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Fast multilayer perceptron neural network library for iOS and Mac OS X

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Fast multilayer perceptron neural network library for iOS and Mac OS X




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`MLPNeuralNet` is a fast [multilayer perceptron]( neural network library for iOS and Mac OS X. `MLPNeuralNet` predicts new examples through trained neural networks. It is built on top of Apple's [Accelerate Framework]( using vectored operations and hardware acceleration (if available).

![Neural Network](

##Why would you use it?
Imagine that you have engineered a prediction model using Matlab (Python or R) and would like to use it in an iOS application. If that's the case, `MLPNeuralNet` is exactly what you need. `MLPNeuralNet` is designed to load and run models in [forward propagation]( mode only.

- [Classification](, [Multi-class classification]( and regression output
- Vectorised implementation
- Works with double precision
- Multiple hidden layers or none (in that case it's same as logistic/linear regression)

##Quick Example
Let's deploy a model for the AND function ([conjunction]( that works as follows: (of course, you do not need to use a neural network for this in the real world)

|X1 |X2 | Y |
| 0 | 0 | 0 |
| 1 | 0 | 0 |
| 0 | 1 | 0 |
| 1 | 1 | 1 |

Our model has the following weights and network configuration:

![AND Model Example](

// Use the designated initialiser to pass the network configuration and weights to the model.
// Note: You do not need to specify the biased units (+1 above) in the configuration.

NSArray *netConfig = @[@2, @1];
double wts[] = {-30, 20, 20};
NSData *weights = [NSData dataWithBytes:wts length:sizeof(wts)];

MLPNeuralNet *model = [[MLPNeuralNet alloc] initWithLayerConfig:netConfig
// Predict output of the model for new sample
double sample[] = {0, 1};
NSData * vector = [NSData dataWithBytes:sample length:sizeof(sample)];
NSMutableData * prediction = [NSMutableData dataWithLength:sizeof(double)];
[model predictByFeatureVector:vector intoPredictionVector:prediction];

double * assessment = (double *)prediction.bytes;
NSLog(@"Model assessment is %f", assessment[0]);

##Extended Example
Let's say you trained a net using pybrain or even your own home brewed implementation.

![Extended Example](

// Use the designated initialiser to pass the network configuration and weights to the model.
// Note: You do not need to specify the biased units (+1 above) in the configuration.

NSArray *netConfig = @[@3, @2, @1];
double wts[] = {b1, w1, w2, w3, b2, w4, w5, w6, b3, w7, w8};
NSData *weights = [NSData dataWithBytes:wts length:sizeof(wts)];

MLPNeuralNet *model = [[MLPNeuralNet alloc] initWithLayerConfig:netConfig
model.hiddenActivationFunction = MLPSigmoid;
model.outputActivationFunction = MLPNone;

// Predict output of the model for new sample
double sample[] = {0, 1, 2};
NSData * vector = [NSData dataWithBytes:sample length:sizeof(sample)];
NSMutableData * prediction = [NSMutableData dataWithLength:sizeof(double)];
[model predictByFeatureVector:vector intoPredictionVector:prediction];

double * assessment = (double *)prediction.bytes;
NSLog(@"Model assessment is %f", assessment[0]);

##Getting Started
The following instructions describe how to setup and install `MLPNeuralNet` using [CocoaPods]( It is written for Xcode 5 and the iOS 7.x(+) SDK. If you are not familiar with CocoaPods, just clone the repository and import `MLPNeuralNet` directly as a subproject.

##Installing through CocoaPods
Please add the following line to your *Podfile*.

pod 'MLPNeuralNet', '~> 1.0.0'

##Installing through Carthage
Please add the following line to your *Cartfile*.

github "nikolaypavlov/MLPNeuralNet" "master"

##Import `MLPNeuralNet.h`
Do not forget to add the following line to the top of your model:
#import "MLPNeuralNet.h"

##How many weights do I need to initialise network X->Y->Z?
Most of the popular libraries (including `MLPNeuralNet`) implicitly add biased units for each of the layers except the last one. Assuming these additional units, the total number of weights are `(X + 1) * Y + (Y + 1) * Z`.

##Importing weights from other libs.
You can do this for *some* of the neural network packages available.

###R nnet library:
#Assuming nnet_model is a trained neural network

###Python NeuroLab

#Where net argument is an neurolab.core.Net object
import neurolab as nl
import numpy as np

def getweights(net):
vec = []
for layer in net.layers:
b =['b']
w =['w']
newvec = np.ravel(np.concatenate((b, np.ravel(w,order='F'))).reshape((,, order = 'F')
[vec.append(nv) for nv in newvec]
return np.array(vec)


###Python neon
import numpy as np

def layer_names(params):
layer_names = params.keys()
# Sort layers by their appearance in the model architecture
# Since neon appands the index to the layer name we will use it to sort
layer_names.sort(key=lambda x: int(x.split("_")[-1]))
return layer_names

def getweights(file_name):
vec = []
# Load a stored model file from disk (should have extension prm)
params = pkl.load(open(file_name, 'r'))
layers = layer_names(params)

for layer in layers:
# Make sure our model has biases activated, otherwise add zeros here
b = params[layer]['biases']
w = params[layer]['weights']

newvec = np.ravel(np.hstack((b,w)))
[vec.append(nv) for nv in newvec]
return vec

# An example call

###Python keras
import numpy as np

def get_weights_from_keras_model(model):
vec = np.array([])
for i in xrange(0, len(model.get_weights()), 2):
bias = model.get_weights()[i + 1]
weights_matrix = model.get_weights()[i]

newvec = np.ravel(np.concatenate((bias.reshape(-1, 1), weights_matrix.T), axis=1))
vec = np.append(vec, newvec)
return np.array(vec)


## Performance benchmarks
In this test, the neural network has grown layer by layer from a `1 -> 1` configuration to a `200 -> 200 -> 200 -> 1` configuration. At each step, the output is calculated and benchmarked using random input vectorisation and weights. Total number of weights grow from 2 to 80601 accordingly. I understand that the test is quite synthetic, but I hope it illustrates the performance. I will be happy if you can propose a better one! :)

![MLPNeuralNet Performance Benchmark](

##Unit Testing
`MLPNeuralNet` includes a diverse suite of unit tests in the `/MLPNeuralNetTests` subdirectory. You can execute them using the ``MLPNeuralNet`` scheme within Xcode.

`MLPNeuralNet` was inspired by:

- [Andrew Ng's course on Machine Learning](
- [Jeff Leek course on Data Analysis](


- Neural Network image was taken from [Wikipedia Commons](

##Contact Me
Maintainer: [Mykola Pavlov]( ([email protected])

**Please let me know on how you use `MLPNeuralNet` for some real world problems.**

`MLPNeuralNet` is released under the BSD license. See the LICENSE file for more information.