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bitcoin node based on bitcoin-ruby-blockchain

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bitcoin node based on bitcoin-ruby-blockchain




= Bitcoin-ruby-node

This is a bitcoin node based on bitcoin-ruby-blockchain[],
that is capable of connecting to the bitcoin network, download and store the blockchain,
validate all the blocks and incoming transactions, and relay data to its peers.

It also has a separate {Bitcoin::Node::CommandHandler CommandHandler} socket that can be
used to query statistics, receive blockchain updates, relay transactions via the node, etc.

== Installation

We assume you already have a ruby 1.9 or 2.0 compatible interpreter and rubygems environment.

gem install bitcoin-ruby-node
bitcoin_node --help

Or add it to your Gemfile and

require 'bitcoin/node'

== Usage

In the simplest case, just run the node and it will start downloading the bitcoin blockchain
into a sqlite database in +~/.bitcoin-ruby/bitcoin/blocks.db+.


You can specify options (see +--help+) or pass a config file with +--config+.

Some common options you might want to use:

-n --network ::
Network to use. Usually +bitcoin+.
Support for +namecoin+ is also quite good.
Use +testnet+ for development.

-c --config ::
Read options from config file.

--connect ::
List of peers to connect to.

-s --storage ::
Storage backend to use. See also STORAGE.

--import ::
Import blockchain in bitcoind/qt format from given directory.

Skip validation of received blockchain data. Can be used to speed up import/sync when
blockchain data is received from a trusted source.

--check-blocks ::
Check consistency of the +count+ most recent blocks. Pass -1 to check all blocks.

-v --verbose::
Display debug output.

-h --help::
Display all available options.

It will take a long time to download/store the entire blockchain at first, so be patient ;)

== Import

If you already have a local blockchain DB created by bitcoind/-qt, you can speed up the initial import by loading it directly and skipping validation:

bitcoin_node --import ~/.bitcoin/blocks --skip-validation

== Config Files [TODO]

All commands accept configuration, either via config file, or at the command line.

=== Locations

There are 3 default locations where configfiles are loaded from:

* /etc/bitcoin-ruby.yml
* ~/.bitcoin-ruby.yml
* ./bitcoin-ruby.yml

Files are loaded in order (if they exist) and override each others settings.

To specify a different config file use the +--config+ option.

=== Files

Inside a config file, you can put options for the different commands, separated
into categories.

network: bitcoin
storage: sequel::postgres:/bitcoin
connect: 30
keystore: "simple::file=keys.json"

Options in the +all+ category are loaded by every command, and are loaded first
(so command-specific options will override them).

Other categories are loaded by the corresponding command and may override options
from the +all+ category (ie. +bitcoin_wallet+ loads +all+ and +wallet+).

== Command socket

The node opens a separate command socket which you can connect to and query statistics
or get notified about new blocks/tx, etc. See below for a list of available commands.

For a list of commands, see {file:COMMANDS.rdoc} or {Bitcoin::Node::CommandHandler}.

=== CLI interface

The `bitcoin_node_cli` command can be used to interface with a running node, send it commands
and subscribe to notifications about new blocks/txs, etc.
The easiest way is to just call `bitcoin_node_cli` in the same way you started
`bitcoin_node`, but with extra command arguments:

bitcoin_node_cli info
bitcoin_node_cli -c config.yml info
bitcoin_node_cli monitor "block tx"

=== CommandClient interface

If you are programming in an EventMachine context, you might find the
{Bitcoin::Node::CommandClient} convenient.

=== Raw socket

Of course you can also connect to the socket by any other means you like, just send
your commands as valid JSON, like:

{"id": 0, "method": , "params": }

and you'll receive responses in the form:

{"id": , "method": , "result": }

For example:

$ echo -e '{"id": 1, "method": "tslb", "params": {}}\0' | nc 9999

== Documentation

Always trying to improve, any help appreciated! If anything is unclear to you, let us know!

Documentation is generated using yardoc:

rake doc

The specs are also a good place to see how things are supposed to work.

== Specs

The specs can be run with


or, if you want to run a single spec

rspec spec/node/command_api_spec.rb

Coverage information is automatically generated and can be found in +coverage/+ after
the test run.

== Contributing

Any help or feedback is greatly appreciated! Just open an issue, submit a pull-request,
or come to #bitcoin-ruby on if you want to chat.

== License

This software is licensed under the terms of the MIT license. See {file:COPYING} for details.