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# pyjeo

## Description

pyjeo is a library for image processing for geospatial data implemented in
JRC Ispra.

## License

pyjeo is released under an
[GPLv3]( license (see

## Reference

Please refer to pyjeo as: Kempeneers, P.; Pesek, O.; De Marchi, D.; Soille, P. pyjeo: A Python Package for the Analysis of Geospatial Data. ISPRS Int. J. Geo-Inf. 2019, 8, 461.

## Dependencies

* [miallib](
* [jiplib](

## Install

### From source
Make sure to install the dependencies [jiplib](
and [miallib](, please check the corresponding section in [jiplib](

Once the dependencies miallib and jiplib are installed, clone the
[pyjeo]( repository.

git clone

Enter the created directory and build a wheel using pip:

pip wheel .

Install pyjeo (in your virtual python environment):

pip install pyjeo-*.whl

### pyjeo in Docker

A [Dockerfile](
based on a debian10 image is provided under the docker directory in this repository

Create the pyjeo docker image using:
docker build --build-arg user=$(id -u -n) --build-arg group=$(id -g -n) --build-arg uid=$(id -u) --build-arg gid=$(id -g) -t deb12_pyjeo -f Dockerfile_deb12_pyjeo .

Run the pyjeo docker image and execute:
docker run --rm deb12_pyjeo python3 -c "import pyjeo as pj; jim = pj.Jim(ncol = 10, nrow = 10, nband = 3); print("

## Test the installation

From the directory of the repository, run:

python -W ignore -m unittest -v tests

To run tests only for one module:

python -W ignore -m unittest -v tests/

## Documentation

An online documentation is available [here](

To build the latest documentation from source:

- Install these dependencies:

* python3-sphinx
* sphinx-rtd-theme
* sphinxcontrib-bibtex

Go to directory `doc` and run `make html`.

cd doc
make html

The documentation is generated in html format in `_build/html` and can be read with your browser (open `index.html`).

A documentation in pdf can be obtained via:

cd doc
make latex

The documentation is generated in pdf format in `_build/latex`.

## Versions

### Getting the right version

`master` branch is the development branch of `pyjeo`. It contains the newest
features, but it can also contain some API changes against previous versions.
Therefore, it is recommended to use more stable releases: To get them, please
see our [tags](../../tags).

### Development

All development should be done in the development branch (`master`). If
a commit fixes also an issue present in some of the releases, it should be
cherry-picked to the corresponding branch. Later, a patch version will be
released from these cherry-picked fixes.

An example showing how to cherry-pick commit `commit_hash` into branch
`0.5.x` (to fix an issue in release `0.5.0`):

git checkout 0.5.x
git cherry-pick commit_hash
git push
git checkout master

## See the code coverage

python -W ignore -m coverage run --source=pyjeo -m unittest tests
python -m coverage report -m