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Shunting Yard is a real-time data replication tool that copies data between Hive Metastores.

big-data circus-train hive hive-metastore hive-table replicate-data replication

Last synced: about 1 month ago
JSON representation

Shunting Yard is a real-time data replication tool that copies data between Hive Metastores.




# Shunting Yard

Shunting Yard reads serialized Hive Metastore Events from a queue ([AWS SQS]( is currently supported) and replicates the data between two data lakes. It does this by building a YAML file with the information provided in the event which is then passed to [Circus Train]( to perform the replication.

## Status ⚠️

This project is no longer in active development.

## Start using

You can obtain Shunting Yard from Maven Central:

[![Maven Central](]( [![Build Status](]( ![build]( [![Coverage Status](]( ![GitHub license](

## System architecture

![Shunting Yard system diagram.](shunting-yard.png "Selected tables getting replicated by Shunting Yard based on Hive events.")

## Overview

Shunting Yard is intended to be a constantly running service which listens to a queue for Hive events. These events are emitted from the Hive Metastore based on the operations performed on the Hive tables. For instance, an `ADD_PARTITION_EVENT` is emitted from the Hive Metastore when a new partition is added to a table. Similarly, a `CREATE_TABLE_EVENT` is emitted when a new table is created in the Hive Metastore. We recommend using the [Apiary Metastore Listener]( for getting these events from your Hive Metastore.

Once Shunting Yard receives an event from the queue, it extracts the relevant information from it to build a YAML file which it then passes on to [Circus Train]( to perform the replication. Shunting Yard also aggregates a series of events so that a minimum number of replications are performed via Circus Train.

## Install

1. [Download the TGZ]( from Maven central and then uncompress the file by executing:

tar -xzf shunting-yard-binary--bin.tgz

Although it's not necessary, we recommend exporting the environment variable `SHUNTING_YARD_HOME` by setting its value to wherever you extracted it to:

export SHUNTING_YARD_HOME=///shunting-yard-

2. Download the latest version of [Circus Train]( and uncompress it:

tar -xzf circus-train--bin.tgz

Set the `CIRCUS_TRAIN_HOME` environment variable:

export CIRCUS_TRAIN_HOME=///circus-train-

## Usage
To run Shunting Yard you just need to execute the `bin/` script in the installation directory and pass the configuration file:

$SHUNTING_YARD_HOME/bin/ --config=/path/to/config/file.yml

### EMR
If you are planning to run Shunting Yard on EMR you will need to set up the EMR classpath by exporting the following environment variables before calling the `bin/` script:

export HCAT_LIB=/usr/lib/hive-hcatalog/share/hcatalog/
export HIVE_LIB=/usr/lib/hive/lib/

Note that the paths above are correct as of when this document was last updated but may differ across EMR versions. Refer to the [EMR release guide]( for more up-to-date information if necessary.

## Configuring Shunting Yard

The examples below all demonstrate configuration using YAML and provide fragments covering the most common use cases that should be useful as a basis for building your own configuration. A full configuration reference is provided in the following sections.

### Configuring source, replica and SQS queue

The YAML fragment below shows some common options for setting up the base source (where data is coming from), replica (where data is going to) and the SQS queue to read Hive events from.

name: source-cluster
hive-metastore-uris: thrift://
name: replica-cluster
hive-metastore-uris: thrift://
sqs.wait.time.seconds: 20
- test_database.test_table_1
- source-table:
database-name: source_database
table-name: test_table
database-name: replica_database
table-name: test_table_1

### Selecting tables to monitor

Shunting Yard by default will not replicate any tables unless they are selected using a `source-table-filter`. For example, if you want Shunting Yard to only monitor two tables, `test_database.test_table_1` and `test_database.test_table_2` you can configure it as follows:

- test_database.test_table_1
- test_database.test_table_2

### Specifying target database & table names

Shunting Yard will by default replicate data into the replica data lake with the same replica database name and table name as the source. Sometimes a user might need to change the replica database name or table name or both. The YAML fragments below shows some common options for specifying the replica database and table name for the selected tables.

#### Specify both replica database and table name

- source-table:
database-name: source_database
table-name: test_table
database-name: replica_database
table-name: test_table_1

#### Change only the replica database but the table name remains same as source

In this case, the replica table name is not provided in the `table-replications` and therefore, it will be same as source table name.

- source-table:
database-name: source_database
table-name: test_table
database-name: replica_database

#### Change only the replica table name but the database remains same as source

In this case, the replica database name is not provided in the `table-replications` and therefore, it will be same as source database name.

- source-table:
database-name: source_database
table-name: test_table
table-name: test_table_1

### Orphaned data strategy

Shunting Yard will invoke Circus Train's default [orphaned data strategy]( which is to run the Housekeeping process to cleanup dereferenced snapshots. This means that Housekeeping configuration will need to be provided.

To override this behaviour, the configuration parameter `orphaned-data-strategy` can be provided as follows:

- source-table:
database-name: source_database
table-name: test_table
database-name: replica_database
table-name: test_table_1
orphaned-data-strategy: NONE

This will ensure that Shunting Yard only starts up Circus Train's replication module, and that no paths are added to a Housekeeping database.

This is a necessary step if you want to use a different housekeeping mechanism for your orphaned data, eg. [Beekeeper](

### Shunting Yard configuration reference
The table below describes all the available configuration values for Shunting Yard.

|``|Yes|A name for the source catalog for events and logging.|
|`source-catalog.hive-metastore-uris`|Yes|Fully qualified URI of the source cluster's Hive Metastore Thrift service.|
|``|Yes|A name for the replica catalog for events and logging.|
|`replica-catalog.hive-metastore-uris`|Yes|Fully qualified URI of the replica cluster's Hive Metastore Thrift service.|
|`sqs.queue`|Yes|Fully qualified URI of the [AWS SQS]( Queue to read the Hive events from.|
|`sqs.wait.time.seconds`|No|Wait time in seconds for which the receiver will poll the SQS queue for a batch of messages. Default is 10 seconds. Read more about long polling with AWS SQS [here](|
|`source-table-filter.table-names`|No|A list of tables selected for Shunting Yard replication. Supported format: `database_1.table_1, database_2.table_2`. If these are not provided, Shunting Yard will not replicate any tables.|
|`orphaned-data-strategy`|No|Orphaned data strategy to use for replications. Possible values: `NONE` and `HOUSEKEEPING`. Default is `HOUSEKEEPING`.|
|`table-replications[n].source-table.database-name`|No|The name of the database in which the table you wish to replicate is located. `table-replications` section is optional and if it is not provided, Shunting Yard will use the database name and table name from the source for the replica.|
|`table-replications[n].source-table.table-name`|No|The name of the table which you wish to replicate.|
|`table-replications[n].replica-table.database-name`|No|The name of the destination database in which to replicate the table. Defaults to `source-table.database-name`|
|`table-replications[n].replica-table.table-name`|No|The name of the table at the destination. Defaults to `source-table.table-name`|

### Configuring Graphite metrics

Graphite configuration can be passed to Shunting Yard using an optional `--ct-config` argument which takes a different YAML file to the one described above and passes it directly to the internal Circus Train instance. Refer to the [Circus Train README]( for more details.

#### Sample ct-config.yml for graphite metrics:

host: graphite-host:2003
prefix: dev

### Housekeeping

[Housekeeping]( is the process that removes expired and orphaned data on the replica. Shunting Yard delegates housekeeping responsibility to Circus Train. Similar to Graphite configuration, the Housekeeping configuration can also be directly passed to the internal Circus Train instance using the `--ct-config` argument. Refer to the [Circus Train README]( for more details.

#### Sample ct-config.yml for housekeeping:

expired-path-duration: P3D
db-init-script: classpath:/schema.sql
driver-class-name: org.h2.Driver
url: jdbc:h2:${housekeeping.h2.database};AUTO_SERVER=TRUE;DB_CLOSE_ON_EXIT=FALSE
username: user
password: secret

#### Using Beekeeper for housekeeping

If [Beekeeper]( is installed in your data lake, Circus Train can be configured to use Beekeeper to delete orphaned data by adding table parameters to the replica table during the replication. Please see [Metadata transformations]( in the Circus Train docs for more detailed instructions.

##### Sample ct-config.yml to use Beekeeper:

'[]': true

## Usage with Circus Train common config
To run Shunting Yard with a Circus Train common config file in addition to its own config file, you just need to execute the `bin/` script in the installation directory and pass both the configuration files:

$SHUNTING_YARD_HOME/bin/ --config=/path/to/config/file.yml --ct-config=/path/to/config/ct-common.yml

# Legal
This project is available under the [Apache 2.0 License](

Copyright 2016-2019 Expedia, Inc.