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Research & web-dev resources for the not-awesome 2019 novel Coronavirus

List: not-so-awesome-covid19

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Last synced: 2 months ago
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Research & web-dev resources for the not-awesome 2019 novel Coronavirus




# Not-So-Awesome-COVID19

Please star for visiblity to others, & watch for updates (upper-right corner buttons).

## awesome-awesome-covid19
List of lists around the not-awesome 2019 novel Coronavirus

### Researchers, Engeneers, and Hardware Hacker Resources & Requests:

Long collection of projects that developers can join, plus other update aggregates.

"collection of Open Source projects during COVID-19"

"COVID-19 projects looking for volunteers" (both Open Source Software & hardware/medical supplies)

"data science, analytics and computer programming resources for COVID-19"

listing "Datasets and models", with many x-rays archives

No-news "coronavirus related materials for working scientists".

Shorter listing of Volunteering / Capabilities efforts.

Data collected by major US newspaper

### Vendors - Manufacturers

[SARS-CoV-2 antibody testing KB: Twitter Thread](

### Web Development

#### Google's tips

Great checklist touching upon all topics
[Ensure your website is available and usable ](

Accessibility (A11y) tips for web developers ~ so help is avaiable to **everyone**
[Accessibility tips for web developers](

#### Build Kits

Help save local resturaunts.
[Sever code](
[Fronend React app](

## Statistics

[API & tools listing]( RapidAPI blog listing many open APIs and articles to make dashboards.

### USA

[@COVID19Tracking]( scrapes states' websites then hand-verifies data, flagging where they think there are inaccuracies. [API]( is available.
[The COVID Tracking Project](

### Belgium
[Epistat]( monitors all relevant data regarding confirmed cases, hospitalisations, number of performed tests and mortality. [Interactive dashboard]( and [Data CSV/JSON](

## Charts

Pivots of data, via maps, charts, tables, etc.

[Tableau: Change over time USA](!/vizhome/Coronavirus-ChangeovertimeintheUSA/0_Home) by COVID19Tracking's [Peter Walker](, good regions and hospitalization pivots.
[Tableau: US COVID-19 Trends over Time](!/vizhome/COVIDDashboard-Public/NationalOverview) and by state & county, by COVID19Tracking's [Conor Kelly](
[mSightly US charts]( looking at direct numbers & economic impact.

## Prespectives

Always sluth for yourself, & try to go to source as much as possible.

'Stanford researchers calculated 2.5-4.2% of the county’s residents were infected as of early April. [so] Covid-19 is drastically more widespread than local swab testing suggests: 50-85x,.. consequently lowers the disease’s estimated fatality rate, driving it from ~1% to just 0.12-0.2%... death rate from the flu is about 0.1%.'

Quotes from many field experts
[12 Experts Questioning the Coronavirus Panic](

Dr. Eugene K. Choi: "FEAR of the Coronavirus is deadlier than the virus itself"
[[COVID-19] One Important Recommendation You May Not be Hearing](

### Staying at Home?

Spend time wisely:

"free resources to help children learn while at home" & adults also ;)

"No trackers, maps or news about the virus" Varied resources!

## Contributing

Feel free to add your list ty [editing the README](, using my format above: (linebreak, description, **2 spaces**, linebreak, `[repo path or link name](full URL)`

## License

[CC0 1.0 Universal (CC0 1.0)]( Public Domain Dedication

## Also by Author

curated list of awesome articles & code for Cloudflare Workers
(Hosting used by some sites & APIs, such as [The COVID Tracking Project](