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Allows using Markdown for bespoke.js presentation slides by leveraging markdown-it

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Allows using Markdown for bespoke.js presentation slides by leveraging markdown-it




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# bespoke-markdownit

Allows you to use [(GitHub flavored) Markdown][gfm] to author your [bespoke.js]( presentation.
There are 4 ways to use this plugin and they are described on the [demo page](


bespoke-markdownit renders Markdown in HTML using the awesome
[markdown-it][markdown-it] parser.

## Download

Download the [production version][min] or the [development version][max],
or use a [package manager](#package-managers).


## Usage

There are 3 steps to using this plugin.
1. Including and initializing the plugin
1. Including a stylesheet for code highlighting
1. Authoring the presentation using Markdown

### 1. Including and initializing the plugin

This plugin is shipped in a [UMD format](,
meaning that it is available as a CommonJS/AMD module or browser global.

For example, when using CommonJS modules:

const bespoke = require('bespoke'),
markdown = require('bespoke-markdownit');

bespoke.from('#presentation', [

If using browser globals:

bespoke.from('#presentation', [

#### Plugin Options

The plugin builder accepts up to 2 parameters for configuration.
The first allows the **definition of metadata for each slide**. That data can
be used by callbacks provided to the plugin builder function. The second
parameter allows **passing plugins to the markdown-it** parser. There are
various [markdown-it plugins][plugins], such as one to extend the Markdown
syntax to allow `` ([markdown-it-abbr][plugin-abbr]).

Let us see how to use both parameters.

##### 1st parameter: Slide metadata

The first parameter, if defined, is a object whose keys are names of
functions and values are callbacks to be invoked when certain Markdown
slides are parsed.

For example, if we want to add some class to a specific Markdown slide, we
can add metadata to that slide with the name of the class it should have and
provide a function to the plugin builder that just adds a class to the
slide owner of the metadata. The Markdown file would look like:

# First slide

# Second slide

# Third slide

Then, we need to provide a property called `addClassToSlide` which contains
a callback that effectively adds a class to the slide:

// slideEl is the HTMLElement of the slide (it is always provided
// as the first argument)
// className is the value defined as the metadata. It could be any
// JSON value
addClassToSlide: function(slideEl, className) {
// another metadata callback function that can be called
logThisMessage: function(slideEl, message) {

The example would result in the following HTML:


First Slide

Second Slide

Third Slide


The **metadata must be defined as an HTML comment** as the **first
thing in a slide** (i.e., right after the `---`, on a new line). Besides,
**its content must be a valid JSON string**, otherwise the comment will
just be ignored by the bespoke-markdownit plugin (in fact, we
use `JSON.parse()` on the comment node value).

It is possible to call various callback functions from the metadata by
providing multiple keys, as in the following example.


# First Slide

Additionally, if a value is passed as an array or an object, the
callback function will receive it proper, such as illustrated.



And on the plugin builder function:

injectStylesheets: function(slideEl, fileNames) {
fileNames = Array.isArray(fileName) ? fileNames : [fileNames];
fileNames.forEach(name => {
const sheet = document.createElement('link');
sheet.setAttribute('rel', 'stylesheet');
sheet.setAttribute('href', name);

##### 2nd parameter: markdown-it plugins

The second parameter allows passing markdown-it plugins to the
markdown-it parser. If provided, it should be **an array of plugin
builder functions**, such as in the following example.

// ...
const abbrPlugin = require('markdown-it-abbr');
const decoratePlugin = require('markdown-it-decorate');
// the first argument must be supplied, even if not using metadata
// an array of plugin builder functions
[abbrPlugin, decoratePlugin]

The order in which they are passed to the bespoke-markdownit builder is the
same that it passes along to markdown-it.

### 2. Stylesheet for code highlighting

If you want code highlighting, you also need to include a stylesheet from
[highlight.js][hljs], which is the package used by this plugin. One option
to include it is via the dependencies of this plugin, as highlight.js is a
dependency of bespoke-markdownit.

In that case, you can include it by:



You can choose [any theme][th] from highlight.js and put it instead of
`THEME_NAME`. Some themes are:
- default.css
- monokai-sublime.css
- sublime.css
- github.css


### 3. Authoring presentation using Markdown

Just by including the plugin code and initializing bespoke with it will **allow
writing the content of the slides in Markdown**. You can use a markup similar to
the following:


# Title
This is **markdown content**.


You can also write Markdown content in external files. You can do it for the
whole presentation or for specific slides. To mark a slide to be rendered using
Markdown, you need to add the `data-markdown=""` attribute to the
presentation HTML element, like so:



Or, you can add it to specific slides only:

A slide authored in HTML


You can split the `.md` file in multiple slides by using "`---`" to separate
them. For instance, ``:

This is the first slide
Second slide
And third!

Additionally, you can mix slides authored in HTML and in Markdown. To mark a
slide to have its contents rendered as Markdown, we also use the `data-markdown`
attribute, but without a value (or with an empty value, i.e.,
`data-markdown=""`). Check the example:

# Title 1
This is a slide authored in Markdown.

# Title 2
This is also a slide authored in Markdown.

Title 3

This is a slide authored in HTML.


## Package managers

### npm

$ npm install bespoke-markdownit

## History and Motivation

bespoke-markdownit was forked from [bespoke-markdown][bespoke-markdown] and is
also inspired by [bespoke-meta-markdown][bespoke-meta-markdown].

bespoke-markdown uses [marked][marked] as its parser, which bespoke-markdownit
improves by using [markdown-it][markdown-it]. The latter is not as fast as
[marked][marked], but it was designed to be extensible through plugins
from the beggining and, as such, is much more flexible.

bespoke-meta-markdown is, in turn, a fork of bespoke-markdown that allows
the definition of slide metadata inside HTML comments but in the YAML format.
For so, it has a larger signature than this plugin as it has to include a
YAML parser.

## Credits

This plugin was built with

## License

[MIT License](
