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C·ZAN is an atomic design system for apps running on Kotlin/Compose Multiplatform

android compose compose-multiplatform cupertino-design ios jetpack-compose material material3

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C·ZAN is an atomic design system for apps running on Kotlin/Compose Multiplatform




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Design System library for apps running on Kotlin/Compose Multiplatform




# ⭐️ Introduction

Introducing the **C·ZAN** design system, named in honor of [Paul Cezanne](, a renowned painter from Aix-en-Provence, France.

This framework is specifically adapted for apps running on [Compose Multiplatform]( and will apply a specific look & feel for the targeted platforms:
- Android: [Material 3](, Google's open-source design system
- iOS: Cupertino, Apple's design system

**C·ZAN** is following the [Atomic Design]( methodology, where atoms, molecules, organisms and templates are the different levels of design you can
use to build your app.

➡️ Be sure to show your support by starring ⭐️ this repository, and feel free to [contribute](#-contributing) if you're interested!

# 💾 Installation

Add the dependency in your common module's commonMain sourceSet:


The latest version
is: [![](](

# ⚙️ Usage

### 1. Theme configuration

First, you must configure your theme and define your color palette, typography and shape, as explained in the
official [documentation]( for Material 3 with Jetpack Compose.

- Colors:

val md_theme_light_primary = Color(0xFF123456)

val MyAppLightColorScheme = lightColorScheme(
primary = md_theme_light_primary,

val md_theme_dark_primary = Color(0xFF123456)

val MyAppLightColorScheme = darkColorScheme(
primary = md_theme_dark_primary,

- Typography:

val MyAppTypography = Typography(
labelLarge = TextStyle(
fontWeight = FontWeight.Medium,

- Shapes:

val MyAppShapes = Shapes(
small = RoundedCornerShape(4.dp),
medium = RoundedCornerShape(8.dp),
large = RoundedCornerShape(12.dp),
extraLarge = RoundedCornerShape(16.dp)


### 2. Theme declaration

Then, declare your app theme using `CzanTheme` as follows:

fun MyAppTheme(
darkTheme: Boolean = isSystemInDarkTheme(),
content: @Composable () -> Unit
) {
darkTheme = darkTheme,
lightColorScheme = MyAppLightColorScheme,
darkColorScheme = MyAppDarkColorScheme,
typography = MyAppTypography,
shapes = MyAppShapes,
content = content

_Note: if your app does not need a dark theme, use `darkColorScheme = null`._

### 3. Theme usage

C·ZAN wraps some default Material 3 classes to properly adapt the look & feel to the targeted platform. Make sure to use the following ones:
- `androidx.compose.material3.Scaffold` -> `com.tweener.czan.designsystem.atom.scaffold.Scaffold`
- `androidx.compose.material3.NavigationBar` -> `com.tweener.czan.designsystem.atom.bars.NavigationBar`
- `androidx.compose.material3.NavigationBarItem` -> `com.tweener.czan.designsystem.atom.bars.NavigationBarItem`

import com.tweener.czan.designsystem.atom.scaffold.Scaffold
import com.tweener.czan.designsystem.atom.bars.NavigationBar
import com.tweener.czan.designsystem.atom.bars.NavigationBarItem

fun App(
modifier: Modifier = Modifier
) {
Surface {
MyAppTheme {
navigationBar = {
NavigationBar {
) { innerPadding ->

### 4. Light & Dark mode

If you declared a `darkColorScheme` in step 2, C·ZAN will automatically adapts the theme to light or dark mode depending on the device's settings.

To override it, you can achieve it by using [`ThemeType`]( as follows:

val themeType: ThemeType = ThemeType.DARK // If you want to use a ThemeType directly from your main Composable
// or
val themeType by viewModel.themeType.collectAsState() // If the ThemeType is provided by the ViewModel

MyAppTheme(darkTheme = shouldUseDarkTheme(themeType = themeType)) {

# 🗺️ Roadmap

The C·ZAN design system, still in its early stages, has an exciting journey of development ahead. Checkout the [roadmap]( to know all about the
upcoming tasks, presented in no specific order and without set deadlines.

Feel free to check out the range of `Composable`s that are already available [here](!

# 👨‍💻 Contributing

We love your input and welcome any contributions! Please read our [contribution guidelines]( before submitting a pull request.

# 🪪 Licence

C·ZAN is licensed under the [Apache-2.0](