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# vim-rescript

Vim runtime files for ReScript.

> If you are experiencing any troubles, open an issue or visit our [Forum]( and ask for guidance.

## Features

- Syntax highlighting for ReSript files
- Filetype detection for `.res`, `.resi`
- Basic automatic indentation

See `:h rescript` for the detailed [helpfile](./doc/rescript.txt).

## Installation

`vim-rescript` can be installed either manually or by using your favourite plugin manager.

" vim-plug
Plug 'rescript-lang/vim-rescript'

" Vundle
Plugin 'rescript-lang/vim-rescript'

" NeoBundle
NeoBundle 'rescript-lang/vim-rescript'

-- Lazy.nvim
{ 'rescript-lang/vim-rescript', ft="rescript" }

You can also pin your installation to specific tags (check our releases [here](

With Plug:

Plug 'rescript-lang/vim-rescript', {'tag': 'v2.1.0'}

With [Lazy.nvim](

{ 'rescript-lang/vim-rescript', tag = "v2.1.0" }

## Setup LSP

First you need install the language server for ReScript from npm

> **Note**
> If you are using [mason.nvim]( you can install the ReScript Language Server using the command `MasonInstall rescript-language-server`

npm install -g @rescript/language-server

The binary is called `rescript-language-server`

### Neovim LSP builtin

Install the [nvim-lspconfig]( package and setup the LSP

local lspconfig = require('lspconfig')


For more details, see [server configuration](

### COC (Vim or Neovim)

(`:h rescript-coc`)

After the installation, open your coc config (`:CocConfig`) and add the following configuration:

"languageserver": {
"rescript": {
"enable": true,
"module": "rescript-language-server",
"args": ["--node-ipc"],
"filetypes": ["rescript"],
"rootPatterns": ["rescript.json", "bsconfig.json"]

## Credits

- [amirales]( Started the plugin w/ syntax & indent functionality