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⚪ SVG-Powered component to easily create skeleton loadings.

facebook-cards-loaders hacktoberfest loader loading placeholder react react-native react-native-components skeleton skeleton-screen svg

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⚪ SVG-Powered component to easily create skeleton loadings.





Example's react-content-loader

SVG-Powered component to easily create placeholder loadings (like Facebook's cards loading).

## Features

- :gear: **Customizable:** Feel free to change the colors, speed, sizes, and even **RTL**;
- :ok_hand: **Plug and play:** with many presets to use, see the [examples](;
- :pencil2: **DIY:** use the [create-content-loader]( to create your own custom loaders easily;
- 📱 **React Native support**: same API, as same powerful features;
- ⚛️ **Really lightweight:** less than **2kB** and **0 dependencies** for web version;

## Index

- [Getting Started](#gettingstarted)
- [Usage](#usage)
- [Native](#native)
- [Options](#options)
- [Examples](#examples)
- [Troubleshooting](#troubleshooting)
- [Similar packages](#similarpackages)
- [Development](#development)

## Getting Started

npm i react-content-loader --save

yarn add react-content-loader

### For React Native

npm i react-content-loader react-native-svg --save

yarn add react-content-loader react-native-svg


## Usage

There are two ways to use it:

**1. Presets, see the [examples](**

import ContentLoader, { Facebook } from 'react-content-loader'

const MyLoader = () =>
const MyFacebookLoader = () =>

**2. Custom mode, see the [online tool](**

const MyLoader = () => (

{/* Only SVG shapes */}    


**Still not clear?** Take a look at this working example at [](
Or try the components editable demo hands-on and install it from [](

## Native

`react-content-loader` can be used with React Native in the same way as web version with the same import:

**1. Presets, see the [examples](#examples):**

import ContentLoader, { Facebook } from 'react-content-loader/native'

const MyLoader = () =>
const MyFacebookLoader = () =>

**2. Custom mode**

**To create custom loaders there is an important difference:** as React Native doesn't have any native module for SVG components, it's necessary to import the shapes from [react-native-svg]( or use the named export Rect and Circle from `react-content-loader` import:

import ContentLoader, { Rect, Circle } from 'react-content-loader/native'

const MyLoader = () => (


## Options


Prop name and type
| Environment | Description |
| ---------------------------------------------------------------- | -------------------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| **`animate?: boolean`**
Defaults to `true` | React DOM
React Native | Opt-out of animations with `false` |
| **`title?: string`**
Defaults to `Loading...` | React DOM only | It's used to describe what element it is. 
Use `''` (empty string) to remove. |
| **`baseUrl?: string`**
Defaults to an empty string | React DOM only | Required if you're using `` document `