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GraphQL syntax highlighting, linting, auto-complete, and more!

autocomplete graphql linter schema schema-validation snippets syntax-highlighting vscode

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GraphQL syntax highlighting, linting, auto-complete, and more!





Graphql For VSCode

[![Latest Release](](

VSCode extension for GraphQL schema authoring & consumption.

![A preview of the extension](

## What's in the Box?

* **Go to Definition**: Just F12 or Ctrl+Click on any graphql type, and you'll jump right to it's definition.

![Go to Definition](
* **Autocomplete**: Uses the [@playlyfe/gql]( library to read your whole graphql schema definitions and provide you with autocomplete support while writing & editing your `.gql` files.

* **Schema Validation**: The extension also validates your schema, so that you catch errors early.
* **Linting**: This extension uses a similar method as used by the [Codemirror graphql]( project for linting.
* **Great Syntax Highlighting**: Now, your graphql queries, mutations and gql files will look as beautiful as the rest of your code with an awesome syntax highlighter. It works not just with your .gql/.graphql schema files, but also within your code - supports syntax highlighting within:
+ Javascript
+ Typescript
+ Vue
+ Ruby
+ Cucumber
+ ReasonML/OCaml
+ Markdown fenced code-blocks
+ (Submit a PR to support your language!)

* **Snippets**: Some commonly used snippets are provided which help while writing mutations and queries, such as defining types, interfaces and input types.

## Setting it Up

1. Ensure that you have the [@playlyfe/gql]( library (v2.x) installed and available to this extension. If you've installed the library in a folder other than the workspace root, then add the path to the node_modules directory as a setting:
"graphqlForVSCode.nodePath": "ui/node_modules"

2. Ensure you have [watchman]( installed and available in your path. Watchman watches your gql files and provides up-to-date suggestions. For users on Windows, get the latest build mentioned in [this issue]( and add the location of `watchman.exe` to your environment path.

3. Create a .gqlconfig file (required by the `@playlyfe/gql` package).

### A minimal example:
The .gqlconfig is a JSON file with only one required key: schema.files which is the path to your *.gql files relative to your workspace root.
/* .gqlconfig */
schema: {
files: 'schemas/**/*.gql'
You can use the string `files: "**/*.gql"` instead if you want to find any `.gql` file recursively in the workspace dir.

To see the full configuration, check out the [GQL]( project's docs.

4. To enable autocomplete support within your code, add these lines to your `.gqlconfig` file. The `query` section of the config contains an array of `file` config with matchers. You can add more files by directing the `EmbeddedQueryParser` to run when your code within the `startTag` and `endTag` matches:
/* .gqlconfig */
schema: {
files: "schemas/**/*.gql"
query: {
files: [ /* define file paths which you'd like the gql parser to watch and give autocomplete suggestions for */
match: ['src/**/*.ts', 'src/**/*.tsx'], // match multiple extensions
parser: ['EmbeddedQueryParser', { startTag: 'gql`', endTag: '`' }], // parse any query inside gql template literal
match: 'ui/src/**/*.js', // for js
parser: ['EmbeddedQueryParser', { startTag: 'Relay\\.QL`', endTag: '`' }], // parse Relay syntax
isRelay: true,
match: 'features/**/*.feature', // for gherkin
parser: ['EmbeddedQueryParser', { startTag: 'graphql request\\s+"""', endTag: '"""' }],
"match": "lib/**/*.rb", // sample config you might use for Ruby-aware highlighting (inside `<<-GRAPHQL` heredocs)
"parser": ["EmbeddedQueryParser", { "startTag": "<<-GRAPHQL", "endTag": "GRAPHQL" }]
match: 'fixtures/**/*.gql',
parser: 'QueryParser',

Again, refer to [GQL]( docs for details about configuring your `.gqlconfig` file.

### Using remote schemas

If you are using a schema that is not in your client's project, you'll need to download it so it's available for `@playlyfe/gql`.
After downloading, you need to reference these schemas in your `.gqlconfig`.

_One way_ to do this is to use [graphql-cli](

"scripts": {
"gql:fetch-schema": "graphql get-schema --project prod"

You will also need a `.graphqlconfig.yml` configuration file so that `graphql-cli` knows where to download the schema from (specified by the `--project prod` argument to the command):

# .graphqlconfig.yml
schemaPath: schema/schema.graphql

Thereafter, you can fetch changes to the graphql schema by running the command:

# download schema
yarn gql:fetch-schema

## Future Plans
* Tests: Figure out tests.

## Contributing
* If you have a suggestion or a problem, please open an issue.
* If you'd like to improve the extension:
+ If you've made any improvements to the extension, send a Pull Request!
+ The instructions to run and debug the extension are [here](#hacking)

## Hacking

If you're making changes to the extension, then run `yarn dev` inside this directory,
then just press F5 to launch the *Extension Development Host* instance of vscode. Whenever you make a change, press *Reload* to reload the EDH instance.

## Major Contributors
* [Mayank Agarwal]( - added autocomplete, goto definition, schema validation support

## Changelog
* Latest changes are available on the [releases]( page.
* Older changelogs can be found [here](/


*Happy Querying!*