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HTTP Client for Visual Studio Code to POST JSON, XML, image, ... files to REST APIs

http http-client json json-schema rest rest-client visual-studio-code vscode vscode-extension xml

Last synced: about 2 months ago
JSON representation

HTTP Client for Visual Studio Code to POST JSON, XML, image, ... files to REST APIs




#          _friflo_ __POST__

[![Marketplace Version](]( [![CodeQL](](

## Goal
Main goal of this extension is storing all HTTP request & response data _automatically_ as files in a __VSCode workspace__.
This ensures these files are still available in new VSCode sessions.
It also enables utilizing __VSCode build-in tools__ for request & response files.
E.g. [__JSON Schema validation__](
of JSON request & response files, storing them in __git__ and comparing subsequent response results with previous ones in
[__VSCode Diff Viewer__](

[GitHub repository link](

## Motivation
This project was created for [friflo/Friflo.Json.Fliox]( to validate requests send to a Fliox Hub.
Meanwhile validation is supported by the Hub Explorer itself. But will keep this project alive.

## Features
* Send files in your workspace like JSON or XML via HTTP __POST__, __PUT__ & __PATCH__ with a single click on a __CodeLens__ button.
E.g. `say-hello.test.json`
* Store HTTP responses like JSON or XML _automatically_ as files in the workspace.
E.g. `say-hello.test.resp.json`
* Store HTTP request / response header _automatically_ as a __markdown__ file in the workspace.
E.g. ``
* Enables utilizing __VSCode language validators__ like __JSON Schema__ to provide __Code Completion__ and __validation__
for request and response files.
* Show and edit HTTP response directly in a separate workspace editor tab.
* Toggle between response body and headers with a single click in the editor tab.
E.g. toggle between `say-hello.test.resp.json` & ``
* As the response header file is __markdown__ it contains __links__ to its request & response body file.
These links are convenient when storing these files in GitHub. See [screenshot](#example-http-response-header) below.
* Enables using other utilities like __node__ processing request & response files as they are __valid__ JSON or XML
* Enables using __git__ as a simple regression test to compare response bodies and headers with previous requests.
* Enables configuration via the config file `.post-config` for all request files in a folder to:
* set the http `"endpoints"` and specific http `"headers"`
* set the `"response"` `"folder"` for response files.
* set `"variables"` used to replace their occurrences in the request body. E.g. `"user": "{{user}}",`
* set `"additionalProperties"` used to add its properties to the request body.
* __Code Completion__ and __validation__ for config file in VSCode editor.
* If a request file - e.g. `my-request.json` - is in a folder without a `.post-config` executing
__friflo POST: POST Request__ from _View > Command Palette..._ will ask to create an initial `.post-config`.

`.post-config` example
"endpoints": [
{ "fileMatch": ["*.json"], "url": "http://localhost:8010/" }
"headers": {
"Connection": "Keep-Alive"
"response": {
"folder": "response"
"variables": {
"{{user}}": "admin"
"additionalProperties": {
"token": "token"

## Usage

The screen recording (one minute) below show the entire workflow.
* Using __Context menu > POST Request__ to create `.post-config` file and adjust the `endpoint` url
* Click the __POST__ button on top of the JSON file and toggle in the response tab between response body (JSON) and headers
* Demonstrate [__JSON Schema validation__](
of JSON request & response files.
* Execute a second request with a single click using the configuration from the beginning.
* Execute a third request - this time __PUT__ - to show the error case when the server is not responding.
The request is canceled by clicking on the _progress indicator_ in the status bar.
* Use __VSCode Source Control__ to show the diff of the response info with a previous successful request.

[![Usage - screen recording](](

### Example HTTP response header

The links `response` & `request` point to the related response & request file in the repository.


## Tips

* As every request file generate two response files e.g. `test.resp.json` and `` in the `response` folder
it may be desired to hide them in the __EXPLORER__ panel. To do this add the section below to `.vscode/settings.json`.

"settings": {
"files.exclude": {
"**/response/*.resp.json": true,
"**/response/*": true


## License
[MIT License](LICENSE)

## Feedback
As this project is very young GitHub issue reports are welcome!
First commit: 2021-09-22. Published in VSCode Marketplace: 2021-09-26.
[GitHub Issues](