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Metamath-knife can rapidly verify Metamath proofs, providing strong confidence that the proofs are correct.

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Metamath-knife can rapidly verify Metamath proofs, providing strong confidence that the proofs are correct.




# Metamath-knife - a Metamath database processing tool

## A what?

Metamath is a language for expressing formal proofs in mathematics. Metamath makes few assumptions on the underlying logic and is simple enough to support a wide variety of tools.

Metamath-knife can rapidly verify these proofs, providing much stronger confidence that the proof is correct. And we do mean *rapid*: over 28,000 proofs can be proved in less than a second.

Metamath-knife is a friendly fork of
[smetamath-rs (aka SMM3) by Stephan O'Rear (sorear)]( Here are some key differentiators:

* It supports *all* Metamath proof formats. In particular, Metamath-knife
adds support for *all* Metamath proof formats
(uncompressed, compressed, package, or explicit.
* We take extra steps to prevent errors, e.g., we have a CI pipeline
(implemented using GitHub actions).
* We remove deprecated constructs, e.g., the deprecated try!(...)
has been replaced with the easier-to-read "?" construct.
* We actively work to eliminate compiler warnings. This tends to
counter errors, make the code more readable, and improve performance
(e.g., by eliminating unnecessary clone() calls).

## Building

Install Rust, "Rust 2021" (version 1.56.0) or later, preferably using (rustup)[], then check out this repository and run:

cargo build --release

Alternatively using `cargo install`:

cargo install --git
# $HOME/.cargo/bin/metamath-knife has been installed, use it as the binary in the following instructions

## Running

# The largest known Metamath database, and best test case
git clone

# One-shot verification using 4 threads
target/release/metamath-knife --time --jobs 4 --split --verify

# Incremental verification
(while sleep 5; do echo; done) | target/release/metamath-knife --time --jobs 4 --split --repeat --trace-recalc --verify
# then make small changes to the beginning, end, or middle of the DB and observe how behavior changes

Here is the command line help, which gives an idea of the options available:
A Metamath database verifier and processing tool

metamath-knife [FLAGS] [OPTIONS]

--debug Activates debug logs, including for the grammar building and statement parsing
-F, --dump-formula Dumps the formulas of this database
-G, --dump-grammar Dumps the database's grammar
-T, --dump-typesetting Dumps typesetting information
--free Explicitly deallocates working memory before exit
-g, --grammar Checks grammar
-h, --help Prints help information
-O, --outline Shows database outline
-p, --parse-stmt Parses all statements according to the database's grammar
-t, --parse-typesetting Parses typesetting information
--repeat Demonstrates incremental verifier
--split Processes files > 1 MiB in multiple segments
--time Prints milliseconds after each stage
--trace-recalc Prints segments as they are recalculated
-V, --version Prints version information
-v, --verify Checks proof validity
-m, --verify-markup Checks comment markup
--verify-parse-stmt Checks that printing parsed statements gives back the original formulas
-u, --verify-usage Checks axiom usage

--text Provides raw database content on the command line
-X, --axiom-use Generate `axiom-use` file
--biblio ... Supplies a bibliography file for verify-markup
Can be used one or two times; the second is for exthtml processing
-D, --discouraged Regenerates `discouraged` file
-e, --export ... Outputs a proof file
-j, --jobs Number of threads to use for verification
--stmt-use Outputs statements directly or indirectly using the given list of statements

Database file to load

## License

This is licensed under either of

* Apache License, Version 2.0 ([LICENSE-APACHE](LICENSE-APACHE) or

The SPDX license expression for its license is "(MIT OR Apache-2.0)".

Note that this is exactly the same license as smetamath-rs (SMM3),
That is intentional, because we want smetamath-rs (SMM3) to be able to
re-incorporate whatever we do if they like.

### Contribution

Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted
for inclusion in the work by you, as defined in the Apache-2.0 license, shall be dual licensed as above, without any additional terms or conditions.