
An open API service indexing awesome lists of open source software.

Community-managed fork of the Arc dialect of Lisp; for commit privileges submit a pull request.

arc darwin linux lisp lisp-1 macos racket-lang webapp

Last synced: about 2 months ago
JSON representation

Community-managed fork of the Arc dialect of Lisp; for commit privileges submit a pull request.




# Anarki [![CI](](
## A publicly modifiable 'wiki-like' fork of [Arc Lisp](

The intention is to be *extremely permissive* in accepting patches. For commit
privileges, just submit your first pull request or ask on [**Arc Language Forum**](

## Getting started

### Installation

First [install **Racket** (v7.7 or later)](, then in a terminal, run:

$ raco pkg install sha
$ git clone
$ cd anarki

You can start the interactive repl with:

$ ./

Or start news (and the repl) with:

$ cd apps/news
$ ./run-news

### Tutorial

If you're new to **Arc**, or **Lisp** in general, a good starting point is the [**Tutorial**](

### Documentation and help

If you run into trouble, check

* [**Arc Language Forum**](
* [**Arc Language Wiki**](
* [**Arc Language Documentation**](
* **Arc's built-in help system** by typing `(help)` at the repl

## News Site

**Anarki** comes bundled with **News**, a [**Hacker News**]( style app.

### Admins

To run **News**, first pick your (the admin's) username,

$ cd anarki/apps/news
$ mkdir www
$ echo __username__ > www/admins

You can have multiple admins. Add them all to `www/admins`, separated by whitespace.

### Starting the server

**Warning**: *If you are already running a **News** site, migrating to this fork
might mess up your site's data. Come [talk to us](
first, and be sure to make a backup before the migration.*

Now bring up the server,

$ ./run-news

There'll be a pause while the server loads up, with some messages, then you'll
see the `arc>` prompt.

Go to [http://localhost:8080](http://localhost:8080). Click on **login**, and
create the account for your username. You should now be logged in as an admin.

(Don't worry about `user break` or `error writing` messages.)

### Customization

To customize **News**, change the variables at the top of `apps/news/news.arc`. To change the port your server runs at, modify `apps/news/run-news.arc`.

Any interactive changes to the prompt will be reflected immediately in the server, without needing to restart it. Hence if you make any changes to `apps/news/news.arc`, you can load them, by typing `(load "apps/news/news.arc")` in the repl. If you stop the server or it dies for some reason, previously entered commands are available in the command history (at least if you have **Readline** installed).


You may want to serve **News** securely over **HTTPS**. An example configuration for running **Nginx** with **SSL** as a reverse proxy for **News** can be found in `anarki/extras/news.nginx.conf`.

### Resetting passwords

For password reset mails to be sent out, your must set up an email account to send these from,

$ echo "[email protected]" > www/app-email ; email
$ echo "" >> www/app-email ; smtp server
$ echo "[email protected]" >> www/app-email ; user
$ echo "1234" >> www/app-email ; password

## Development

### Tests

**Anarki** has thorough automated tests.

# start in the anarki directory
$ ./
arc> (load "tests.arc")

**Anarki** is explicitly not constrained to maintain compatibility with upstream
releases, and compatibility status may swing wildly from commit to commit
depending on who takes an interest. To see a list of what's different, type
`(incompatibilities)` at the repl. If you make an incompatible change, please
update this list.

Anybody is welcome to make changes to Anarki, but please make sure the tests
continue to pass. Since we rely on the unit-test.arc test harness, please also
run its tests before committing any changes:

$ ./
(require 'lib/unit-test.arc/unit-test.arc)
(load "unit-test.arc/tests.arc")

### Racket interop

**Racket** expressions can be evaluated with the `($ ...)` syntax. For instance, `(($ crypto-random-bytes) 16)` obtains the `crypto-random-bytes` function from **Racket** and makes a call to it.

If you write lots of **Racket** code and you just want to use **Anarki** for part of a bigger project, you can `raco pkg install anarki` and use **Anarki** to write **Racket** modules:

#lang anarki
(:provide function-for-use-in-racket)

(= racket-import ($.dynamic-require ...))
(load "relative/path.arc")

(def utility-for-use-in-racket (x)
(* x (racket-import x))

#### Scope
Note that **Anarki** does not have private module scopes; the `(:provide ...)` section is just there to make it easy to `require` an **Anarki**-based library from **Racket**.

#### Keyword arguments
**Anarki** has some issues passing *keyword arguments* to **Racket** functions, but **Racket**'s `keyword-apply` can be used for that.