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Open Data Cube analyses continental scale Earth Observation data through time

gdal gis hacktoberfest netcdf numpy python raster remote-sensing scientific-computing

Last synced: about 1 month ago
JSON representation

Open Data Cube analyses continental scale Earth Observation data through time




Open Data Cube Core

.. image::
:alt: Build Status

.. image::
:alt: Coverage Status

.. image::
:alt: Documentation Status


The Open Data Cube Core provides an integrated gridded data
analysis environment for decades of analysis ready earth observation
satellite and related data from multiple satellite and other acquisition


See the `user guide `__ for
installation and usage of the datacube, and for documentation of the API.

`Join our Slack `__ if you need help
setting up or using the Open Data Cube.

Please help us to keep the Open Data Cube community open and inclusive by
reading and following our `Code of Conduct `__.



- PostgreSQL 10+
- Python 3.9+

Developer setup

1. Clone:

- ``git clone``

2. Create a Python environment for using the ODC. We recommend `Mambaforge `__ as the
easiest way to handle Python dependencies.


mamba env create -f conda-environment.yml
conda activate cubeenv

3. Install a develop version of datacube-core.


cd datacube-core
pip install --upgrade -e .

4. Install the `pre-commit `__ hooks to help follow ODC coding
conventions when committing with git.


pre-commit install

5. Run unit tests + PyLint

Install test dependencies using:

``pip install --upgrade -e '.[test]'``

If install for these fails, please lodge them as issues.

Run unit tests with:


(this script approximates what is run by GitHub Actions. You can
alternatively run ``pytest`` yourself).

6. **(or)** Run all tests, including integration tests.

``./ integration_tests``

- Assumes a password-less Postgres database running on localhost called


- Otherwise copy ``integration_tests/integration.conf`` to
``~/.datacube_integration.conf`` and edit to customise.

- For instructions on setting up a password-less Postgres database, see
the `developer setup instructions `__.

Alternatively one can use the ``opendatacube/datacube-tests`` docker image to run
tests. This docker includes database server pre-configured for running
integration tests. Add ``--with-docker`` command line option as a first argument
to ``./`` script.


./ --with-docker integration_tests

To run individual tests in a docker container


docker build --tag=opendatacube/datacube-tests-local --no-cache --progress plain -f docker/Dockerfile .

docker run -ti -v $(pwd):/code opendatacube/datacube-tests-local:latest pytest integration_tests/

Developer setup on Ubuntu

Building a Python virtual environment on Ubuntu suitable for development work.

Install dependencies:


sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install -y \
autoconf automake build-essential make cmake \
graphviz \
python3-venv \
python3-dev \
libpq-dev \
libyaml-dev \
libnetcdf-dev \

Build the python virtual environment:


pyenv="${HOME}/.envs/odc" # Change to suit your needs
mkdir -p "${pyenv}"
python3 -m venv "${pyenv}"
source "${pyenv}/bin/activate"
pip install -U pip wheel cython numpy
pip install -e '.[dev]'
pip install flake8 mypy pylint autoflake black