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Python style checker for import statements, __all__ lists and exception lists, implemented as a flake8 plugin

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Python style checker for import statements, __all__ lists and exception lists, implemented as a flake8 plugin




Flake8 Alphabetize

Alphabetize is a `Flake8 `_ plugin for checking the
order of ``import`` statements, the ``__all__`` list and ``except`` lists. It is
designed to work well with the
`Black `_ formatting tool, in that
Black never alters the
`Abstract Syntax Tree `_ (AST),
while Alphabetize is *only* interested in the AST, and so the two tools never conflict.
In the spirit of Black, Alphabetize is an 'uncompromising import style checker' in that
the style can't be configured, there's just one style (see below for the rules).

Alphabetise is released under the `MIT-0 licence
`_. It is tested on Python 3.7+.

.. image::
:alt: Build Status

.. contents:: Table of Contents
:depth: 1


1. Create a virtual environment: ``python3 -m venv venv``

#. Activate it: ``source venv/bin/activate``

2. Install: ``pip install flake8-alphabetize``


Say we have a Python file ````:

.. code:: python

from datetime import time, date

print(time(9, 39), date(2021, 4, 11))

by running the command ``flake8`` we'll get:: AZ200 Imported names are in the wrong order. Should be date, time

We can tell Alphabetize what the package name is, and then it'll know that its imports
should be in a group at the bottom of the imports. Here's an example:

.. code:: python

import uuid

from myapp import myfunc

print(uuid.UUID4(), myfunc())

by running the command ``flake8 --application-names myapp`` we won't get any errors.


As you use Flake8 in the normal way, Alphabetize will report errors using the following

.. table:: Error Codes

| Code | Error Type |
| AZ100 | Import statements are in the wrong order |
| AZ200 | The names in the ``import from`` are in the wrong order |
| AZ300 | Two ``import from`` statements must be combined. |
| AZ400 | The names in the ``__all__`` are in the wrong order |
| AZ500 | The names in the exception handler list are in the wrong order |

Alphabetize follows the Black formatter's uncompromising approach and so there's only
one configuration option which is ``application-names``. This is a comma-separated list
of top-level, package names that are to be treated as application imports, eg. 'myapp'.
Since Alphabetize is a Flake8 plugin, this configuration option is set using
`Flake8 configuration `_.

Pre-Commit Configuration

Alphabetize can be easily configured to run in your existing
`pre-commit `_ hooks, as an additional dependency of Flake8:

.. code:: YAML

- repo:
rev: 6.0.0
- id: flake8
additional_dependencies: ['flake8-alphabetize']

Rules Of Import Ordering

Here are the ordering rules that Alphabetize follows:

1. The special case ``from __future__`` import comes first.

#. Imports from the standard library come next, followed by third party imports,
followed by application imports.

#. Relative imports are assumed to be application imports.

#. The standard library group has ``import`` statements first (in alphabetical order),
followed by ``from import`` statements (in alphabetical order).

#. The third party group is further grouped by library name. Then each library subgroup
has ``import`` statements first (in alphabetical order), followed by ``from import``
statements (in alphabetical order).

#. The application group is further grouped by import level, with absolute imports first
and then relative imports of increasing level. Within each level, the imports should
be ordered by library name. Then each library subgroup has ``import`` statements
first (in alphabetical order), followed by ``from import`` statements (in
alphabetical order).

#. ``from import`` statements for the same library must be combined.

#. Alphabetize only looks at imports at the module level, any imports within the code
are ignored.

Running Tests

Run `tox `_ to run the tests.

* Install tox: ``pip install tox``
* Run tox: ``tox``

OpenSSF Scorecard

It might be worth running the `OpenSSF Scorecard `_::

sudo docker run -e GITHUB_AUTH_TOKEN= \

Doing A Release Of Alphabetize

Run ``tox`` to make sure all tests pass, then update the release notes, then do::

git tag -a x.y.z -m "version x.y.z"
rm -r dist
python -m build
twine upload dist/*

Release Notes

Version 0.0.21, 2023-04-13

- Fixed a bug where it crashes on qualified names in an exception list.

Version 0.0.20, 2023-04-02

- Check the ordering of ``except`` handler lists.

Version 0.0.19, 2022-11-24

- Make Alphabetize compatible with Flake8 6.0.0

Version 0.0.18, 2022-10-29

- Fix bug where sub-packages (eg. ````) aren't recognised as being part
of the standard library for versions of Python >= 3.10.

Version 0.0.17, 2021-11-17

- Handle the case of an ``__all__`` being a ``tuple``.

Version 0.0.16, 2021-07-26

* Don't perform any import order checks if there are multiple imports on a line, as
this will be reported by Flake8. Once the Flake8 error has been fixed, checks can

Version 0.0.15, 2021-06-17

* Fix bug where the ``--application-names`` command line option failed with a
comma-separated list.

Version 0.0.14, 2021-04-20

* Fix bug where ``from . import logging`` appears in message as ``from .None import

Version 0.0.13, 2021-04-20

* Fix bug where it fails on a relative import such as ``from . import logging``.

Version 0.0.12, 2021-04-12

* Check the order of the elements of ``__all__``.

Version 0.0.11, 2021-04-11

* Order application imports by import level, absolute imports at the top.

Version 0.0.10, 2021-04-11

* Fix bug where potentially fails with > 2 imports.

Version 0.0.9, 2021-04-11

* There's a clash of option names, so now application imports can now be identified by
setting the ``application-names`` configuration option.

Version 0.0.8, 2021-04-11

* Application imports can now be identified by setting the ``application-package-names``
configuration option.

Version 0.0.7, 2021-04-10

* Import of ``__future__``. Should always be first.

Version 0.0.6, 2021-04-10

* Third party libraries should be grouped by top-level name.

Version 0.0.5, 2021-04-10

* Take into account whether a module is in the standard library or not.

Version 0.0.4, 2021-04-10

* Make entry point AZ instead of ALP.

Version 0.0.3, 2021-04-10

* Check the order within ``from import`` statements.

Version 0.0.2, 2021-04-09

* Partially support ``from import`` statements.

Version 0.0.1, 2021-04-09

* Now partially supports ``import`` statements.

Version 0.0.0, 2021-04-09

* Initial release. Doesn't do much at this stage.