
An open API service indexing awesome lists of open source software.

A utility library that allows JS/TS apps to effortlessly fetch past events from Nostr relays.

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Last synced: about 1 month ago
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A utility library that allows JS/TS apps to effortlessly fetch past events from Nostr relays.




# nostr-fetch
A utility library that allows JS/TS apps to effortlessly fetch *past* events from Nostr relays.

## Installation

npm install nostr-fetch

yarn add nostr-fetch

pnpm add nostr-fetch

### Using from Browsers without Bundlers
You can also use nostr-fetch in your HTML via `` tags, thanks to [jsDelivr](

<script type="module">
import { NostrFetcher } from "[email protected]/+esm"
// ...


### Note for Node.js Users
On Node.js, you must install and import `websocket-polyfill` to work nostr-fetch correctly.

npm install websocket-polyfill

import { ... } from "nostr-fetch";
import "websocket-polyfill";

## Usage

### Basics

import { eventKind, NostrFetcher } from "nostr-fetch";

const nHoursAgo = (hrs: number): number =>
Math.floor(( - hrs * 60 * 60 * 1000) / 1000);

const fetcher = NostrFetcher.init();
const relayUrls = [/* relay URLs */];

// fetches all text events since 24 hr ago in streaming manner
const postIter = fetcher.allEventsIterator(
/* filter (kinds, authors, ids, tags) */
{ kinds: [ eventKind.text ] },
/* time range filter (since, until) */
{ since: nHoursAgo(24) },
/* fetch options (optional) */
{ skipVerification: true }
for await (const ev of postIter) {

// fetches all text events since 24 hr ago, as a single array
const allPosts = await fetcher.fetchAllEvents(
/* filter */
{ kinds: [ eventKind.text ] },
/* time range filter */
{ since: nHoursAgo(24) },
/* fetch options (optional) */
{ sort: true }

### Various Fetch Methods

import { eventKind, NostrFetcher } from "nostr-fetch";

const fetcher = NostrFetcher.init();
const relayUrls = [/* relay URLs */];

// fetches latest 100 text posts
// internally:
// 1. fetch latest 100 events from each relay
// 2. merge lists of events
// 3. take latest 100 events
const latestPosts: NostrEvent[] = await fetcher.fetchLatestEvents(
/* filter */
{ kinds: [ eventKind.text ] },
/* number of events to fetch */

// fetches the last metadata event published by pubkey "deadbeef..."
// internally:
// 1. fetch the last event from each relay
// 2. take the latest one
const lastMetadata: NostrEvent | undefined = await fetcher.fetchLastEvent(
/* filter */
{ kinds: [ eventKind.metadata ], authors: [ "deadbeef..." ] },

// fetches latest 10 text posts from each author in `authors`
const postsPerAuthor = fetcher.fetchLatestEventsPerAuthor(
/* authors and relay set */
// you can also pass a `Map` which has mappings from authors (pubkey) to reley sets,
// to specify a relay set for each author
authors: ["deadbeef...", "abcdef01...", ...],
/* filter */
{ kinds: [ eventKind.text ] },
/* number of events to fetch for each author */
for await (const { author, events } of postsPerAuthor) {
console.log(`posts from ${author}:`);
for (const ev of events) {

// fetches the last metadata event from each author in `authors`
const metadataPerAuthor = fetcher.fetchLastEventPerAuthor(
/* authors and relay set */
// you can also pass a `Map` which has mappings from authors (pubkey) to reley sets,
// to specify a relay set for each author
authors: ["deadbeef...", "abcdef01...", ...],
/* filter */
{ kinds: [ eventKind.metadata ] },
for await (const { author, event } of metadataPerAuthor ) {
console.log(`${author}: ${event?.content ?? "not found"}`);

### Working with custom relay pool implementations

First, install the adapter package for the relay pool implementation you want to use.
For example, if you want to use nostr-fetch with nostr-tools' `SimplePool` :

npm install @nostr-fetch/adapter-nostr-tools

Then, wrap your relay pool instance with the adapter and pass it to the initializer `NostrFetcher.withCustomPool()`.
import { eventKind, NostrFetcher } from "nostr-fetch";
import { simplePoolAdapter } from "@nostr-fetch/adapter-nostr-tools";
import { SimplePool } from "nostr-tools";

const pool = new SimplePool();

// wrap SimplePool with simplePoolAdapter to make it interoperable with nostr-fetch
const fetcher = NostrFetcher.withCustomPool(simplePoolAdapter(pool));

// now, you can use any fetch methods described above!

#### Table of Available Adapters

| Package | Relay Pool Impl. | Adapter Package | Adapter |
| [`nostr-tools`]( (v1) | `SimplePool` | `@nostr-fetch/adapter-nostr-tools` | `simplePoolAdapter` |
| [`nostr-tools`]( (v2) | `SimplePool` | `@nostr-fetch/adapter-nostr-tools-v2` | `simplePoolAdapter` |
| [`nostr-relaypool`]( | `RelayPool` | `@nostr-fetch/adapter-nostr-relaypool` | `relayPoolAdapter` |
| [`@nostr-dev-kit/ndk`]( | `NDK` | `@nostr-fetch/adapter-ndk` | `ndkAdapter` |
| [`rx-nostr`]( | `RxNostr` | `@nostr-fetch/adapter-rx-nostr` | `rxNostrAdapter` |

### Cancelling by AbortController

import { eventKind, NostrFecher } from "nostr-fetch"

const fetcher = NostrFetcher.init();
const relayUrls = [/* relay URLs */];

const evIter = fetcher.allEventsIterator(
{/* filter */},
{/* time range */},
/* pass an `AbortSsignal` here to enable abortion! */
{ abortSignal: AbortSignal.timeout(1000) },

for await (const ev of evIter) {
// ...

## Examples
You can find example codes under `packages/examples` directory.

To run examples, follow the steps (using `npm` for example):

# first time only: install dependencies & build subpackages
npm install && npm run build

# then, execute example
# the command executes packages/examples/src/fetchAll.ts
npm run example fetchAll

# some examples takes a hex pubkey as an argument
npm run example fetchLastPerAuthor

## API

- [class `NostrFetcher`](#class-nostrfetcher)
- Initializers and Finilizers
+ [`NostrFetcher.init`](#nostrfetcherinit)
+ [`NostrFetcher.withCustomPool`](#nostrfetcherwithcustompool)
+ [`NostrFetcher#shutdown`](#nostrfetchershutdown)
- Fetch Methods
+ [`allEventsIterator`](#alleventsiterator)
+ [`fetchAllEvents`](#fetchallevents)
+ [`fetchLatestEvents`](#fetchlatestevents)
+ [`fetchLastEvent`](#fetchlastevent)
+ [`fetchLatestEventsPerKey`](#fetchlatesteventsperkey)
+ [`fetchLastEventPerKey`](#fetchlasteventperkey)
+ [`fetchLatestEventsPerAuthor`](#fetchlatesteventsperauthor)
+ [`fetchLastEventPerAuthor`](#fetchlasteventperauthor)

### class `NostrFetcher`

The entry point of Nostr events fetching.

It manages connections to Nostr relays under the hood. It is recommended to reuse single `NostrFetcher` instance in entire app.

You should instantiate it with following initializers instead of the constructor.


### Initializers and Finalizers

#### `NostrFetcher.init`

Initializes a `NostrFetcher` instance based on the default relay pool implementation.

#### `NostrFetcher.withCustomPool`

Initializes a `NostrFetcher` instance based on a custom relay pool implementation passed as an argument.

This opens up interoperability with other relay pool implementations such as [nostr-tools](' `SimplePool`. See [here](#working-with-custom-relay-pool-implementations) for details.

#### `NostrFetcher#shutdown`

Cleans up the internal relay pool.

If you use a fetcher instance initialized via `NostrFetcher.init`, calling this method closes connections to all the connected relays.


### Fetch Methods

All methods are instance methods of `NostrFetcher`.

#### `allEventsIterator`

public allEventsIterator(
relayUrls: string[],
filter: FetchFilter,
timeRangeFilter: FetchTimeRangeFilter,
options?: AllEventsIterOptions
): AsyncIterable

Returns an async iterable of all events matching the filter from Nostr relays specified by the array of URLs.

You can iterate over events using for-await-of loop.

const fetcher = NostrFetcher.init();
const events = fetcher.allEventsIterator([/* relays */], {/* filter */}, {/* time range */});
for await (const ev of events) {
// process events

Specifying `enableBackpressure: true` in `options` enables "backpressure mode", where the fetcher is backpressured by the consumer of the iterator.

> **Note**
> There are no guarantees about the order of returned events. Especially, events are not necessarily ordered in "newest to oldest" order.


#### `fetchAllEvents`

public async fetchAllEvents(
relayUrls: string[],
filter: FetchFilter,
timeRangeFilter: FetchTimeRangeFilter,
options?: FetchAllOptions
): Promise

Fetches all events matching the filter from Nostr relays specified by the array of URLs, and collect them into an array.

If `sort: true` is specified in `options`, events in the resulting array will be sorted in "newest to oldest" order.

> **Note**
> There are no guarantees about the order of returned events if `sort` options is not specified.


#### `fetchLatestEvents`

public async fetchLatestEvents(
relayUrls: string[],
filter: FetchFilter,
limit: number,
options?: FetchLatestOptions
): Promise

Fetches latest up to `limit` events matching the filter from Nostr relays specified by the array of URLs.

Events in the result will be sorted in "newest to oldest" order.


#### `fetchLastEvent`

public async fetchLastEvent(
relayUrls: string[],
filter: FetchFilter,
options?: FetchLatestOptions
): Promise

Fetches the last event matching the filter from Nostr relays specified by the array of URLs.

Returns `undefined` if no event matching the filter exists in any relay.


#### `fetchLatestEventsPerKey`

public fetchLatestEventsPerKey(
keyName: KN,
keysAndRelays: KeysAndRelays,
otherFilter: Omit,
limit: number,
options?: FetchLatestOptions
): AsyncIterable>

Fetches latest up to `limit` events **for each key specified by `keyName` and `keysAndRelays`**.

`keysAndRelays` can be either of two types:

- `{ keys: K[], relayUrls: string[] }`: The fetcher will use the same relay set (`relayUrls`) for all `keys` to fetch events.
- `Map`: Key must be the key of event and value must be relay set for that key. The fetcher will use separate relay set for each key to fetch events.

> **Note**
> The type `K` is `number` if `keyName` is `"kinds"`. Otherwise, `K` is `string`.

Result is an async iterable of `{ key: , events: }` pairs.

Each array of events in the result are sorted in "newest to oldest" order.


#### `fetchLastEventPerKey`

public fetchLatestEventsPerKey(
keyName: KN,
keysAndRelays: KeysAndRelays,
otherFilter: Omit,
options?: FetchLatestOptions
): AsyncIterable>

Fetches the last event **for each key specified by `keysAndRelays`**.

`keysAndRelays` can be either of two types:

- `{ keys: K[], relayUrls: string[] }`: The fetcher will use the same relay set (`relayUrls`) for all `keys` to fetch events.
- `Map`: Key must be key of the event and value must be relay set for that key. The fetcher will use separate relay set for each key to fetch events.

> **Note**
> The type `K` is `number` if `keyName` is `"kinds"`. Otherwise, `K` is `string`.

Result is an async iterable of `{ key: , event: }` pairs.

`event` in result will be `undefined` if no event matching the filter exists in any relay.


#### `fetchLatestEventsPerAuthor`

public fetchLatestEventsPerAuthor(
authorsAndRelays: AuthorsAndRelays,
otherFilter: Omit,
limit: number,
options: FetchLatestOptions = {}
): AsyncIterable<{ author: string; events: NostrEvent[] }>
Fetches latest up to `limit` events **for each author specified by `authorsAndRelays`**.

It is just a wrapper of `fetchLatestEventsPerKey` specialized to `"authors"` key.


#### `fetchLastEventPerAuthor`

public fetchLastEventPerAuthor(
authorsAndRelays: AuthorsAndRelays,
otherFilter: Omit,
options: FetchLatestOptions = {}
): AsyncIterable<{ author: string; event: NostrEvent | undefined }>

Fetches the last event **for each author specified by `authorsAndRelays`**.

It is just a wrapper of `fetchLastEventPerKey` specialized to `"authors"` key.

## Support me!
You can support this project by:

- ⭐ Starring the repo
- ⚡️ Sending some sats to my lightning address: [email protected]
- 🐝 Sending funds via [PkgZap](