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Build declarative, responsive layouts in React using CSS Grid.

atom atomic-design atomic-layout composition css-grid layout react responsive-props styled-components

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Build declarative, responsive layouts in React using CSS Grid.




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**Atomic Layout** is a spatial distribution library for React. It uses [CSS Grid][css-grid] to define layout areas and render them as React components. This pattern encourages separation of elements and spacing, preventing contextual implementations and boosting maintenance of layouts.

import React from 'react'
import { Composition } from 'atomic-layout'

// Define layout areas: visual representation
// of what composes a layout, detached from
// what components are actually rendered.
const areasMobile = `

// Declare responsive changes of your areas.
// Operate in two dimensions, remove areas
// or introduce new ones.
const areasTablet = `
thumbnail header
thumbnail footer

const Card = ({ title, imageUrl, actions }) => (

{/* Get React components based on provided areas */}
{({ Thumbnail, Header, Footer }) => (

{/* Render anything, including another Composition */}

{/* Preserve semantics with polymorphic prop */}
{/* Responsive props: just suffix with a breakpoint name */}




export default Card

> Atomic Layout is responsive-first. It uses [Bootstrap 4 breakpoints][bootstrap-4-breakpoints] by default, which you can always [customize for your needs](

## Motivation

Modern layout development is about modularity and composition. Following the best practices of [Atomic design][atomic-design], we strive toward independent UI units that gradually compose into more meaningful pieces. While the attention paid to units implementation is thorough, we often overlook how to achieve layout composition that scales. It's as if we forget that _spacing defines composition_.

When it comes to distributing the spacing things get more difficult. First of all, true contextless spacing is hard. To make things worse, all present solutions couple spacing with UI elements, inevitably making small reusable pieces **contextful** and, thus, hard to maintain.

Atomic Layout helps you to compose your elements by introducing a dedicated spacing layer called _Composition_. It encourages you to separate concerns between UI elements' visual appearance and spacing between them. With the first-class responsive support at your disposal you can build gorgeous responsive permutations of your elements without leaving the dedicated spacing layer, keeping UI elements contextless and predictable. Embrace the era of a true layout composition!

## Implementations

Atomic Layout has multiple implementations depending on the styling solution:

| Package name | Latest version | Styling library |
| ------------------------------------------------------------ | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------- |
| [`atomic-layout`](./packages/atomic-layout) | [![Package version](]( | `styled-components` |
| [`@atomic-layout/emotion`](./packages/atomic-layout-emotion) | [![Package version](]( | `@emotion/styled` |

## Documentation

> **See the [Official documentation][atomic-layout-docs].**

Here are some shortcuts for quick access:

- [Motivation](
- [**Getting started**](
- [Responsive props](
- [Recipes](

## Examples

> Although the examples below use `atomic-layout` package, they are fully compatible with other styling implementations of the library (i.e. `@atomic-layout/emotion`).

### Basics

Basic composition: square and circle

Basic composition

Combine two UI elements into a single one using Composition.

Component with responsive props

Responsive props

Change a prop's value depending on a breakpoint.

Composition of other compositions

Nested composition

Any element can be a composition and a composite at the same time.

### Intermediate

Conditional rendering

Conditional rendering

Render or display elements conditionally based on breakpoints.

Custom configuration

Custom configuration

Configure a default measurement unit, custom breakpoints, and responsive behaviors.

Shorthand media query

Shorthand media query

Use a shorthand query function to declare inline media queries in CSS.

## Materials

Artem speaking at React Finland

Creating layouts that last (React Finland, 2019)

Find out the main aspects of a layout's maintainability and why spacing plays a crucial role in it. Learn how to wield layout composition as an actual React component–a missing glue for your elements and design systems.

SurviveJS logo

Layout composition as a React component (SurviveJS)

Read through the extensive interview about how Atomic layout came to be, how it's different from other solutions, and which practices it encourages.

The Future of Layouts — Artem Zakharchenko

The future of layouts (React Vienna, 2018)

Watch Artem discussing the biggest obstacle to achieve maintainable layouts, and showcases a way to combine existing technologies to build clean UI implementations using Atomic layout.

## Community

Reach out to us to share an awesome project you're building, or ask a question:

- [Reactiflux][community-reactiflux]

## Browser support

Atomic Layout's browser support is made by the browser support of underlying technologies the library uses. Pay attention if your project can support CSS Grid to be sure you can use Atomic Layout.

> **See the [Support table for CSS Grid][css-grid-support]**. For Internet Explorer support please read [this issue](

## Contributing

By contributing to Atomic Layout you shape the way developers create reusable UI.

Please refer to the [Contribution guidelines](./.github/ before committing to this project. We are thankful for any kind of contribution you may bring: discussion, issue report, or a pull request.
