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Webextension Manifest Generator that you specify `manifest.json` properties to appear only in specific browsers and environment

generator javascript manifest nodejs npm webextension

Last synced: 2 months ago
JSON representation

Webextension Manifest Generator that you specify `manifest.json` properties to appear only in specific browsers and environment





Webpack Loader for Webextension manifest


Travis Build




🙋‍♂️ Made by @abhijithvijayan


Buy Me a Coffee

Generate browser tailored `manifest.json` for Web Extensions that you specify properties to appear only in specific browsers.

❤️ it? ⭐️ it on [GitHub]( or [Tweet]( about it.

## Table of Contents

- [Browser Support](#browser-support)
- [Installation](#installation)
- [Usage](#usage)
- [FAQs](#faqs)
- [Issues](#issues)
- [🐛 Bugs](#-bugs)
- [LICENSE](#license)

## Browser Support

| [![Chrome](](/) | [![Firefox](](/) | [![Opera](](/) | [![Edge](](/) |
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ |

This loader will take a definition input for the manifest, and return you content for the specified browser.

### Looking for Web Extension starter

Checkout [web-extension-starter]( that uses this package

## Installation

Ensure you have [Node.js]( 10 or later installed. Then run the following:

# via npm
npm install --save-dev wext-manifest-loader wext-manifest-webpack-plugin

# or yarn
yarn add wext-manifest-loader wext-manifest-webpack-plugin --dev

## Usage

You can easily use this module together with the [`wext-manifest-webpack-plugin`]( to output the `manifest.json` as part of your build process **without** any additional js bundle and with auto rebundling on file change.

**Note:** Make sure you pass a **TARGET_BROWSER** env variable with one of `chrome/firefox/edge/opera` value

#### Sample manifest with vendor prefixed keys

> **webpack.config.js**

// ... other plugins
const WextManifestWebpackPlugin = require("wext-manifest-webpack-plugin");

const targetBrowser = process.env.TARGET_BROWSER;
const destPath = path.join(__dirname, 'extension');

module.exports = {
entry: {
manifest: './src/manifest.json',
// ...

output: {
path: path.join(destPath, targetBrowser),
filename: 'js/[name].bundle.js',

module: {
rules: [
type: 'javascript/auto', // prevent webpack handling json with its own loaders,
test: /manifest\.json$/,
use: 'wext-manifest-loader',
exclude: /node_modules/,

plugins: [
new WextManifestWebpackPlugin(),
// ...

## Options

### `usePackageJSONVersion`

Type: `Boolean`
Default: `false`

If true, updates manifest.json `version` field with `package.json` version. It is often useful for easy release of web-extension.


module.exports = {
module: {
rules: [
type: 'javascript/auto', // prevent webpack handling json with its own loaders,
test: /manifest\.json$/,
use: {
loader: 'wext-manifest-loader',
options: {
usePackageJSONVersion: true,
exclude: /node_modules/,

## FAQs

### 1.What are vendor prefixed manifest keys

Vendor prefixed manifest keys allow you to write one `manifest.json` for multiple vendors.

"__chrome__name": "AwesomeChrome",
"__firefox__name": "AwesomeFirefox",
"__edge__name": "AwesomeEdge",
"__opera__name": "AwesomeOpera"

if the **TARGET_BROWSER** is `chrome` this compiles to:

"name": "AwesomeChrome",


Add keys to multiple vendors by seperating them with `|` in the prefix

__chrome|opera__name: "AwesomeExtension"

if the vendor is `chrome` or `opera`, this compiles to:

"name": "AwesomeExtension"

### 2. How can I conditionally set keys based on environment

"__dev__name": "NameInDevelopment",
"__prod__name": "NameInProduction",
"__chrome|firefox|dev__description": "DescriptionInDevelopmentForSetOfBrowsers",
"__chrome|firefox|prod__description": "DescriptionInProductionForSetOfBrowsers"

if the **NODE_ENV** is `production` and the **TARGET_BROWSER** is `chrome` this compiles to:

"name": "NameInProduction",
"description": "DescriptionInProductionForSetOfBrowsers"


"name": "NameInDevelopment",
"description": "DescriptionInDevelopmentForSetOfBrowsers"

## Issues

_Looking to contribute? Look for the [Good First Issue](

### 🐛 Bugs

Please file an issue [here]( for bugs, missing documentation, or unexpected behavior.

[**See Bugs**](

### Linting & TypeScript Config

- Shared Eslint & Prettier Configuration - [`@abhijithvijayan/eslint-config`](
- Shared TypeScript Configuration - [`@abhijithvijayan/tsconfig`](

## Credits

Thanks to [@fregante]( for suggesting to convert initial (`wext-manifest`) module to webpack loader(`wext-manifest-loader`)

## License

MIT © [Abhijith Vijayan](