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💪 Simple & Secure Config Management for Node.js 💪

configuration-management dotenv javascript node secrets-management

Last synced: about 2 months ago
JSON representation

💪 Simple & Secure Config Management for Node.js 💪




# 💪 Strong Config

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## Have you ever...

❓ ...struggled with config drift between local, staging, prod?

❓ ...forgot to update the production config after updating the development config?

❓ ...forgot to tell your teammates to update their local `.env` files after you made a change?

❓ ...worried about leaking secrets by accidentally pushing your `.env` files to GitHub?

❓ ...wished you could nest config values in your `.env` just like in a JavaScript object?

❓...had a CI build fail due to environment variable issues?

## Strong Config is here to help!

✅ **Commit your configs to version-control** safely and easily, for all your environments

✅ **Define your config in JSON or YAML** instead of `.env` files

✅ **Nest your values** for clearly structured config files

✅ **Validate your config against a [JSON Schema](** to catch config errors early

✅ **Encrypt your secrets with strong cryptography**. Fully encrypted at rest and only decrypted in-memory at runtime.

✅ **Safeguard your config through git hooks**. Ensure config is both valid and encrypted before committing and pushing.

✅ **Easy integration with the most popular cloud key management services** [AWS KMS](, [Google Cloud KMS](, and [Azure Key Vault]( Powered by [Mozilla's SOPS](

✅ **Enforce environment-specific permissions** via your KMS. Decide who can encrypt and decrypt configs for which environments. For example, you could allow _all_ engineers to decrypt your staging config, but restrict the production config to fewer people.

✅ **Auto-generate TypeScript types for your config** (requires a [JSON Schema](

## Example config before encryption

# A top-level config value which will be available to your application as `config.logger`
# A nested value which will be available as `config.logger.level`
level: DEBUG

apiClientId: non-secret-client-id
# A secret. Every key with a 'Secret' suffix will be encrypted by Strong Config (e.g. 'encryptMeSecret')
apiSecret: top-secret-api-credential

# A dynamic value that will be substituted at runtime with the value of the environment variable $SHELL
shell: ${SHELL}

## Example config after encryption

# This value remains as is because it doesn't have a 'Secret' suffix
level: DEBUG

apiClientId: non-secret-client-id
# This is now encrypted and safe to commit into version control :)
apiSecret: ENC[AES256_GCM,data:aeQ+hlVIah7WyJoVR/Jbkb6GLH7ihsV0D81+U++pkiWD0zeoRL/Oe9Q3Tz6j/TNvKKVDnohIMyw3UVjELOuSY+A==,iv:nVRZWogV4B7o=,tag:KrE2jssfP4uCvqq+pc/JyQ==,type:str]

# Also still the same value which will be substituted only at runtime
shell: ${SHELL}

# The below section is auto-generated by sops and contains important metadata to
# decrypt the config at runtime. Do not manually edit or delete this section.
- resource_id: projects/my-project/locations/europe-west2/keyRings/my-project-key-ring/cryptoKeys/my-strong-config-key
created_at: '2020-01-07T10:11:12Z'
enc: AiAAmdAgj1dw1XdD2MsVpvmA4Deo867hmcX2B3NDhe9BCF2axuZ18hJJFK9oBlE1BrD70djwqi+L8T+NRNVnGUP+1//w8cJATAfJ8W/cQZFcdFTqjezC+VYv9xYI8i1bRna4xfFo/INIJtFDR38ZH1nrQg==
lastmodified: '2020-01-07T10:11:12Z'
mac: ENC[AES256_GCM,data:ABcd1EF2gh3IJKl4MNOpQr5stuvWXYz6sBCDEfGhIjK=,iv:A1AaAAAaa111a1Aa111AA/aaaAaaAAaa+aAaAaAAAaA=,tag:AAaaA1a1aaaAa/aa11AaaA==,type:str]
encrypted_suffix: Secret
version: 3.5.0

## Quickstart

For the full documentation, check Here's a short teaser:

1. **Install `@strong-config/node` and the SOPS binary.**

npm install @strong-config/node
# or
yarn add @strong-config/node

**Sidenote: The Sops Binary**
After package installation, Strong Config automatically runs a `postinstall` script that checks for availability of the sops binary on your system. If it can't find the sops binary, it will try to download it to `node_modules/.bin/sops` which is always part of `$PATH` when you `yarn run` or `npm run` scripts.
Alternatively, you can also install sops globally via `brew install sops` (macOS). For other systems check the [official sops releases on GitHub](

1. **Create a config file**

# By default, strong-config uses the ./config folder.
# You can configure this to be a different folder via the options
mkdir config

# We'll use YAML here, but this could also JSON
echo "myFirstConfig: strong" > config/development.yml
echo "myFirstSecret: a development secret" >> config/development.yml

1. **Load config in your application code**

/* src/config.js */

const StrongConfig = require('@strong-config/node')

// Instantiate StrongConfig, then decrypt and load config file
const config = new StrongConfig().getConfig()

// This will print "{ myFirstConfig: 'strong' }" to the console

* OPTIONAL (but recommended)
* Call `new StrongConfig()` just once in your application, then export the memoized config for other files to use.
* If you call `new StrongConfig()` again from another file, it would still work, but would re-instantiate a new
* StrongConfig instance and load the config file from disk again which is slower than loading it from memory.
module.exports = config

1. **Run your app**

`strong-config` relies on the `NODE_ENV` environment variable to determine which config file
to load. For example, setting `NODE_ENV=development` will load `./config/development.yaml`

# Set the environment variable
NODE_ENV=development yarn start # or `NODE_ENV=development npm start

If you used our example code from the previous step, the config should now be
printed to the terminal 💪.

1. **Check [the Strong Config website]( for more documentation**

Check out the full documentation on to learn how to:

- Encrypt your config
- Validate your config against a schema
- Generate TypeScript types for your config

...and more :)