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Make npm's flat dependencies easier to find and sort

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Make npm's flat dependencies easier to find and sort




# john

> Make npm's flat dependencies easier to find and sort

[![npm version](]( [![Build status: OS X](]( [![Build status: Windows](](

`npm3+` has flat dependency trees, this is a good thing for many reasons.
Unfortunately, this means your `node_modules` folder might contain hundreds (or thousands?)
of modules and that makes it difficult to quickly debug/hack on issues with top-level dependencies.

#### On OS X
Puts color tags on your top-level dependencies and devDependencies,
making top-level dependencies easier to find and sort in Finder.

If you often use the terminal instead of finder then you can also do `ls -l | grep @` to list the folders with tags.

#### On Windows
Hides away non top-level dependencies and devDependencies, leaving you with just the modules that are important to you.

> *Note: This project is currently OS X & Windows only, but if you have ideas on how something similar could be implemented on Linux or other platforms then create an issue.*

## Table of Contents

* [CLI](#cli)
* [OS X](#os-x)
* [Windows](#windows)
* [Using Programmatically](#using-programmatically)
* [API](#api)
* [See available colors](#available-colors-os-x-only)
* [Why is this called John?](#why-is-this-called-john)
* [Contributors](#contributors)
* [License](#license)

## CLI

$ npm install --global john

#### OS X

$ john --help

Make npm3's flat dependencies easier to find and sort

$ john

--clear Clear all tags. [Default: false]
--deps Color for dependencies. [Default: blue]
--dev-deps Color for devDependencies. [Default: yellow]

Available Colors:
gray, green, purple, blue, yellow, red, orange, clear.

$ john
Tagged 4 dependencies as blue
Tagged 2 devDependencies as yellow

$ john --clear
Removed 4 tags from dependencies
Removed 2 tags from devDependencies

$ john --deps=purple --dev-deps=gray
Tagged 4 dependencies as purple
Tagged 2 devDependencies as gray

#### Windows

> john --help

Make npm3's flat dependencies easier to find and sort

> john

--clear Clear all hidden dependencies. [Default: false]
--deps Hide dependencies. [Default: false]
--dev-deps Hide devDependencies. [Default: false]

$ john
Hid 4 dependencies

$ john --clear
Unhid 4 dependencies

## Using Programmatically

### Install

$ npm install --save john

### Usage

const john = require('john');

(result) => console.log(result)
// {
// dependencies: [
// {
// code: 0,
// command: 'xattr …',
// path: '/path/to/project/node_modules/finder-tag',
// tag: 'blue',
// module: 'finder-tag'
// },
// {…},
// {…}
// ],
// devDependencies: [
// {…},
// {…}
// ]
// }

## API

### john(projectPath, [options])

#### projectPath

Type: `string`

The path to your project's directory (that contains `package.json`).

#### options

##### clear

Type: `boolean`
Default: `false`

Clear all tags / show all dependencies.

##### dependencyColor *(OS X only)*

Type: `string`
Default: `blue`

Color tag to use for dependencies. [See available colors](#available-colors-os-x-only).

##### devDependencyColor *(OS X only)*

Type: `string`
Default: `yellow`

Color tag to use for devDependencies. [See available colors](#available-colors-os-x-only).

##### dependencyHidden *(Windows only)*

Type: `boolean`
Default: `false`

Set to `true` to hide dependencies

##### devDependencyHidden *(Windows only)*

Type: `boolean`
Default: `false`

Set to `true` to hide dev dependencies


#### Available Colors *(OS X only)*:

* gray
* green
* purple
* blue
* yellow
* red
* orange
* clear (This will remove all tags)

## Why is this called John?

Asking the important questions! 'John' like 'Johnny' like 'Johnny Depp' like 'Dep[p]endency'. Pfft, mainly because it was short, simple and not already taken.

## Contributors

Special thanks to **[@EnzoMartin](** for doing the Windows work.

## License

MIT © [DaveJ](