
An open API service indexing awesome lists of open source software.

Last synced: about 1 month ago
JSON representation




## Description

The table below contains an incomplete mapping of old `IDAPython` API/Variable names to IDA 7+. The list was generated by diffing a recent commit of IDAPython and some string parsing in Python. The git diff command can be seen below.

git diff d99a89369741ce272ba792d6f087d0739a2f8ac7^! > out.txt
As of now the list only contains diffs from ``.

## Notes
`None` indcate names that I was unable to classify automatically or quickly. Most of the changes appear to make idapython be more Pythonic in naming conventions. I have yet to upgrade to 7.0 but hoping this page will help others.

## Contribute
The table was generated using the script ``. To add rows please append changes to the end of the list as `("old", "new")`. Thanks.

### Yolo IDAPython6 to IDAPython7

The script `` can be used to search and replace API names from IDAPython6 to IDAPython7. The approach is crude but it has been reported to work. Once I do some more research I'll figure out a cleaner way to update the code.


# to generate the table below

## Old vs New

| Old | New |
| ------------- |:-------------:|
| hasValue | has_value |
| byteValue | byte_value |
| isLoaded | is_loaded |
| isCode | is_code |
| isData | is_data |
| isTail | is_tail |
| isUnknown | is_unknown |
| isHead | is_head |
| isFlow | is_flow |
| isOff0 | is_off0 |
| isOff1 | is_off1 |
| isChar0 | is_char0 |
| isChar1 | is_char1 |
| isSeg0 | is_seg0 |
| isSeg1 | is_seg1 |
| isEnum0 | is_enum0 |
| isEnum1 | is_enum1 |
| isStroff0 | is_stroff0 |
| isStroff1 | is_stroff1 |
| isStkvar0 | is_stkvar0 |
| isStkvar1 | is_stkvar1 |
| isByte | is_byte |
| isWord | is_word |
| isTbyt | is_tbyt |
| isFloat | is_float |
| isDouble | is_double |
| isPackReal | is_pack_real |
| isStruct | is_struct |
| isAlign | is_align |
| IsFloat | is_float |
| Jump | jump |
| Wait | wait |
| Eval | eval |
| Exit | exit |
| DeleteAll | delete_all |
| MakeArray | make_array |
| OpHex | op_hex |
| OpChr | op_chr |
| OpOff | op_off |
| OpSeg | op_seg |
| OpStkvar | op_stkvar |
| SetManualInsn | set_manual_insn |
| GetManualInsn | get_manual_insn |
| PatchDbgByte | patch_dbg_byte |
| PatchByte | patch_byte |
| PatchWord | patch_word |
| PatchDword | patch_dword |
| PatchQword | patch_qword |
| AutoUnmark | auto_unmark |
| GetInputFile | get_input_file |
| GetInputFilePath | get_input_file_path |
| GetIdbPath | get_idb_path |
| Byte | byte |
| GetOriginalByte | get_original_byte |
| GetReg | get_reg |
| NextAddr | next_addr |
| PrevAddr | prev_addr |
| NextHead | next_head |
| PrevHead | prev_head |
| NextNotTail | next_not_tail |
| PrevNotTail | prev_not_tail |
| Demangle | demangle |
| GetOperandValue | get_operand_value |
| FindText | find_text |
| FindBinary | find_binary |
| _invoke_idc_setprm | _invoke_idc_setprm |
| SetProcessorType | set_processor_type |
| SetTargetAssembler | set_target_assembler |
| Batch | batch |
| ProcessUiAction | process_ui_action |
| AskSeg | ask_seg |
| AskYN | ask_yn |
| Warning | warning |
| Refresh | refresh |
| RefreshLists | refresh_lists |
| FindSelector | find_selector |
| SetSelector | set_selector |
| DelSelector | del_selector |
| DelSeg | del_seg |
| MoveSegm | move_segm |
| SetStorageType | set_storage_type |
| FindFuncEnd | find_func_end |
| GetFrame | get_frame |
| GetFrameLvarSize | get_frame_lvar_size |
| GetFrameRegsSize | get_frame_regs_size |
| GetFrameArgsSize | get_frame_args_size |
| GetFrameSize | get_frame_size |
| GetSpd | get_spd |
| GetMinSpd | get_min_spd |
| RecalcSpd | recalc_spd |
| GetEntryOrdinal | get_entry_ordinal |
| GetEntryName | get_entry_name |
| GetNextFixupEA | get_next_fixup_ea |
| GetPrevFixupEA | get_prev_fixup_ea |
| SetFixup | set_fixup |
| DelFixup | del_fixup |
| GetStrucQty | get_struc_qty |
| GetFirstStrucIdx | get_first_struc_idx |
| GetLastStrucIdx | get_last_struc_idx |
| GetNextStrucIdx | get_next_struc_idx |
| GetPrevStrucIdx | get_prev_struc_idx |
| GetStrucIdx | get_struc_idx |
| GetStrucId | get_struc_id |
| GetStrucName | get_struc_name |
| GetStrucSize | get_struc_size |
| GetMemberQty | get_member_qty |
| GetMemberId | get_member_id |
| GetFirstMember | get_first_member |
| GetLastMember | get_last_member |
| GetMemberOffset | get_member_offset |
| GetMemberName | get_member_name |
| GetMemberSize | get_member_size |
| GetMemberFlag | get_member_flag |
| IsUnion | is_union |
| DelStruc | del_struc |
| SetStrucIdx | set_struc_idx |
| SetStrucName | set_struc_name |
| AddStrucMember | add_struc_member |
| DelStrucMember | del_struc_member |
| SetMemberName | set_member_name |
| SetMemberType | set_member_type |
| ExpandStruc | expand_struc |
| GetFchunkAttr | get_fchunk_attr |
| SetFchunkAttr | set_fchunk_attr |
| GetFchunkReferer | get_fchunk_referer |
| RemoveFchunk | remove_fchunk |
| GetEnumQty | get_enum_qty |
| GetnEnum | getn_enum |
| GetEnumIdx | get_enum_idx |
| GetEnum | get_enum |
| GetEnumName | get_enum_name |
| GetEnumCmt | get_enum_cmt |
| GetEnumSize | get_enum_size |
| GetEnumWidth | get_enum_width |
| GetEnumFlag | get_enum_flag |
| GetFirstBmask | get_first_bmask |
| GetLastBmask | get_last_bmask |
| GetNextBmask | get_next_bmask |
| GetPrevBmask | get_prev_bmask |
| GetBmaskName | get_bmask_name |
| GetBmaskCmt | get_bmask_cmt |
| SetBmaskName | set_bmask_name |
| SetBmaskCmt | set_bmask_cmt |
| AddEnum | add_enum |
| DelEnum | del_enum |
| SetEnumIdx | set_enum_idx |
| SetEnumName | set_enum_name |
| SetEnumCmt | set_enum_cmt |
| SetEnumFlag | set_enum_flag |
| SetEnumBf | set_enum_bf |
| SetEnumWidth | set_enum_width |
| CreateArray | create_array |
| GetArrayId | get_array_id |
| RenameArray | rename_array |
| DeleteArray | delete_array |
| SetArrayLong | set_array_long |
| SetArrayString | set_array_string |
| GetArrayElement | get_array_element |
| DelArrayElement | del_array_element |
| GetFirstIndex | get_first_index |
| GetLastIndex | get_last_index |
| GetNextIndex | get_next_index |
| GetPrevIndex | get_prev_index |
| SetHashLong | set_hash_long |
| GetHashLong | get_hash_long |
| SetHashString | set_hash_string |
| GetHashString | get_hash_string |
| GetFirstHashKey | get_first_hash_key |
| GetLastHashKey | get_last_hash_key |
| GetNextHashKey | get_next_hash_key |
| GetPrevHashKey | get_prev_hash_key |
| GetType | get_type |
| GetTinfo | get_tinfo |
| GetLocalTinfo | get_local_tinfo |
| GuessType | guess_type |
| ApplyType | apply_type |
| SetLocalType | set_local_type |
| LoadDebugger | load_debugger |
| AttachProcess | attach_process |
| DetachProcess | detach_process |
| GetThreadQty | get_thread_qty |
| SelectThread | select_thread |
| SuspendThread | suspend_thread |
| ResumeThread | resume_thread |
| GetFirstModule | get_first_module |
| GetNextModule | get_next_module |
| GetModuleName | get_module_name |
| GetModuleSize | get_module_size |
| StepInto | step_into |
| StepOver | step_over |
| RunTo | run_to |
| StepUntilRet | step_until_ret |
| GetDebuggerEvent | get_debugger_event |
| ResumeProcess | resume_process |
| SendDbgCommand | send_dbg_command |
| RefreshDebuggerMemory | refresh_debugger_memory |
| TakeMemorySnapshot | take_memory_snapshot |
| GetProcessState | get_process_state |
| GetEventId | get_event_id |
| GetEventPid | get_event_pid |
| GetEventTid | get_event_tid |
| GetEventEa | get_event_ea |
| IsEventHandled | is_event_handled |
| GetEventModuleName | get_event_module_name |
| GetEventModuleBase | get_event_module_base |
| GetEventModuleSize | get_event_module_size |
| GetEventExitCode | get_event_exit_code |
| GetEventInfo | get_event_info |
| SetDebuggerOptions | set_debugger_options |
| SetRemoteDebugger | set_remote_debugger |
| DefineException | define_exception |
| GetRegValue | get_reg_value |
| SetRegValue | set_reg_value |
| GetBptQty | get_bpt_qty |
| GetBptEA | get_bpt_ea |
| GetBptAttr | get_bpt_attr |
| SetBptAttr | set_bpt_attr |
| AddBpt | add_bpt |
| DelBpt | del_bpt |
| EnableBpt | enable_bpt |
| CheckBpt | check_bpt |
| EnableTracing | enable_tracing |
| GetStepTraceOptions | get_step_trace_options |
| SetStepTraceOptions | set_step_trace_options |
| LoadTraceFile | load_trace_file |
| SaveTraceFile | save_trace_file |
| DiffTraceFile | diff_trace_file |
| GetTevEa | get_tev_ea |
| GetTevType | get_tev_type |
| GetTevTid | get_tev_tid |
| GetBptTevEa | get_bpt_tev_ea |
| GetColor | get_color |
| SetColor | set_color |
| OpOffset | op_offset |
| OpNum | op_num |
| OpDec | op_dec |
| set_start_cs | set_start_cs |
| set_start_ip | set_start_ip |
| BeginTypeUpdating | begin_type_updating |
| EndTypeUpdating | end_type_updating |
| AddStruc | add_struc |
| OpStroff | op_stroff |
| OpEnum | op_enum |
| SetReg | set_reg |
| here | here |
| isVar | None |
| isDefArg0 | is_defarg0 |
| isDefArg1 | is_defarg1 |
| isFop0 | is_manual0 |
| isFop1 | is_manual1 |
| isDwrd | is_dword |
| isQwrd | is_qword |
| isOwrd | is_oword |
| isASCII | is_strlit |
| IsString | value_is_string |
| IsLong | value_is_long |
| IsFunc | value_is_func |
| None | value_is_float |
| IsPvoid | value_is_pvoid |
| IsInt64 | value_is_int64 |
| MK_FP | to_ea |
| AddHotkey | add_idc_hotkey |
| DelHotkey | del_idc_hotkey |
| None | auto_wait |
| CompileEx | None |
| SaveBase | save_database |
| ValidateNames | validate_idb_names |
| Exit | qexit |
| Sleep | qsleep |
| RunPlugin | load_and_run_plugin |
| ApplySig | plan_to_apply_idasgn |
| MakeCode | create_insn |
| AnalyzeArea | plan_and_wait |
| MakeNameEx | set_name |
| MakeComm | set_cmt |
| MakeRptCmt | None |
| MakeStr | create_strlit |
| MakeData | create_data |
| MakeByte | create_byte |
| MakeWord | create_word |
| MakeDword | create_dword |
| MakeQword | create_qword |
| MakeOword | create_oword |
| MakeYword | create_yword |
| MakeFloat | create_float |
| MakeDouble | create_double |
| MakePackReal | create_pack_real |
| MakeTbyte | create_tbyte |
| MakeStructEx | create_struct |
| MakeCustomDataEx | create_custom_data |
| MakeAlign | create_align |
| MakeLocal | define_local_var |
| MakeUnkn | None |
| MakeUnknown | del_items |
| SetArrayFormat | set_array_params |
| OpBinary | op_bin |
| OpOctal | op_oct |
| OpDecimal | None |
| None | op_plain_offset |
| OpOffEx | None |
| OpNumber | None |
| OpFloat | op_flt |
| OpAlt | op_man |
| OpSign | toggle_sign |
| OpNot | toggle_bnot |
| OpEnumEx | None |
| OpStroffEx | None |
| OpHigh | op_offset_high16 |
| None | E_PREV |
| None | E_NEXT |
| ExtLinA | get_extra_cmt |
| ExtLinB | update_extra_cmt |
| DelExtLnA | None |
| DelExtLnB | del_extra_cmt |
| SetFlags | None |
| SetRegEx | split_sreg_range |
| AutoMark | auto_unmark |
| GenerateFile | gen_file |
| GenFuncGdl | gen_flow_graph |
| GenCallGdl | gen_simple_call_chart |
| GetIdaDirectory | idadir |
| SetInputFilePath | set_root_filename |
| GetInputMD5 | retrieve_input_file_md5 |
| GetFlags | get_full_flags |
| IdbByte | get_db_byte |
| GetManyBytes | get_bytes |
| DbgByte | read_dbg_byte |
| DbgWord | read_dbg_word |
| DbgDword | read_dbg_dword |
| DbgQword | read_dbg_qword |
| DbgRead | read_dbg_memory |
| DbgWrite | write_dbg_memory |
| Word | get_wide_word |
| Dword | get_wide_dword |
| Qword | get_qword |
| LocByName | get_name_ea_simple |
| LocByNameEx | get_name_ea |
| SegByBase | get_segm_by_sel |
| ScreenEA | get_screen_ea |
| GetCurrentLine | get_curline |
| SelStart | read_selection_start |
| SelEnd | read_selection_end |
| None | get_sreg |
| ItemHead | get_item_head |
| ItemEnd | get_item_end |
| ItemSize | get_item_end |
| NameEx | func_contains |
| GetTrueNameEx | None |
| GetDisasmEx | generate_disasm_line |
| GetMnem | print_insn_mnem |
| GetOpnd | print_operand |
| GetOpType | get_operand_type |
| LineA | None |
| LineB | None |
| CommentEx | get_cmt |
| AltOp | get_forced_operand |
| GetString | get_strlit_contents |
| GetStringType | get_str_type |
| FindVoid | find_suspop |
| FindCode | find_code |
| FindData | find_data |
| FindUnexplored | find_unknown |
| FindExplored | find_defined |
| FindImmediate | find_imm |
| ChangeConfig | process_config_line |
| GetLongPrm | get_inf_attr |
| GetShortPrm | None |
| GetCharPrm | None |
| SetLongPrm | None |
| SetShortPrm | None |
| SetCharPrm | None |
| SetPrcsr | None |
| AskStr | None |
| AskFile | None |
| AskAddr | None |
| AskLong | None |
| AskIdent | None |
| Message | None |
| UMessage | msg |
| Fatal | error |
| SetStatus | set_ida_state |
| AskSelector | sel2para |
| FirstSeg | get_first_seg |
| NextSeg | get_next_seg |
| SegStart | get_segm_start |
| SegEnd | get_segm_end |
| SegName | get_segm_name |
| AddSegEx | add_segm_ex |
| SetSegBounds | set_segment_bounds |
| RenameSeg | set_segm_name |
| SetSegClass | set_segm_class |
| SegAlign | set_segm_alignment |
| SegComb | set_segm_combination |
| SetSegAddressing | set_segm_addressing |
| SegByName | selector_by_name |
| SetSegDefReg | set_default_sreg_value |
| SetSegmentType | set_segm_type |
| GetSegmentAttr | get_segm_attr |
| SetSegmentAttr | set_segm_attr |
| AddCodeXref | add_cref |
| DelCodeXref | del_cref |
| Rfirst | get_first_cref_from |
| Rnext | get_next_cref_from |
| RfirstB | get_first_cref_to |
| RnextB | get_next_cref_to |
| Rfirst0 | get_first_fcref_from |
| Rnext0 | get_next_fcref_from |
| RfirstB0 | get_first_fcref_to |
| RnextB0 | get_next_fcref_to |
| Dfirst | get_first_dref_from |
| Dnext | get_next_dref_from |
| DfirstB | get_first_dref_to |
| DnextB | get_next_dref_to |
| XrefType | get_xref_type |
| MakeFunction | add_func |
| DelFunction | del_func |
| SetFunctionEnd | set_func_end |
| NextFunction | get_next_func |
| PrevFunction | get_prev_func |
| GetFunctionAttr | get_func_attr |
| SetFunctionAttr | set_func_attr |
| GetFunctionFlags | get_func_flags |
| SetFunctionFlags | set_func_flags |
| GetFunctionName | get_func_name |
| GetFunctionCmt | get_func_cmt |
| SetFunctionCmt | set_func_cmt |
| ChooseFunction | choose_func |
| GetFuncOffset | get_func_off_str |
| MakeFrame | set_frame_size |
| GetSpDiff | get_sp_delta |
| SetSpDiff | None |
| AddAutoStkPnt2 | add_auto_stkpnt |
| AddUserStkPnt | add_user_stkpnt |
| DelStkPnt | del_stkpnt |
| GetEntryPointQty | get_entry_qty |
| AddEntryPoint | add_entry |
| GetEntryPoint | get_entry_qty |
| RenameEntryPoint | rename_entry |
| GetFixupTgtType | get_fixup_target_type |
| GetFixupTgtSel | None |
| GetFixupTgtOff | get_fixup_target_off |
| GetFixupTgtDispl | get_fixup_target_dis |
| MarkPosition | put_bookmark |
| GetMarkedPos | get_bookmark |
| GetMarkComment | get_bookmark_desc |
| GetStrucIdByName | get_struc_id |
| GetStrucComment | get_struc_cmt |
| GetStrucPrevOff | get_prev_offset |
| GetStrucNextOff | get_next_offset |
| GetMemberComment | get_member_cmt |
| GetMemberStrId | get_member_strid |
| AddStrucEx | add_struc |
| SetStrucComment | set_struc_cmt |
| SetMemberComment | set_member_cmt |
| NextFchunk | get_next_fchunk |
| PrevFchunk | get_prev_fchunk |
| AppendFchunk | append_func_tail |
| SetFchunkOwner | set_tail_owner |
| FirstFuncFchunk | first_func_chunk |
| NextFuncFchunk | next_func_chunk |
| None | get_enum |
| GetConstByName | get_enum_member_by_name |
| GetConstValue | get_enum_member_value |
| GetConstBmask | get_enum_member_bmask |
| GetConstEnum | get_enum_member_enum |
| GetConstEx | get_enum_member |
| GetFirstConst | get_first_enum_member |
| GetLastConst | get_last_enum_member |
| GetNextConst | get_next_enum_member |
| GetPrevConst | get_prev_enum_member |
| GetConstName | get_enum_member_name |
| GetConstCmt | get_enum_member_cmt |
| IsBitfield | is_bf |
| AddConstEx | add_enum_member |
| DelConstEx | del_enum_member |
| SetConstName | set_enum_member_name |
| SetConstCmt | set_enum_member_cmt |
| DelHashElement | del_hash_string |
| AddSourceFile | add_sourcefile |
| GetSourceFile | get_sourcefile |
| DelSourceFile | del_sourcefile |
| SetLineNumber | set_source_linnum |
| GetLineNumber | get_source_linnum |
| DelLineNumber | del_source_linnum |
| LoadTil | add_default_til |
| Til2Idb | import_type |
| ParseType | parse_decl |
| ParseTypes | parse_decls |
| PrintLocalTypes | print_decls |
| GetMaxLocalType | get_ordinal_qty |
| GetLocalTypeName | get_numbered_type_name |
| HideArea | add_hidden_range |
| SetHiddenArea | update_hidden_range |
| DelHiddenArea | del_hidden_range |
| StartDebugger | start_process |
| StopDebugger | None |
| PauseProcess | suspend_process |
| GetProcessQty | None |
| GetProcessPid | None |
| GetProcessName | None |
| GetThreadId | None |
| GetCurrentThreadId | None |
| GetEventBptHardwareEa | get_event_bpt_hea |
| GetEventExceptionCode | get_event_exc_code |
| GetEventExceptionEa | get_event_exc_ea |
| CanExceptionContinue | None |
| GetEventExceptionInfo | get_event_exc_info |
| GetDebuggerEventCondition | None |
| SetDebuggerEventCondition | set_debugger_event_cond |
| SetBptCndEx | set_bpt_cond |
| SetBptCnd | None |
| AddBptEx | None |
| CheckTraceFile | is_valid_trace_file |
| ClearTraceFile | clear_trace |
| GetTraceDesc | get_trace_file_desc |
| SetTraceDesc | set_trace_file_desc |
| GetMaxTev | get_tev_qty |
| GetTevRegVal | get_tev_reg |
| GetTevRegMemQty | get_tev_mem_qty |
| GetTevRegMem | get_tev_mem |
| GetTevRegMemEa | get_tev_mem_ea |
| GetTevCallee | get_call_tev_callee |
| GetTevReturn | get_ret_tev_return |
| ArmForceBLJump | force_bl_jump |
| ArmForceBLCall | force_bl_call |
| Compile | None |
| OpChar | None |
| OpSegment | None |
| OpAlt1 | None |
| OpAlt2 | None |
| StringStp | None |
| LowVoids | None |
| HighVoids | None |
| TailDepth | None |
| Analysis | None |
| Tabs | None |
| Voids | None |
| XrefShow | None |
| Indent | None |
| CmtIndent | None |
| AutoShow | None |
| MinEA | None |
| MaxEA | None |
| BeginEA | None |
| WriteMap | None |
| WriteTxt | None |
| WriteExe | None |
| AddConst | None |
| AddUnion | None |
| DelConst | None |
| GetConst | None |
| AnalyseArea | None |
| MakeStruct | None |
| MakeCustomData | None |
| Name | None |
| GetTrueName | None |
| MakeName | None |
| SegCreate | None |
| SegDelete | None |
| SegBounds | None |
| SegRename | None |
| SegClass | None |
| SegAddrng | None |
| SegDefReg | None |
| Comment | None |
| RptCmt | None |
| isEnabled | None |
| AutoMark2 | auto_mark_range |
| None | get_wide_byte |
| None | calc_gtn_flags |
| None | o_fpreg_arm |
| None | o_cond |
| ASCSTR_ULEN2 | None |
| ASCSTR_ULEN4 | None |
| ASCSTR_LAST | None |
| None | STRTYPE_C_16 |
| None | STRTYPE_LEN2_16 |
| None | STRTYPE_LEN4_16 |
| startEA | start_ea |
| endEA | end_ea |
| None | get_fixup_target_flags |