globally:


$ sudo python -m pip install awscli

or for your user:


$ python -m pip install --user awscli

If you have the aws-cli package installed and want to upgrade to the
latest version, you can run:


$ python -m pip install --upgrade awscli

This will install the aws-cli package as well as all dependencies.

.. note::
On macOS, if you see an error regarding the version of ``six`` that
came with ``distutils`` in El Capitan, use the ``--ignore-installed``


$ sudo python -m pip install awscli --ignore-installed six

On Linux and Mac OS, the AWS CLI can be installed using a `bundled
installer `__.
The AWS CLI can also be installed on Windows via an `MSI
Installer `__.

If you want to run the ``develop`` branch of the AWS CLI, see the
`Development Version `__ section of
the contributing guide.

See the
`installation `__
section of the AWS CLI User Guide for more information.


Before using the AWS CLI, you need to configure your AWS credentials.
You can do this in several ways:

- Configuration command
- Environment variables
- Shared credentials file
- Config file
- IAM Role

The quickest way to get started is to run the ``aws configure`` command:


$ aws configure
AWS Secret Access Key: MYSECRETKEY
Default region name [us-west-2]: us-west-2
Default output format [None]: json

To use environment variables, do the following:



To use the shared credentials file, create an INI formatted file like




and place it in ``~/.aws/credentials`` (or in
``%UserProfile%\.aws/credentials`` on Windows). If you wish to place the
shared credentials file in a different location than the one specified
above, you need to tell aws-cli where to find it. Do this by setting the
appropriate environment variable:


$ export AWS_SHARED_CREDENTIALS_FILE=/path/to/shared_credentials_file

To use a config file, create an INI formatted file like this:


# Optional, to define default region for this profile.

[profile testing]

and place it in ``~/.aws/config`` (or in ``%UserProfile%\.aws\config``
on Windows). If you wish to place the config file in a different
location than the one specified above, you need to tell the AWS CLI
where to find it. Do this by setting the appropriate environment


$ export AWS_CONFIG_FILE=/path/to/config_file

As you can see, you can have multiple ``profiles`` defined in both the
shared credentials file and the configuration file. You can then specify
which profile to use by using the ``--profile`` option. If no profile is
specified the ``default`` profile is used.

In the config file, except for the default profile, you **must** prefix
each config section of a profile group with ``profile``. For example, if
you have a profile named "testing" the section header would be
``[profile testing]``.

The final option for credentials is highly recommended if you are using
the AWS CLI on an EC2 instance. `IAM
Roles `__
are a great way to have credentials installed automatically on your
instance. If you are using IAM Roles, the AWS CLI will find and use them

In addition to credentials, a number of other variables can be
configured either with environment variables, configuration file
entries, or both. See the `AWS Tools and SDKs Shared Configuration and
Credentials Reference
Guide `__
for more information.

For more information about configuration options, please refer to the
`AWS CLI Configuration Variables
topic `__.
You can access this topic from the AWS CLI as well by running
``aws help config-vars``.

Basic Commands

An AWS CLI command has the following structure:


$ aws [options and parameters]

For example, to list S3 buckets, the command would be:


$ aws s3 ls

To view help documentation, use one of the following:


$ aws help
$ aws help
$ aws help

To get the version of the AWS CLI:


$ aws --version

To turn on debugging output:


$ aws --debug

You can read more information on the `Using the AWS
CLI `__
chapter of the AWS CLI User Guide.

Command Completion

The aws-cli package includes a command completion feature for Unix-like
systems. This feature is not automatically installed so you need to
configure it manually. To learn more, read the `AWS CLI Command
topic `__.

Getting Help

The best way to interact with our team is through GitHub. You can `open
an issue `__ and
choose from one of our templates for guidance, bug reports, or feature

You may find help from the community on `Stack
Overflow `__ with the tag
`aws-cli `__ or on
the `AWS Discussion Forum for
CLI `__. If you
have a support plan with `AWS Support
`__, you can also create
a new support case.

Please check for open similar
`issues `__ before opening
another one.

The AWS CLI implements AWS service APIs. For general issues regarding
the services or their limitations, you may find the `Amazon Web Services
Discussion Forums `__ helpful.

More Resources

- `Changelog `__
Documentation `__
- `AWS CLI User
Guide `__
- `AWS CLI Command
Reference `__
- `Amazon Web Services Discussion
Forums `__
- `AWS Support `__

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