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Percona Operator for MySQL based on Percona XtraDB Cluster

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Percona Operator for MySQL based on Percona XtraDB Cluster




# Percona Operator for MySQL based on Percona XtraDB Cluster

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[Percona Operator for MySQL based on Percona XtraDB Cluster]( (PXC) automates the creation and management of highly available, enterprise-ready MySQL database clusters on Kubernetes.

Within the [Percona Operator for MySQL based on Percona XtraDB Cluster]( we have implemented our best practices for deployment and configuration Percona XtraDB Cluster instances in a Kubernetes-based environment on-premises or in the cloud. The Operator provides the following capabilities to keep the cluster healthy:

* Easy deployment with no single point of failure
* Load balancing and proxy service with either HAProxy or ProxySQL
* Scheduled and manual backups
* Integrated monitoring with [Percona Monitoring and Management](
* Smart Update to keep your database software up to date automatically
* Automated Password Rotation – use the standard Kubernetes API to enforce password rotation policies for system user
* Private container image registries

You interact with Percona Operator mostly via the command line tool. If you feel more comfortable with operating the Operator and database clusters via the web interface, there is [Percona Everest]( - an open-source web-based database provisioning tool available for you. It automates day-to-day database management operations for you, reducing the overall administrative overhead. [Get started with Percona Everest](

# Architecture

Percona Operators are based on the [Operator SDK]( and leverage Kubernetes primitives to follow best CNCF practices.

Please read more about [architecture and design decisions](

## Documentation

To learn more about the Operator, check the [Percona Operator for MySQL based on Percona XtraDB Cluster documentation](

# Quickstart installation

Ready to try out the Operator? Check the [Quickstart tutorial]( for easy-to follow steps.

Below is one of the ways to deploy the Operator using `kubectl`.

## kubectl

1. Deploy the Operator from `deploy/bundle.yaml`:

kubectl apply -f

2. Deploy the database cluster itself from `deploy/cr.yaml`:

kubectl apply -f


See full documentation with examples and various advanced cases on [](

# Contributing

Percona welcomes and encourages community contributions to help improve Percona Operator for MySQL.

See the [Contribution Guide]( and [Building and Testing Guide](e2e-tests/ for more information on how you can contribute.

## Communication

We would love to hear from you! Reach out to us on [Forum]( with your questions, feedback and ideas

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# Roadmap

We have an experimental public roadmap which can be found [here]( Please feel free to contribute and propose new features by following the roadmap [guidelines](

# Submitting Bug Reports

If you find a bug in Percona Docker Images or in one of the related projects, please submit a report to that project's [JIRA]( issue tracker or [create a GitHub issue]( in this repository.

Learn more about submitting bugs, new features ideas and improvements in the [Contribution Guide](