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NOTE: I'm no longer working on this SDK. I will be refocusing my efforts on downstream tools.

# Unofficial Python SDK for the Temporal Workflow Engine

## Status

This should be considered EXPERIMENTAL at the moment. At the moment, all I can say is that the [test cases]( currently pass. I have not tested this for any real world use cases yet.

## Installation

pip install temporal-python-sdk
## Sample Code

Sample code for using this library can be found in [Workflows in Python Using Temporal](

## Hello World

import asyncio
import logging
from datetime import timedelta

from temporal.activity_method import activity_method
from temporal.workerfactory import WorkerFactory
from temporal.workflow import workflow_method, Workflow, WorkflowClient


TASK_QUEUE = "HelloActivity-python-tq"
NAMESPACE = "default"

# Activities Interface
class GreetingActivities:
@activity_method(task_queue=TASK_QUEUE, schedule_to_close_timeout=timedelta(seconds=1000))
async def compose_greeting(self, greeting: str, name: str) -> str:
raise NotImplementedError

# Activities Implementation
class GreetingActivitiesImpl:
async def compose_greeting(self, greeting: str, name: str):
return greeting + " " + name + "!"

# Workflow Interface
class GreetingWorkflow:
async def get_greeting(self, name: str) -> str:
raise NotImplementedError

# Workflow Implementation
class GreetingWorkflowImpl(GreetingWorkflow):

def __init__(self):
self.greeting_activities: GreetingActivities = Workflow.new_activity_stub(GreetingActivities)

async def get_greeting(self, name):
return await self.greeting_activities.compose_greeting("Hello", name)

async def client_main():
client = WorkflowClient.new_client(namespace=NAMESPACE)

factory = WorkerFactory(client, NAMESPACE)
worker = factory.new_worker(TASK_QUEUE)
worker.register_activities_implementation(GreetingActivitiesImpl(), "GreetingActivities")

greeting_workflow: GreetingWorkflow = client.new_workflow_stub(GreetingWorkflow)
result = await greeting_workflow.get_greeting("Python")
print("Stopping workers.....")
await worker.stop()
print("Workers stopped......")

if __name__ == '__main__':

## Roadmap

- [x] Workflow argument passing and return values
- [x] Activity invocation
- [x] Activity heartbeat and Activity.getHeartbeatDetails()
- [x] doNotCompleteOnReturn
- [x] ActivityCompletionClient
- [x] complete
- [x] complete_exceptionally
- [x] Activity get_namespace(), get_task_token() get_workflow_execution()
- [x] Activity Retry
- [x] Activity Failure Exceptions
- [x] workflow_execution_timeout / workflow_run_timeout / workflow_task_timeout
- [x] Workflow exceptions
- [x] Cron workflows
- [x] Workflow static methods:
- [x] await_till()
- [x] sleep()
- [x] current_time_millis()
- [x] now()
- [x] random_uuid()
- [x] new_random()
- [x] get_workflow_id()
- [x] get_run_id()
- [x] get_version()
- [x] get_logger()
- [x] Activity invocation parameters
- [x] Query method
- [x] Signal methods
- [x] Workflow start parameters - workflow_id etc...
- [x] Workflow client - starting workflows synchronously
- [x] Workflow client - starting workflows asynchronously (WorkflowClient.start)
- [x] Get workflow result after async execution (client.wait_for_close)
- [x] Workflow client - invoking signals
- [x] Workflow client - invoking queries

- [x] ActivityStub and Workflow.newUntypedActivityStub
- [x] Remove threading, use coroutines for everything all concurrency
- [x] Classes as arguments and return values to/from activity and workflow methods (DataConverter)
- [x] Type hints for DataConverter
- [x] Parallel activity execution (STATUS: there's a working but not finalized API).

- [x] Timers
- [x] Custom workflow ids through start() and new_workflow_stub()

- [ ] WorkflowStub and WorkflowClient.newUntypedWorkflowStub
- [ ] ContinueAsNew
- [ ] Sticky workflows
- [ ] Child Workflows
- [ ] Support for keyword arguments
- [ ] Compatibility with Java client
- [ ] Compatibility with Golang client
- [ ] Upgrade python-betterproto
- [ ] sideEffect/mutableSideEffect
- [ ] Local activity
- [ ] Cancellation Scopes
- [ ] Explicit activity ids for activity invocations