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🔎 Polyfill for the PerformanceObserver API


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🔎 Polyfill for the PerformanceObserver API




🔎 PerformanceObserver Polyfill


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The [`PerformanceObserver`]( interface is a JavaScript API that can be used to observe the [Performance Timeline]( to be notified of new performance metrics as they are recorded.

This polyfill allows consumers to use the `PerformanceObserver` interface within browser environments, which have basic Performance Timeline support (I.e. `window.performance.getEntries()`), but don't have observer support.

The polyfill works by falling back to polling the Performance Timeline on a given interval and calling all subscribed observers with the resulting set of entires.

## Quick links
- [Installation](#installation)
- [Usage](#usage)
- [Development](#development)
- [License](#license)

## Installation
npm install --save @fastly/performance-observer-polyfill

## Usage:

### As a [polyfill](
This automatically "installs" PerformanceObserverPolyfill as `window.PerformanceObserver()` if it detects PerformanceObserver isn't supported:

import '@fastly/performance-observer-polyfill/polyfill'

// PerformanceObserver is now available globally!
const observer = new PerformanceObserver((list) => {});
observer.observe({entryTypes: ['resource']});

### Usage: As a [ponyfill](

With a module bundler like [rollup]( or [webpack](,
you can import `@fastly/performance-observer-polyfill` to use in your code without modifying any globals:

// using JS Modules:
import PerformanceObserver from '@fastly/performance-observer-polyfill'

// or using CommonJS:
const PerformanceObserver = require('@fastly/performance-observer-polyfill')

// usage:
const observer = new PerformanceObserver((list) => {});
observer.observe({entryTypes: ['resource']})

## Caveats
As the polyfill implements the PerformanceObserver interface by falling back to polling the Performance Timeline via a call to `window.performance.getEntries()` we are limited to only expose timeline entry types that are supported by `getEntries()`. Therefore the polyfill can only be used to observe the entry types: `navigation`, `resource` and `mark`. Newer entry types such as `paint` are only exposed by the native PerformanceObserver implementation and thus not polyfillable.

## Development

### Requirements
- Node.js >= 10

### Install
git clone [email protected]:fastly/performance-observer-polyfill.git
cd performance-observer-polyfill
npm install
npm run build

## Running
Most actions you'd like to perform whilst developing performance-observer-polyfill are defined as NPM scripts tasks and can be invoked using `npm run {task}`.

A list of all commands and their description can be found below.

| Name | Description |
| --------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| build | Compiles the application for production environments |
| build:dev | Compiles the application for development |
| lint | Lints the source files for style errors using ESLint and automatically formats the source files using prettier |
| test | Runs the unit test suite |

## License