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A lightweight wrapper for the JavaScript FileReader interface

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A lightweight wrapper for the JavaScript FileReader interface




# FileReader.js

A small library independant wrapper for the JavaScript FileReader interface.

This plugin is open source under the MIT License. It was developed in conjunction with a CSS sprite generator project:

## Specifications
* See to read about FileReader.
* See to read about FileReaderSync.
* See for details on Options/on.* callbacks.

## Usage:
FileReaderJS.setupInput(document.getElementById('file-input'), opts);
FileReaderJS.setupDrop(document.getElementById('dropzone'), opts);
FileReaderJS.setupClipboard(document.body, opts);

## If you have jQuery:
$("#file-input, #dropzone").fileReaderJS(opts);

## FileReaderJS.sync

Use the `FileReaderSync` object when available to load the files in a separate worker. `false` by default. This will cause only the `load` or `error` events to fire (there will be none of the other ProgressEvents, as the operation is synchronous).

## Options

readAsMap: A collection taking key as a string that will be matched with regex against
file types and the type to read as. If no match is found, it will use readAsDefault.
The default map is:
'image/*': 'DataURL',
'text/*' : 'Text'
readAsDefault: 'ArrayBuffer' | 'Text' | 'DataURL' (default)
accept: A regex string to match the contenttype of a given file.
For example: 'image/*' to only accept images.
on.skip will be called when a file does not match the filter.
dragClass: A CSS class to add onto the element called with setupDrop while dragging
loadstart: function(e, file) { }
progress: function(e, file) { }
load: function(e, file) { }
abort: function(e, file) { }
error: function(e, file) { }
loadend: function(e, file) { }
beforestart: function(file) { } Called before a file is passed to the FileReader. Return false to prevent processing. This is used along with the 'accept' parameter to skip a file (ex: an image is too big to process). This wouldn't be needed, except that Chrome sometimes crashes when calling abort():
skip: function(file) { } Called only when a read has been skipped because of the accept string
groupstart: function(group) { }
groupend: function(group) { }

## Parameters to events:

e - the native ProgressEvent created by the FileReader

file - an extension of the original File object. See W3 link above for all native parameters. Here are the extra fields

file.extra = {
fileID: a generated int id for this file.
groupID: the group that it belongs to
nameNoExtension: 'myImage' instead of 'myImage.png'
extension: 'png' instead of 'myImage.png'
prettySize: '46.47' kb instead of 47585 (size field)

group: simple grouping of files. Each time a change event or drop even happens and a FileList is created, and all of these files are stored inside a group object.

groupID: a generated int id for this group
files: the FileList associated with the group
started: the Date the group was recieved as input
ended: the Date all files in the group finished loading

Any contributions are welcome.
Author: Brian Grinstead.