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Pycopy - a minimalist and memory-efficient Python dialect. Good for desktop, cloud, constrained systems, microcontrollers, and just everything.

embedded iot micropython micropython-ports minimalist minimalistic pycopy python suckless unbloated

Last synced: about 2 months ago
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Pycopy - a minimalist and memory-efficient Python dialect. Good for desktop, cloud, constrained systems, microcontrollers, and just everything.




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The Pycopy project

[Web site]( | [Documentation](

Pycopy aims to develop and maintain a **minimalist**, lightweight,
and extensible implementation of
language. Pycopy to CPython is a similar thing as
to [Common Lisp](
Pycopy works similarly well in the cloud, on desktop systems, on small
embedded systems, and scales all the way down to microcontrollers. The
project is developed and maintained by Paul Sokolovsky and is originally
based on MicroPython, developed by Damien George, Paul Sokolovsky and
contributors. Names "Pycopy" and "MicroPython" are used interchangeably
in the project documentation and source code.

WARNING: this project is in beta stage and is subject to changes of the
code-base, including project-wide name changes and API changes.

Pycopy implements the entire Python 3.4 syntax (including exceptions,
`with`, `yield from`, etc., and additionally `async`/`await` keywords from
Python 3.5). The following core datatypes are provided: `str` (including
basic Unicode support), `bytes`, `bytearray`, `tuple`, `list`, `dict`, `set`,
`frozenset`, `array.array`, `collections.namedtuple`, classes and instances.
Builtin modules include `sys`, `time`, and `struct`, etc. Select ports have
support for `_thread` module (multithreading). Note that only a subset of
Python 3 functionality is implemented for the data types and modules.

Pycopy can execute scripts in textual source form or from precompiled
bytecode, in both cases either from an on-device filesystem or "frozen" into
the executable.

Pycopy is highly portable, and the main repository includes support for
POSIX operating systems (Linux, MacOSX, FreeBSD, etc.), Windows, Android,
and a number of bare-metal microcontroller systems (see below). Ports to
other systems can be implemented easily. POSIX port (nicknamed "Unix port")
is the reference port of Pycopy.

The Pycopy Zen

[Just as "big Python"](, Pycopy has
its "Zen". The main principles of Pycopy are **simplicity**, **minimalism**,
and **light-weightedness**.

At the same time, Pycopy strives to be a full-stack language and
be compatible with wider Python ecosystem. The Pycopy project resolves
these seemingly conflicting goals in a well-known and elegant way: by
being a multi-level project, and by providing flexible configuration options.
Specifically, there's a well-defined lightweight core written in C,
defining the "native Pycopy language". Above it, a number of options are
provided, implementing additional functionality (oftentimes offering more
CPython compatibility). For example, on top of the core, "native Pycopy
builtin modules" are provided, defining the native Pycopy API, which
provides a subset of CPython's modules functionality, and at the same time,
some extensions to it (driven by Pycopy's goal to be efficient). These native
Pycopy modules are clearly namespaced, to allow to implement modules fully
compatible with CPython API without any changes to the main project.

On top of this primary project, there are separate projects to further extend
Pycopy functionality and achieve full-stack ecosystem. For example, there's
a [pycopy-lib]( project (see below) to
implement a fully compatible CPython standard library for Pycopy.

Finally, on top of that infrastructure, there is an ecosystem of third-party
packages, which are managed by the Pycopy users themselves.

The art of working with Pycopy is to understand where a particular feature
belongs. Just as with CPython, it's almost never the core project, and almost
always users' third party packages.

[Contributors' Guidelines](
further elaborate on some points touched above.

Source tree layout

Major components in this repository:
- [py/](py/) -- the core Python implementation, including compiler, runtime, and
core library.
- [mpy-cross/](mpy-cross/) -- the bytecode (cross)compiler which is used to turn scripts
into precompiled bytecode.
- [ports/unix/](ports/unix/) -- a version of Pycopy that runs on Unix (which includes Android).
- [ports/windows/](ports/windows/) -- a version for Windows.
- [ports/stm32/](ports/stm32/) -- a version of Pycopy that runs on the PyBoard and similar
STM32 boards (using ST's Cube HAL drivers).
- [ports/minimal/](ports/minimal/) -- a minimal port. Start with this if you want
to port the project to another microcontroller.
- [tests/](tests/) -- test framework and test scripts.
- [docs/](docs/) -- user documentation in Sphinx reStructuredText format. Rendered
HTML documentation is available at .

Additional components:
- [ports/bare-arm/](ports/bare-arm/) -- a bare minimum version for ARM MCUs. Used
mostly to control code size.
- [ports/teensy/](ports/teensy/) -- a version that runs on the Teensy 3.1
(preliminary but functional).
- [ports/pic16bit/](ports/pic16bit/) -- a version for 16-bit PIC microcontrollers.
- [ports/cc3200/](ports/cc3200/) -- a version that runs on the CC3200 from TI.
- [ports/esp8266/](ports/esp8266/) -- a version that runs on Espressif's ESP8266 SoC.
- [ports/esp32/](ports/esp32/) -- a version that runs on Espressif's ESP32 SoC.
- [ports/nrf/](ports/nrf/) -- a version that runs on Nordic's nRF51 and nRF52 MCUs.
- [extmod/](extmod/) -- additional (non-core) modules implemented in C.
- [tools/](tools/) -- various tools, including the module.
- [examples/](examples/) -- various example scripts.

The subdirectories above may include READMEs with additional info.

"make" is used to build the components, or "gmake" on BSD-based systems.
You will also need bash, gcc, and Python 3.3+ available as the command `python3`
(if your system only has Python 2.7 then invoke make with the additional option

The cross-compiler, pycopy-cross

Most ports require the Pycopy cross-compiler to be built first. This
program, called pycopy-cross, is used to pre-compile Python scripts to .mpy
files which can then be included (frozen) into the firmware/executable for
a port. To build pycopy-cross use:

$ cd mpy-cross
$ make

The Unix version

The "unix" port requires a standard Unix environment with gcc and GNU make.
x86 and x64 architectures are supported (i.e. x86 32- and 64-bit), as well
as ARM and MIPS. Making full-featured port to another architecture requires
writing some assembly code for the exception handling and garbage collection.
Alternatively, fallback implementation based on setjmp/longjmp can be used.

To build (see section below for required dependencies):

$ make -C mpy-cross
$ cd ports/unix
$ make submodules
$ make

Then to give it a try:

$ ./pycopy
>>> list(5 * x + y for x in range(10) for y in [4, 2, 1])

Use `CTRL-D` (i.e. EOF) to exit the shell.
Learn about command-line options (in particular, how to increase heap size
which may be needed for larger applications):

$ ./pycopy --help

Run complete testsuite:

$ make test

Unix version comes with a builtin package manager called `upip`, e.g.:

$ ./pycopy -m upip install pycopy-pystone
$ ./pycopy -m pystone

Browse available modules on [PyPI](
Standard library modules come from
[pycopy-lib]( project.

`pycopy` executable built following the instructions above is a
"production" executable for native Pycopy software. It's also possible
to build `pycop-dev` executable which provides additional reflection,
diagnostics, and extensibility capabilities, at the expense of code
size and memory usage efficiency. In particular, `pycopy-dev` is more
compatible with software written for CPython. To build the `pycopy-dev`
variant, run `make dev`.

External dependencies

Building Pycopy ports may require some dependencies installed.

For Unix port, `libffi` library and `pkg-config` tool are required. On
Debian/Ubuntu/Mint derivative Linux distros, install `build-essential`
(includes toolchain and make), `libffi-dev`, and `pkg-config` packages.

Other dependencies can be built together with Pycopy. This may
be required to enable extra features or capabilities, and in recent
versions, these may be enabled by default. To build
these additional dependencies, first fetch git submodules for them:

$ make submodules

This will fetch all the relevant git submodules (sub repositories) that
the port needs. Use the same command to get the latest versions of
submodules as they are updated from time to time. After that execute:

$ make deplibs

This will build all available dependencies (regardless whether they
are used or not). If you intend to build Pycopy with additional
options (like cross-compiling), the same set of options should be passed
to `make deplibs`. To actually enable/disable use of dependencies, edit
`ports/unix/` file, which has inline descriptions of the options.
For example, to build SSL module (required for `upip` tool described above,
and so enabled by default), `MICROPY_PY_USSL` should be set to 1.

For some ports, building required dependences is transparent, and happens
automatically. But they still need to be fetched with the `make submodules`


Pycopy is an open-source project and welcomes contributions which are aligned
with its paradigm and work process. To be productive, please be sure to follow the
[Contributors' Guidelines](
and the [Code Conventions](
Note that Pycopy is licenced under the MIT license, and all contributions
should follow this license.

Project FAQ

Q: How Pycopy differs from other Python implementations?

A: Pycopy is intended to be a small, minimalist implementation of the
"core of the Python language" (in some definition of the "core"). Beyond
that, the aim is to be extensible, to be able to support features of other
Python implementations. Pycopy is particularly intended to write software
(and extensions just mentioned) in Python. This may sounds as oxymoron, but
it's a matter of fact that other implementations have too much of their
functionality implemented in other languages (e.g., in C for CPython). This
is a discouraged approach for Pycopy. Instead, for interfacing with non-Python
libraries, it encourages the use of FFI (Foreign Function Interface) and
flexible import extensions.

Q: How Pycopy differs from other *small* Python implementations?

A: Please see previous question for general information on how Pycopy
differs from other Python implementations. Regarding small Python
implementations specifically, a common issue with them is that they
structure and represent themselves as niche, special-purpose systems,
and oftentimes implement very bare subset of Python. Pycopy isn't
just "Python for microcontrollers" or "Python to embed in other
application". First and foremost, Pycopy is a general, and
general-purpose, language, suitable for developing any kind of software.
Which can be even used on microcontrollers and embedded in other
applications (without growing them too much), but it's not limited
to that in any way. Pycopy strives to cover as many systems as possible -
from clouds down to tiny IoT devices. And project's attention and focus
is also shared among them according to the functionality and value
particular areas may offer. For example, microcontrollers are neat cute
things, but you can do only so much with them, so they represent maybe
20% of the project focus.

Q: Current focus of the project?

* Code optimizations.
* Continue to develop inplace, buffer and stream operations allowing
to write highly memory effiicient applications.
* Garbage collection experiments.
* Reflection features (ultimately allowing to develop optimizing compilers,
etc. in Python).
* More CPython features implemented (configurable).
* "Development/Testing" version with improved program analysis features.
* etc.