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A tool for formatting Clojure code

clojure code-formatter leiningen

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A tool for formatting Clojure code




# cljfmt [![Test Status](]( [![Release Status](](

cljfmt is a tool for detecting and fixing formatting errors in
[Clojure][] code.

Its defaults are based on the [Clojure Style Guide][], but it also has
many customization options to suit a particular project or team.

It is not the goal of the project to provide a one-to-one mapping
between a Clojure syntax tree and formatted text; rather the intent is
to correct formatting errors with minimal changes to the existing
structure of the text.

If you want format completely unstructured Clojure code, the [zprint][]
project may be more suitable.

[clojure style guide]:

## Breaking Changes in 0.11.x

The `--indents` and `--alias-map` keys have been removed from the CLI,
in favor of using a configuration file instead.

The `:indents` key has been split into `:indents` and `:extra-indents`.
The `:indents` key **replaces** all default indents, while the
`:extra-indents` key will **append** to the default indents.

If you need to retain backward compatibility with an older version of
cljfmt, then you can add the `:legacy/merge-indents?` key to your

{:legacy/merge-indents? true
:indents {example.core/foo [[:inner 0]]}}

This will treat `:indents` as if it were `:extra-indents`. i.e. it is
equivalent to:

{:extra-indents {example.core/foo [[:inner 0]]}}

## Usage

cljfmt integrates with many existing build tools, or can be used as a
library. As an end user, you have the choice of:

### Standalone

The fastest way to run cljfmt is via a precompiled binary. If you're using
Linux or MacOS, you can run the following command to install the binary into

/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"

You can also run this command to update cljfmt to the latest version.

If you're using Windows, there's a [zipped up binary][] you can download and
extract manually.

To use cljfmt to check for formatting errors in your project, run:

cljfmt check

And to fix those errors:

cljfmt fix

Use `--help` for a list of all the command-line options.

For persistent configuration, you can use a [configuration file][].

[zipped up binary]:
[configuration file]: #configuration

### Clojure Tools

The official Clojure CLI supports installation of thirdparty [tools][].
To install cljfmt as a tool, run:

clj -Ttools install io.github.weavejester/cljfmt '{:git/tag "0.12.0"}' :as cljfmt

To use the tool to check for formatting errors in your project, run:

clj -Tcljfmt check

And to fix those errors:

clj -Tcljfmt fix


### Leiningen

[Leiningen][] is a popular Clojure build tool. To use cljfmt with
Leiningen, add the following plugin to your `project.clj` file:

:plugins [[dev.weavejester/lein-cljfmt "0.12.0"]]

To use the plugin to check code for formatting errors, run:

lein cljfmt check

And to fix those errors:

lein cljfmt fix

To configure it, put a `:cljfmt` key and a map of options in your
project file. See the [configuration][] section for more details.

[configuration]: #configuration

### Library

cljfmt can be run as a library that formats a string of Clojure code.
First, add the dependency:

{:deps {dev.weavejester/cljfmt {:mvn/version "0.12.0"}}}

Then use the library:

(require '[cljfmt.core :as fmt])

(fmt/reformat-string "(defn sum [x y]\n(+ x y))")
;; => "(defn sum [x y]\n (+ x y))"

To use load the configuration for the current directory:

(require '[cljfmt.config :as cfg])

(fmt/reformat-string "(+ x\ny)" (cfg/load-config))
;; => "(+ x\n y)"

### Editor Integration

You can also use cljfmt via your editor. Several Clojure editing
environments have support for cljfmt baked in:

* [Calva]( (Visual Studio Code)
* [CIDER]( (Emacs)
* [clojureVSCode]( (Visual Studio Code)
* [vim-cljfmt]( (Vim)

## Configuration

In most environments, cljfmt will look for the following configuration
files in the current and parent directories:

* `.cljfmt.edn`
* `.cljfmt.clj`
* `cljfmt.edn`
* `cljfmt.clj`

The configuration file should contain a map of options.

### Leiningen

In Leiningen, the configuration is found in on the `:cljfmt` key in the
project map:

:cljfmt {}

In order to load the standard configuration file from Leiningen, add the
`:load-config-file?` key to the `:cljfmt` map:

:cljfmt {:load-config-file? true}

### Formatting Options

* `:indentation?` -
true if cljfmt should correct the indentation of your code.
Defaults to true.

* `:indents` -
a map of var symbols to indentation rules, i.e. `{symbol [& rules]}`.
See [][] for a complete explanation. This will **replace**
the default indents.

* `:extra-indents` -
the same as `:indents`, except that this will **append** to the
default indents.

* `:alias-map` -
a map of namespace alias strings to fully qualified namespace
names. This option is unnecessary in most cases, because cljfmt
will parse the `ns` declaration in each file. See [][].

* `:remove-surrounding-whitespace?` -
true if cljfmt should remove whitespace surrounding inner
forms. This will convert (  foo  ) to `(foo)`.
Defaults to true.

* `:remove-trailing-whitespace?` -
true if cljfmt should remove trailing whitespace in lines. This will
convert (foo)   \n to `(foo)\n`. Defaults to true.

* `:insert-missing-whitespace?` -
true if cljfmt should insert whitespace missing from between
elements. This will convert `(foo(bar))` to `(foo (bar))`.
Defaults to true.

* `:remove-consecutive-blank-lines?` -
true if cljfmt should collapse consecutive blank lines. This will
convert `(foo)\n\n\n(bar)` to `(foo)\n\n(bar)`. Defaults to true.

* `:remove-multiple-non-indenting-spaces?` -
true if cljfmt should remove multiple non indenting spaces. For
example, this will convert {:a 1     :b 2}
to `{:a 1 :b 2}`. Defaults to false.

* `:split-keypairs-over-multiple-lines?` -
true if cljfmt should break hashmaps onto multiple lines. This will
convert `{:a 1 :b 2}` to `{:a 1\n:b 2}`. Defaults to false.

* `:sort-ns-references?` -
true if cljfmt should alphanumerically sort the requires, imports and
other references in the `ns` forms at the top of your namespaces.
Defaults to false.

* `:function-arguments-indentation` -
- `:community` if cljfmt should follow the [community style recommendation][]
to indent function/macro arguments by a single space when there
are no arguments on the same line as the function name.
- `:cursive` if two spaces should be used instead, unless the first
thing in the list (not counting metadata) is a data structure
literal. This should replicate Cursive's default behaviour.
- `:zprint` if two spaces should be used instead if the first thing
in the list is a symbol or keyword. This should replicate zprint's
default behaviour.

Defaults to `:community`

[]: docs/
[community style recommendation]:

### Runtime Options

* `:file-pattern` -
a regular expression to decide which files to scan. Defaults to

* `:parallel?` -
true if cljfmt should process files in parallel. Defaults to false.

* `:paths` -
determines which files and directories to recursively search for
Clojure files. Defaults to checking `src` and `test`, except in
Leiningen where the `:source-paths` and `:test-paths` keys are used

Paths can also be passed as command line arguments. If the path is
`-`, then the input is STDIN, and the output STDOUT.

## License

Copyright © 2023 James Reeves

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at
your option) any later version.