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⚡️ Dead simple state for React. Now with Hooks support.

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⚡️ Dead simple state for React. Now with Hooks support.





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> Dead simple state management for React


## 📖 Official docs:


## Install

# Using Yarn:
yarn add undux

# Or, using NPM:
npm install undux --save

## Install (with RxJS v4-)

# Using Yarn:
yarn add undux@^3

# Or, using NPM:
npm install undux@^3 --save

## Design Goals

1. Complete type-safety, no exceptions
2. Super easy to use: forget actions, reducers, dispatchers, containers, etc.
3. Familiar abstractions: just `get` and `set`

[Read more here](

## Use

### 1. Create a store

import { createConnectedStore } from 'undux'

// Create a store with an initial value.
export default createConnectedStore({
one: 0,
two: 0,

_Be sure to define a key for each value in your model, even if the value is initially `undefined`._

### 2. Connect your React components

#### With [React Hooks]( `useStore`

import { useStore } from './MyStore'

// Re-render the component when the store updates.
function MyComponent() {
const store = useStore()
return (

Sum: {store.get('one') + store.get('two')}

function NumberInput({ onChange, value }) {
return (
onChange(parseInt(, 10))}

export default MyComponent

#### Without React Hooks: `withStore`

import { withStore } from './MyStore'

// Re-render the component when the store updates.
function MyComponent({ store }) {
return (

Sum: {store.get('one') + store.get('two')}

function NumberInput({ onChange, value }) {
return (
onChange(parseInt(, 10))}

export default withStore(MyComponent)

### 3. Put your app in an Undux Container

import MyComponent from './MyComponent'
import { Container } from './MyStore'

function MyApp() {
return (


export default MyApp

**That's all there is to it.**

[Open this code in playground](

## Features

### Effects

Though Undux automatically re-renders your connected React components for you when the store updates, it also lets you subscribe to changes to specific fields on your store. Undux subscriptions are full [Rx observables](, so you have fine control over how you react to a change:

import { debounce, filter } from 'rxjs/operators'

filter((date) => date.getTime() % 2 === 0), // Only even timestamps.
debounce(100), // Fire at most once every 100ms.
.subscribe((date) => console.log('Date changed to', date))

You can even use Effects to trigger a change in response to an update:

.subscribe(async (date) => {
const users = await api.get({ since: date })

In order to keep its footprint small, Undux does not come with RxJS out of the box. However, Undux does come with a minimal implementation of parts of RxJS, which interoperates with RxJS operators. To use RxJS operators, you'll need to install RxJS first:

npm install rxjs --save

### Partial application

Partially apply the `set` function to yield a convenient setter:

const setUsers = store.set('users')
setUsers(['amy', 'bob'])

### Built-in logger

Undux works out of the box with the Redux Devtools browser extension (download: [Chrome](, [Firefox](, [React Native]( To enable it, just wrap your store with the Redux Devtools plugin:

import { createConnectedStore, withReduxDevtools } from 'undux'

const store = createConnectedStore(initialState, withReduxDevtools)

Redux Devtools has an inspector, a time travel debugger, and jump-to-state built in. All of these features are enabled for Undux as well. It looks like this:

Alternatively, Undux has a simple, console-based debugger built in. Just create your store with `withLogger` higher order store, and all model updates (which key was updated, previous value, and new value) will be logged to the console.

To enable the logger, simply import `withLogger` and wrap your store with it:

import { createConnectedStore, withLogger } from 'undux'

let store = createConnectedStore(initialState, withLogger)

The logger will produce logs that look like this:

### Effects

Undux is easy to modify with effects. Just define a function that takes a store as an argument, adding listeners along the way. For generic plugins that work across different stores, use the `.onAll` method to listen on all changes on a store:

// MyStore.ts (if using TypeScript)
import { Effects } from 'undux'

type State = {
// ...

export type StoreEffects = Effects

// MyEffects.ts
import { StoreEffects } from './MyStore'

const withLocalStorage: StoreEffects = (store) => {
// Listen on all changes to the store.
.subscribe(({ key, value, previousValue }) =>
console.log(key, 'changed from', previousValue, 'to', value),

## Recipes

### Creating a store (TypeScript)

// MyStore.ts
import { createConnectedStore, type Effects, type Store } from 'undux'

type State = {
foo: number
bar: string[]

const initialState: State = {
foo: 12,
bar: [],

export default createConnectedStore(initialState)

// If using effects..
export type StoreEffects = Effects

// If using class components..
export type StoreProps = {
store: Store

[See full example (in JavaScript, TypeScript, or Flow) here](

### Function component (TypeScript)

// MyComponent.ts
import { useStore, type StoreProps } from './MyStore'

type Props = {
foo: number

function MyComponent({ foo }: Props) {
const { store } = useStore()
return (
Today is {store.get('today')}
Foo is {foo}

export default MyComponent

// App.ts
import { Container } from './MyStore'

function App() {
return (


export default App

[See full example (in JavaScript, TypeScript, or Flow) here](

### Class component (TypeScript)

Undux is as easy to use with class components as with function components.

// MyComponent.ts
import { withStore, type StoreProps } from './MyStore'

type Props = StoreProps & {
foo: number

class MyComponent extends React.Component {
render() {
return (
Today is {'today')}
Foo is {}

export default withStore(MyComponent)

// App.ts
import { Container } from './MyStore'

function App() {
return (


export default App

[See full example (in JavaScript, TypeScript, or Flow) here](

### Undux + Hot module reloading

See a full example [here](

### Undux + TodoMVC

See the Undux TodoMVC example [here](

## Design philosophy

**Goal #1 is total type-safety.**

Getting, setting, reading, and listening on model updates is 100% type-safe: use a key that isn't defined in your model or set a key to the wrong type, and you'll get a compile-time error. And connected components and Effects are just as type-safe.

**Goal #2 is letting you write as little boilerplate as possible.**

Define your model in a single place, and use it anywhere safely. No need to define tedious boilerplate for each field on your model. Container components and action creators are optional - most of the time you don't need them, and can introduce them only where needed as your application grows.

**Goal #3 is familiar abstractions.**

No need to learn about Actions, Reducers, or any of that. Just call `get` and `set`, and everything works just as you expect.

## Tests

npm test

## License